Leave... so you can return and love for a new reason. {Part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

A triple update for today cos it's friday!! Actually... it's a triple because I won't be able to update until next week. :(

Anyhow, do stay and read!!

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!! *bows bows* 

Special thanks to @haewl1395 and @cuteyoungsaeng... and @uw1m4-weema for your first comments on this fic. (I think). Forgive me if I have made a mistake! Btw... why are your users so... complicated!! Gahhhh!!! How do you remember them!? Kidding

Do stay and read! I think 60 will be the max amount of chapters!! I will succeed in squeezing everything within the given amount of chapters!!

Ciao~ xoxo


“Changmin ah! Umma will think I am bullying you again if you keep crying like that… please please just stop making a fuss and eat.” A father spoke urgently as he tries to pacify his son with a mash of sweet pastries and everything that smells and tastes good. The baby isn’t picky, but his father wants the best for him.

“Chunnie.” A soft voice addressed the father while he tickles the baby’s chubby armpit, distracting the wailing child, causing him to gurgle cutely instead. Turning around, the man’s heart leapt again at the sight of his precious someone. “Hyungie is waiting outside. I will feed Minnie.” The person removed his coat gracefully and made his way over to the father-son pair.

“Oh. Okay.” The man answered awkwardly before getting up from his son’s side, leaving the room. Straightening his armour, which he wears even during peaceful times, due to an old habit, the man circled his lover once as the person reties his wind-blown hair. Deciding if he wants to have a feel of the other before leaving, the king is very tempted.

“Chunnie. I need to ask a favour of you.” The smaller person stopped the man in his tracks with a request. “Can you give me some time later?” Asking again since the king just stared at him with a queer expression, the boy tilted his head to one side adorably and the man briefly decided that he had spent too much time apart from his lovely partner.

“Alright.” The king spoke and added. “Anything for you, my love.”

“Then… can I look for you in your study later?” The smaller person inquired coyly this time and the man can feel a smirk creeping across his face.

“No. I will be back. Just wait for me here.” The man wanted to hold the boy immediately, but since they have guest, he has to refrain from acting inappropriately. Suppressing the pressing need coming from his core, the king forced a smile. “Give Minnie to the nanny after you are done so we can talk in private when I return.”

“Can’t Minnie stay?” The naïve person asked an innocent question, having absolutely no idea what the man meant by ‘in private’.

“He will distract me.” The man replied, casting the baby a glance while the disgruntled child stares back, as if knowing what his father has in mind. The unsuspecting mother of the baby nods his head.


POV from Yoochun

Life is blissful for me now.

My son is growing up fine… and my family is functional. Not exactly expanding since I don’t want my wife to suffer, but I am genuinely happy with our current state. Appa will be proud of me. I am finally settled down and also got myself a person to love and commit to for the rest of my life. That was all appa would talk about during his last few months.

How I wish appa can be here for the one last most important thing, my matrimonial ceremony. I plan to officially add my Suie’s name into the royal family tree and heritage. That is an essential ritual. Crucial not just because it is an acknowledgement of my devotion, but also the recognition my partner deserves. I am King of the entire country after all and Suie will be my one and only beloved queen.

I still remember how I almost made a pact with the devil for his life back then, but it all got better the moment he woke. I even thought he might not recognise me or remember me since rumours had it that if anyone injured on their heads were to wake, that is probably because they are possessed by the wandering spirits instead of being their real self. At least he seemed acquainted to me.

He even gave me a hug and held onto me like a clingy child. That’s when I know I am actually important to him as well. My existence is finally significant in his eyes!! The joy of finally reaching that stage in this relationship!! My hard work and heart aches were not for naught!

There is a plan for a lavish ceremony coming up in the next few weeks, but I want to make it a surprise. Also, since I got to know from Junho, my lovely Suie’s birth date, I intend to celebrate the occasion together. This is the first time I ever thought of throwing a celebration for a specific someone other than appa, and I want to make it as grand as possible. Should I make it a festival… or maybe a marked date on the calendar?

