Friendship rules...?

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

An update for today!

Do stay and read... and forgive me if there are any errors anywhere. I don't have the spare time to edit more. >////<

Thank you for your kind comments and also the subscriptions! *hug*


The next day… in the afternoon…

“Jae!! You alright?!” A worried man the healer’s back while the person vomits into a bush nearby. Gagging as he grabs onto the clothes at his chest, the sick person’s face is evident of the suffering he is going through. Morning sickness can’t get any ier, and it’s just getting started.

Throwing up again, with obviously nothing but clear gastric liquid left in his churning stomach, the healer sank to the ground, drained of all energy to even purge once more. The journey back north had been progressing so slowly that they have only just quartered the distance of their entire journey. Junho had made sure it is so, since Jaejoong isn’t exactly fit for travel.

Lifting the person up from where he sat, the general quickly transferred the healer back to their carriage, positioning the sickly person to lie on the warm padded flooring inside. Then, cleaning the person’s pale face with a piece of damp cloth, the general got in after and simply sat in silence, waiting for the healer to doze off.

“Junho… what should I do?” The healer is feeling exhausted, but unable to rest since random thoughts of Yunho just wouldn’t stop plaguing him. Like a past he can’t erase, the healer is very affected by his own sudden departure, unable to put everything behind him. Yunho’s broad muscular back, which was the last thing he saw, kept popping into his mind, even in his dreams.

‘Please.’ The final word Yunho had said to him sounded really pained and the healer’s heart ached whenever it replays itself over and over in his ears. As much as he does not want to admit that he has a certain attachment to the man, Jaejoong cannot detach himself completely.

“What should I do?” The healer repeated in a weak voice, drying his face of tears with his sleeve as he turns his back towards the general. The other does not know the appropriate response, so he just sat like a mannequin.

You never know how much you love something until it’s gone. Or rather, someone. Jaejoong sort of understands the meaning of this sentence now, though he still wouldn’t classify his feelings as love. He never knew to see the good side of Yunho while they were together, since he was wired to be an unfeeling person that he is. Nevertheless, with Yunho more or less permanently removed from his side, the man cannot seem to contain his unusually overflowing emotions. He attributes the cause of his lovesick syndrome to his damn hormones.

“I will take care of you.” The general spoke at last, as if offering his condolence. The healer processed his sentence with a serious look on his face, before making a conclusion that they are not the same. Yunho can satisfy his emotional needs, but Junho cannot. The need to feel wanted on a spousal level. Like how one would seek affection from his fated other half.

Keeping his feelings bottled up like he always does, the healer simply shut himself off and lay in a trance. Even Junho has no idea how to react whenever he does that. Only Yunho was close to ever making him talk under such circumstances.


Meanwhile… in the palace…

Junsu is lying face down and on his bed, still in a slumber even though it’s well into the afternoon, when he is awakened by a soft probing at his back. With a small piece of something soft rolling all over his exposed back and resting on his arm, Junsu wondered what the thing is, since Yoochun doesn’t feel soft no matter the part of his anatomy.

Prying open his heavy eyelids with much difficulty, the boy has to adapt to the sudden bright sunlight invading his room through the small opening by the window. As soon as he is done, a small face blocked off his view of the room and his immediate surroundings. The face is unbearably cute, with huge brownish pupils and a very pretty nose as well as mouth, which is dripping drool as the small white stubs lines his short pink gums.

Gurgling happily to see Junsu staring at him in the eyes, looking a little startled, the ‘thing’ placed his short stubby hands on his mother’s ears and tugged at the boy’s longish brown hair. “Kyuu!!” The baby cooed as the proud mother’s lips break apart into a bright smile, sticking his tiny fist into the older person’s mouth.

“Yah!! Minnie ah!! Let your umma sleep!!” A man then bursts in through the doors, headed to the bed anxiously after spotting the baby’s movements. The baby’s father had apparently left the previously sleeping baby by the mother’s side, but the moment he is gone, the baby is awake and active. The man can never run an errand with a peace of mind.

“It’s alright Minnie appa… I was already awake.” The mother defended the child. Caressing the baby by the cheeks, the boy clacked his tongue to induce a cute gabble from the child. “Try saying good morning to your appa.” “AP-PA” “UM-MA” The boy took his time to teach the baby how to speak, oblivious to the fact that the child is too young.

