'The wedding planner' {Part 2}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


And I go on and on and on and on...


“Chunnie!! How was it!?” A flustered Junsu spotted Yoochun stampeding pass their bedroom, headed for the study and calls out to him. The king hadn’t stopped to greet his partner while the other feeds and plays with the baby in their shared bedroom.

Screeching to a stop and reversing to the slightly ajar bedroom door, the king reminded himself that he has to acknowledge Junsu whenever the boy speaks, out of basic respect. Yoochun has a bad habit of ignoring people when in a hurry. “Oh… it will be alright. I just have one more thing to do… urgently!” The king stuck his head in and answered the boy.

“Minnie ah! Appa is back. Want a hug?” The boy asked the baby while the extracting the spoon from the baby’s stubborn jaws, always trying to get ahead of himself. He isn’t educated on child rearing and development yet.

“Not now Suie!" "Not now Minnie. Your appa has something important to see to!!” The king left Junsu in a state of befuddlement, rushing into his study and emerging after donning on his full gear. Then, lumbering past the bedroom again, the king made his way to the stable while Junsu ‘waddles’ out into the corridor after him, curious.

“Baby. Can you do me a favour?” Yoochun stopped abruptly and back tracked again, meeting up with Junsu this time. The boy nodded cutely. “You go look for Yun after dinner and tell him that his bride and your hyung are ambushed by bandits… and I am going there save them… but I need his backup.” “Try to act as nervous and sound as urgent as possible!” Yoochun knows he will be having a handful with the two lovebirds and since Junsu is idle, he could use some extra help.

“AND DON’T WAIT FOR ME!! I WILL NOT BE BACK UNTIL TOMORROW AFTERNOON!!” The king shouted without looking back at Junsu, who is staring at his shrinking back view from a distance.


POV from Yoochun

This troublesome pair!

It’s time for me to step out and do something. Yun have always had my back, and that makes him appear smarter than I am. The truth is, many tend to underestimate my intelligence quota because I have him is my spokesperson. I will show everyone how capable I am now. They will be amazed!! I am the king of the united territories after all!

Since my words don’t work, I will have to do something radical.

Honestly, I don’t really know why I am so involved and passionate about playing the matchmaker!! If not for Su, I probably won’t be here, doing this thankless job of deceiving my best friend. I am the king for god’s sake!! Since when was I expected to do all this as a part time job?

Anyhow, I need to see this person called Jaejoong. I have met him before, but he never spoke. I can’t tell if he hates me or something like that, since his face is like a piece of polished marble slab. White and stiff. I can, however, tell that he was really afraid of Yun. He was avoiding Yun… but I just thought they were a simply case of prison guard and prisoner. Looks like I am mistaken.

Jaejoong… what is this person made of? I have to admit that he is very… well… he looks like a rigid stone statue, cold and emotionless even though there are no flaws, aesthetically speaking. I don’t know. Since when is Yun the type to like someone for their face and the face alone? I reckon the guy is something! Still water must really run deep in their case. I will have to test waters.

Nevertheless, if this Jaejoong guy is only going to hurt Yun… then I won’t advocate for them to be together either. I have the ability to stop everything… and I will do my best to get them back on track if they are really in love. It’s still too early to pass any judgement at this stage. Yun is definitely head over heels in love with that fella… and I want them to work out. BUT, if it doesn’t, I would rather they deal with the pain once and forget that the entire saga ever happened.

Sometimes, I am relieved that my Suie is just a big kid. He loves genuinely… without any form of hesitation. Fierce and passionate. Towards everyone around him. I won’t know how I will react if my Suie is like Jaejoong too.

However, I will definitely NEVER use lame excuses like loving someone is to want the best for them… or wanting them to be happy. I am the king… and I am not Yun.


The next dawn… somewhere near the northern border…

“HALT!!!” “PULL OVER!!!” A man in armour as well as his escorts surrounds a lone cart and it’s guards, in a bid to pressurise them to stop in their tracks.

A tall man emerged from within the carriage, weapon in hand as he stands defensively in front of the entrance. “WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?” The person is obviously anxious and a little intimidated. The sky is still a murky grey mixed with a tinge of blue, making it difficult to see without proper lighting.

Waving a torch at the jumpy person, the other on his horse, encircled by his own armed escorts, lowered his head to shorten the distance between their faces, allowing a clear view of his face behind the helmet. A gasp can be heard by the person as he sees someone he recognises. “Park... Your majesty?” The person is surprised, but no longer in dismal.

“Junho. I will need you to turn around and follow me back to the capital.” The king spoke, eyeing the carriage, indicating that he will need the carriage to come along as well. The general is baffled, and a little apprehensive about the king’s purpose for wanting such a thing. Following Yoochun’s eyes, Junho confirms that the king is pointing out to the healer in particular.

“Eh? Your majesty. What might be the matter?” The general is afraid that Jaejoong might be charged for something else, hence being required to return to receive his due punishment. Thinking about how he wants to help Jaejoong escape if the latter is indeed in trouble, the general is unable to think of anything aside from persuading Yoochun to let it go, again.

“I need his service.” The king replied plainly and Junho heaved a sigh of relief. However, remembering that Jaejoong is picky about his clients, the general is feeling disconcerted.

“Jae. Wake up…” the general immediately sticks his head into the carriage opening and pats the sleeping person on his dainty feet. “Jae… the king is here to seek audience.” Junho tried once more and Jaejoong stirs.