Anyhow, all this is thanks to Yun, but I have yet to meet up with him. If he hadn’t brought the saviour over to help, I would probably be beyond devastated by now. This friend of mine really knows how to be a good friend. I am thankful for his existence as well.


In the meeting room of the palace…

“Park Yoochun!! I mean… Pye-ha…” Junho is all ruffled up since it had been a long time since he last spoke to the king. Nearly forgetting their status difference, the general almost shouted at Yoochun, while the man takes his own sweet time, but quickly changes his way of addressing the king. Holding himself back, Junho initially intended to rant on about how Yunho is mistreating Jaejoong, but quickly decided that since the king and the man in question are best buddies since young, Yoochun will surely take Yunho’s side.

“What is it that you want to see me for? … Your majesty.” The general is still not used to communicating on friendly terms with the king. All they ever did was try to bump off one another, so, seating opposite to each other and having a peaceful ‘tea session’ isn’t something Junho had in mind, ever.

“I plan to marry Junsu when spring arrives… If I may…” The king replied calmly as he fidgets around, equally uncomfortably. The duo is simply not used to interacting without any use of profanities or raising their voices. Hands subconsciously wrapped around the handle of their swords, both man faked a ridiculously courteous front around one another, appearing almost coerced.

“Ah. Oh.” The general stuttered a little as he puckers his brows. Yoochun immediately sees it as an indication of disapproval even though the general’s mind is actually blank. The man tends to process sudden information influxes a tad slower than usual people, especially when taken aback.

“I will make it grand for sure. Fit for a queen.” The king added dumbly after the general frowns some more. He is truly just thinking about how he can find his father and step mother in time, to attend the ceremony, but Yoochun is interpreting his facial expression wrongly.

“You haven’t forgotten about that incident have you?” The king could not stop himself from questioning the general, referring to the incident where he was supposedly going to get himself an empress to piss Junho off. “I can swear that I’m not a player!” The agitated king even got up as he spoke, causing the general’s eyes to widen at that claim, before he tries to explain himself while Yoochun wears that bitter expression.

“That? No no no. I was just thinking about how I can find my parents.” The general rambled on stupidly. “Are you sure you don’t fool around?” Curiosity still kills the cat. Junho sees no better timing to explore the topic of infidelity with the king, but is silly to do so. The man isn’t gifted with the talent to articulate tactfully when the occasion calls for it.

Slamming his cup on the table so hard that the small porcelain cup shatters, the king glowers. Then, he cuts his own palm with the broken shards by crushing them further with a single hand, before opening his tightened fist and extending his arm towards Junho to showed him the bleeding but shallow gashes. “I am one who stays true to my words. I will NEVER marry another for as long as I live.” The king promised through clenched teeth, face stern and hardened.

The general grins and gulps down the content from his own cup. That is warrior talk, and Junho is very comforted by that. Apparently, he would rather see blood to believe, compared to any dandy boy promises. The king smiled as well as their mood somehow lightens up, baffling the servants around them. The bystanders were actually expecting to witness some form of bloodshed.

“Give me permission to seek out my parents. The midget probably misses them.” The caring brother took up the responsibility of making arrangements for the attendance of his family while the king takes charge of overseeing the proceedings.

“Granted.” The king took a new cup from the tray and swallowed its content as well, wetting his hand with the wine in the process, to wash off the blood. Junsu isn’t going to be pleased to see the lacerations.

“Also. Bast… I mean… Sir Jung. He is… never mind!” “… I wish to bring my uncle back to the north if possible.” The general stood to leave at first, but quickly sat down again, to ask Yoochun for that favour, keeping in mind not to backstab Yunho unnecessarily.

“Hmmmm. I gave Yun permission to hold him because he kidnapped Minnie before.” The king replied, scratching his head a little before signalling the servants for a refill. “I can’t just allow him to go free.”