Sliding out from beneath the sheets, the boy noticed how stark he is and hurriedly pulls the covers over himself again, shutting the partition to shield himself from the man’s direct field of vision. “Chunnie… I need… Can you pass me something to wear?” The boy then requested and the man acceded to his request.

Parting the two pieces of silk curtains, the man stuck his hand in and placed a garment made off beautiful embroidery beside the boy as the person inside plays with the baby. Disgruntled, the father is feeling unhappy that his son is robbing him of his partner’s attention yet again. So, stationing himself outside, the man urged the boy to get dressed instead of procrastinate.

Watching Junsu emerge from within, still cuddling their son in his thin arms, Yoochun could not but smile. Remaining seated as the boy nuzzles the baby’s belly with his face, the mother is grinning gleefully as well, from ear to ear. “Chunnie… I need to see Yunho hyung today…”

“What for?” The king asked while retying the bed curtains to the edge of the bedpost.

“Yunho hyung is getting married. I wish to tell him that myself.” The boy replied cheerily, lifting baby Changmin in an up and down motion, making the baby squeal with joy.

“WHAT?! WHEN?!” The king almost shouted.

“You are getting him a wife, remember?” The boy pouted and the baby imitated him. Soon, both mother and son have their eyes trained onto the baffled man as the other narrows his eyes, deep in thought. Finally recalling the edict he just wrote under the influence of lust clouding mind and the tightness at his groin, the man made an ‘o’ with his mouth, raising an eyebrow at the mother-son pair.

“What’s the name of the bride again?” Yoochun can almost remember writing Yunho’s name, but he has no recollection of the other name involved in the decree. He can barely remember the content aside from the name of his friend shouting out to him now, from his memory.

“My uncle.” The boy answered and baby Changmin cooed in agreement. “Yunho hyung likes him. And they are having a baby too.” The boy added, much to Yoochun’s dismay.

“They are WHAT?! WHEN?! Why didn’t anyone tell me anything about it?!” Yoochun frowned dramatically, pitch rising and lowering with equal consternation.

“Well. You know now… and you are helping me marry my uncle off.” The boy smiled sweetly.

“Oh crap.” The king exclaimed.

“Don’t worry Chunnie. Yunho hyung will appreciate you a lot after this.”


POV from Yoochun

This is so shocking!! A rude shock to be exact, hitting me right between my eyes!! Aigoo!! My head!!

I can’t really remember what I wrote… so I will need to recheck it again. But then again… the royal messenger just left… OH GOD.

Well… what in the world did I write anyway?! No no no… What exactly did Junsu say again?! I can’t seem to recall!! All I can remember is Junsu’s… nevermind…

Holy… son of a… man… I still can’t really comprehend what Junsu meant when he was talking about Yunho becoming be a dad too…

Since when did Yun knock someone up as well?! How come he never breathed a word about his experience in bed? Wait a minute! Has this got something to do with why he asked me for tips on how to perform better in bed? Don’t tell me he has been sleeping around because his elderly parents need a grandchild soon!! That punk is being too darn selfish by keeping that secret from his best buddy!

He never even told me, his best friend forever, that he is having an affair!! What type of a friend does that?!

Come to think of it. Junsu did say the bride will be his uncle… as strange as that may sound… However, I’ve just granted Junho permission to bring their uncle back north yesterday… so what happens next?

Suie wants his uncle to get hitched to Yun… but Suie’s hyung is obviously not too approving… and what about their uncle then? Does he like Yun too? Shouldn’t be difficult right? Yun is a high quality product… and I really don’t see how anyone will want to reject his advances.

Also… what about me? What type of a mess have I gotten myself into? I really need to see what I wrote!! I can’t afford to be blamed for a matchmaking gone wrong!! I will be damned if the two people involved doesn’t even fancy each other!! Is this just a prank on Suie’s part?! Why would Suie want to do this to me anyway?! Revenge?! I thought that is way behind us?

Wait! Why am I questioning my dearest? I need to have some faith in my Suie! If my wife thinks they are suitable for one another… than they are! No questions asked! Even if Yunho doesn’t like the uncle… or vice versa!!

But but… Suie is barely adult!! What does he know about relationships?! AIGOOO!! He should just let the adults handle their own business!!