Clambering out of the carriage slowly, Yoochun is startled to see how different Jaejoong looked, when compared to the last them they met. The healer is visibly paler even though he was already nearly translucent before. He had lost a fair amount of weight over the months as well, before being allowed to leave, due to the morning sickness and loss of appetite. “Long live his majesty.” Jaejoong paid the due respect in a soft voice as he gets onto his knees.

“Do away with the formalities and follow me.” The king said rather demandingly before turning around, as if leading the way without even obtaining their consent. Jaejoong immediately frowns, jabbing Junho on the ribcage, and giving the general a questioning stare as the other mouths the reason to him, earning a deeper crease between the eye brow.

“Your majesty. Pardon me for asking… but who might be the client?” Junho wanted to stop Jaejoong from inquiring, but the stubborn person functions strictly by his own principles.

“It’s Yun. He is badly injured in an assassination attempt.” Yoochun answered without pausing or considering, with his back still facing them He did not even sound displeased because of Jaejoong brazen attempt to question his orders.

Observing Jaejoong's immediate reaction from the corner of his eye, Yoochun is positive that he saw the healer gulp. He did not miss that barely audible gasp either. Smiling to himself before turning to face them again, Yoochun got himself immersed in the ‘play’ he had carefully planned, feigning a grief stricken person as he tries to earn more sympathy from Jaejoong. The king is a good actor. “I came here as fast as I could… the royal physicians say they can’t completely staunch the bleeding. Only you can save him!! Take it as a request from me! You will be rewarded handsomely!”

“Where is the bleeder?” The healer asks as he inches forward, obviously more than just sympathetic. His brows are furrowed as he looks at Yoochun anxiously. At this very moment, Yoochun knows he can proceed with his plans to reunite Cleopatra with Anthony.

“Somewhere here!!” Yoochun continued his act and pressed his palm to his clavicle dramatically. Junho, who had been taken in by his lie once, is totally convinced yet again. The man never learns his lesson. Also, Jaejoong, who is usually cautious not to trust anyone too easily, is too worried about Yunho to care about the fact that Yoochun may be lying through his nose.

“Junho. We have to go back.” The healer gave in to the pressing need to be by Yunho’s side and urges the general to start driving the carriage in the opposite direction, back where they came from. However, seeing how all the horses have somehow transformed into donkeys with the carriage strapped on, the healer is afraid that he might not make it back in time. He does not want to take any chances.

Requesting that the carriage driver to get off the horse, the healer tried to mount the horse, despite Yoochun and Junho’s vehement protests. Junho ended up volunteering to make Jaejoong his pillion. Yoochun is amused to see how the healer would look so concerned, egging Junho to speed up.

With part one of his task nearly complete, all the king need to do now is to bring Jaejoong to the location he had specifically prepared for the couple to reunite again. Part two will soon follow when Junsu succeeds.


POV from Jaejoong…

I totally lost track of the passing time while traveling. This rarely occurs to me since I am usually very time conscious. I know exactly when I need to do what, and precisely when it’s required of me… but not anymore. Listening to the monotonous sound of the rumbling wheels go on and on, inadvertent since my ear is pressed to the floor of the carriage, I stopped caring about what time of the day it is.

I simply slept like a log most of the day… and whenever Junho brings any food near me, I will just end up barfing. I hate this! My gullet is sore and I reckon that it’s already damaged by the gastric substances. That stuff is nasty!! If only I can eat a little… to sooth my stomach’s discomfort. I miss the days where I would binge to distract myself!

Having no idea where I already am, or what time of the day it is, I was disorientated when Junho got me out to meet someone, who had apparently travelled all the way just to see me. Park Yoochun. I was still wondering what he was going to do to me… since if he hadn’t agreed to pardon me, I will be serving my ‘life imprisonment’ sentence under that… under him.

However, there isn’t really any joy, relief or even happiness in my heart about when allowed to leave. How can I not feel that way after finally getting to escape from him? Isn’t that what I have always wanted? I don’t know anymore.

He… he was so sad. I even had the urge to just stay… but since I am supposed to want to leave, I forced myself to. Who in the sane mind will gladly agree to stay with his nemesis? I must be insane. I thought I was just insane… and a little not right, mentally… so I did what is the logical thing to do. I left him. But why do I feel this way after doing what is best!?!

My chest is hurting so much when I left!! It felt like something is suffocating me even though I actually got to take a weight off my chest. That was more unbearable and burdensome. I don’t feel like speaking… I can’t get anything down my throat… and I am positive that even water tastes weird. I must be really sick… and probably not physically… since that is one of the phases a pregnant person goes through.

Must be the hormones!! Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself…

I digressed. I tend to do that a lot nowadays too. Where did the cool and strong Jaejoong disappear to?

Anyhow, as much as I am in denial and debating about how much I want or don’t want to return to his side, my newfound freedom of choice is restricted yet again. It’s early in the morning of a brand new day… and I had to receive bad news like this. That really ‘made my day’ in a bad way… ironic… since I am supposed to be glad that he is dying.

The truth is. I am not given a choice. Park Yoochun did not state it in a ‘please choose’ manner. He was telling me to just shut up and follow him. For some reason, I know if I want to defy his order, I can very well go ahead and do it… but I don’t want to. I just don’t feel like being stubborn this time.

No. The fact is, even though I hate to admit it… I am genuinely more worried, above everything else.

If he dies… how will I feel? I won’t be able to accept that!! BUT WHY DO I CARE?!!

Whatever it is, my purpose of following Park Yoochun back is purely to find out more about his current condition. Just to take a look!! No other intentions!! Definitely not to see him again!! I don’t miss him!! And I’ll repeat… I DON’T miss him!


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*