“Your majesty… Jae is… ill. I wish to bring him home to recuperate. I know he is a criminal too, but he is Junsu’s uncle… and he saved Junsu… so.” The general has a good mind to bring Jaejoong away, since he does not want Yunho to hit the other anymore. Junho is feeling upset beyond words after the abuse he just witnessed earlier on in the day. He is adamant on helping his uncle who also happens to be his best friend and saviour. “He is not a dangerous bandit or anything… and the people back in the north need him as well.”

“You have a point there. Do as you deem fit then. Just let Yun know I agreed to this.” Yoochun does not know about the intimate relationship between the healer and the advisor. Seeing that Jaejoong is of no threat to him, the king is willing to oblige. Yunho never told Yoochun anything about Jaejoong either, even though they are best friends forever.

Satisfied, the general left.


Meanwhile… back in the Jung’s residence…

“Sir. The medicine is ready.” A servant of the estate knocked on the door hesitantly, on the errand to deliver the prescribed medicine to Jaejoong’s quarter, for the healer. Yunho is nodding off in one corner while Jaejoong slept on the bed. They have not interacted since Junsu and Junho left.

Eyelids fluttering open, the healer is awakened by the soft rattling on his door, but did not dare to startle the sleeping Yunho. Almost getting off the bed, the healer reminded himself that he might endanger the foetus if he were to start walking so soon and quickly lies back down to rest.

Pressing his fingers to his wrist again, Jaejoong almost smiled when the tready pulse is indicative of a life still growing within him. Rubbing his hands on his abdomen in a circular motion, the healer hugged himself and tried to return to sleep despite the incessant and annoying knocking at the main door, but the servant is being too persistent.

Climbing out of his nest slowly and cautiously again, the frail Jaejoong exits his bedroom before inching over to the main door by holding onto the walls for support, shuffling his feet past a snoozing Yunho quietly, hoping not to wake the man. “What are you doing out of bed?” A harsh voice caused him to jump out of his skin. Making his way back to the table with the bowl the servant had delivered, the healer hadn’t noticed that Yunho is awakened as well.

Grabbing the bowl from Jaejoong, the owner of the voice stared fiercely at the healer while the other bites his lips and ducks out of sight, slipping back to his bedroom. The person, Yunho, follows and quickly shovels the healer up into his strong arms, transferring the small frame back to his bed. Without saying a single word, the man then went and returned with the concoction.

Jaejoong is terrified by the thought of Yunho feeding him something nasty again, but somehow, Yunho’s eyes reflected something different. Jaejoong cannot tell what the exact emotion is, but he can sense that the advisor is not going to do anything bad.

Sitting in silence, the two did not speak. Jaejoong found himself almost enjoying Yunho’s presence, as the man sits a few feet away, not looking at him. This is the second time that this someone is beside him when he is taken ill and unable to perform activities of daily living independently.

He was unable to appreciate Yunho’s tender loving care before, but he can somehow do that with ease now, strange enough. Especially when the man would do small insignificant things like placing a palm firmly behind his back and support his bowl for him so willingly, holding the object with outstretched hand without retracting even when they are tired.

Within the dimly lit room, since it’s already well into the evening, the healer is still terrified by the thought of what Yunho might do to him, but through the trauma, the healer is also reminded of how gentle Yunho can be. As if being able to temporarily forget how the man had been extremely rough with him before, the healer can’t help but feel comforted that Yunho is still beside him, even though he had hurt the advisor as well.

‘Yunho did not leave me despite what I did.’ ‘Yunho does not see me in a negative light no matter what I have done.’ That was all Jaejoong could think of. The healer never knew he was so conscious of how Yunho views him. He was so into getting rid of the child before, never really considering the aftermath, and how he will have to face Yunho as well as himself, the healer is actually feeling thankful that there isn't a tragedy.

These feelings are partially brought forth by relief that his baby is still alive. Akin to being given a second chance though he had been a naughty boy, Jaejoong is glad that his impulsive actions did not result in the irreversible.

Apparently, rashness runs in the blood of the entire Kim family. Now, Jaejoong knows that.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*