However, HOWEVER, if Yun really has a child, that will be great news wouldn’t it?! I will need to plan for our children to be engaged to one another or something like that right? Isn’t that what royal families do? Make plans for their children’s future? My appa most certainly did… not… since I was too rebellious, especially whenever he discusses about those related topics.

Yun’s descendent will most definitely be as smart as him, so I have to make a booking first. Minnie can choose not to follow our arrangements, but at least I tried to give him the best.

Wait!! Why am I thinking about all this now?!

Park Yoochun ah!! What has last night’s humping done to you?! It must have been too enjoyable… to affect my thought processes.

Anyhow, marriage is a good thing!!


Later that day…

Spending one whole morning to convince Junsu to stay in bed since the boy can barely walk right, the king succeeded after swearing that he will personally see to it that Yunho gets a wife. Junsu kept insisting that the couple is in love, and that they have to be together, so Yoochun is left with no choice.

Rushing to his next destination, which is Yunho’s house, the king is apprehensive. He does not wish to break the promise he had made to his queen-to-be, lest there be consequences he does not ever want to pay.

“Yun ah!!” “Are you in there!?!” A worried friend shouted for his best buddy as he slams and kicks at the other’s bedroom door with destructive force. The said man emerges from within his bedroom just before the king could break anything, looking like his entire family as well as extended family just died. “My door is expensive.” The man muttered lifelessly. He had been drinking, but not too intoxicated since he is known for his ability to drink like a fish.

“WHUA!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!” The king almost screamed at the sight of his dishevelled friend. Yunho did not even bother to shave or do his hair, allowing the blackish clamps to dangle awkwardly, covering his stubble laden chin and sunken eyes.

“I’m fine.” The man mumbled as he ushers his friend in for tea while he himself retreats to take a seat, moving like a zombie as he himself sits slouched on a stool, dunking the cups of wine between breathes while the other stares.

Watching his friend move like an old person and sigh like a hundred year old veteran, the king can’t help but feel anxious. Patting his friend on the back, the man wanted to inquire about the reason for his drastic mood change, but he knows the other will not give him a truthful answer.

“Hey. I have something to tell you.” The king tried to start a conversation after a good hour or so. He cannot afford to sit and stare into the space like his depressed friend, since he had promised to report back to Junsu as soon as he is done.

“Can’t that wait?” Yunho replied sounding almost impatient and Yoochun is a little taken aback. Yunho never says ‘no’ without a valid reason, so Yoochun assumes that being despondent is a good enough reason.

“I… It about you, so if you want to wait… then we can… NO! Erm… I need to tell you this today.” Yoochun stammered, but confidently, stabbing his index finger on the table top.

“… If you insist.” The advisor suspired like an old man again and Yoochun could not but frown.

“YAH! Jung sshi!” “I think I am more entitled to sigh!” The king ranted. “Since when do you conceal your dating status from a friend?! Huh?! Good friend!! Mind you!!” The king is starting to sound like a nagging old hag.

Yunho’s expression immediately takes a darker turn as he looks away from the king while the other speaks. Ignoring Yoochun’s constant demand for an explanation, the advisor remained tight lipped, looking as though his soul is somewhere else, wandering around. The king senses his frustration at the mention of that particular topic and quietens down moments later. Dread washes over the king subsequently as he infers Yunho’s reason for looking so down and out.

“I’m single again.” The advisor confirmed the king’s worst fear and Yoochun had to choke back a curse.

“How did that happen?” Yoochun questioned cautiously. However, before Yunho can give a reply, after an awfully long pause, a loud rattling at the door of the room they are startled him into jumping up onto his feet.

“Sir Jung Yunho. Please come forward as respectfully as if in the presence of his majesty and accept the royal edict!” A loud voice sounded and Yoochun can feel his hairs stand on his arm. He recognises the voice. The royal messenger is finally here with the message he just forgot he had written, and he has a feeling things are going to get ugly.

Yunho simply raised an eyebrow at him before placing his cup onto the table. "You have something to tell me so badly that you have to send a messenger even though you are already here?" The advisor asked, bemused as he takes a whiff off the garments on his back, before wrinkling his nose at the strong stench of dried up alcohol. But nonetheless, he still proceeded to pull up his hair into a bun and make his way over to the door.

“This is Jung Yunho present. Long live his majesty!” The advisor is still able to walk straight despite the over drinking, kneeling low onto the ground as stealthily. Yoochun is awed, but that also means Yunho is still very clear headed, which is not good news.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*