Ugly truth {Part 4}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side

Hi! ^.^

An update for today!

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions! Also, a special thank you to the special you(s) who have commented for the first time on this fic! (I really lost track this time) *bows*

Do stay and read! *bows*



Jae isn't actually abused or anything like that... 
His character is just more complicated in a 'weird' way. Picture him as a tough nut, difficult to crack, yet his insides (within the nut) are actually very soft/ vulnerable. He is primarily afraid of getting hurt since he is faced with to all those who are constantly trying to get fresh with him, all his life.
His icy facade is just for display, hopefully to keep anyone with ill intents away from him.
Yunho, being so damn persistent and a total beast kinda broke his shell and invaded his entire being, and that scares him. He just isn't used to being so 'exposed' in front of someone at this point in time. Their relationship will have to be rebuilt, and it is possible, since Jaejoong is 'inherently attracted' to Yunho (like how @Sylvia14 puts it), hence allowing the man to touch him at the first place.
Do ask again if the need arises! Tehee

Have a nice day everyone!


“HELP!” A flustered Junsu started running all over the place, latching onto the servants and asking for their help as they scamper around as well, colliding into one another in an attempt to do their jobs.

Junho is still at Yunho’s neck, and the advisor is not about to let the man interfere either. Body slamming Junho into a tree nearby, the advisor showed his real prowess by walloping his opponent so hard that the man saw stars. Be it out of annoyance or hidden jealousy, Yunho did not hesitate to go all out at Junho, allowing himself to treat the man like a punching bag.

“YOU!! THAT’S WHY I SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT HIM WITH YOU!!!” Junho shouted between breathes as he fights back relentlessly. The advisor is even more incensed, since Junho is starting to sound like Jaejoong’s beau or something close, even though they are supposedly related by blood.

“HYUNGIE!! STOP IT!! YUNHO HYUNG!! STOP IT!!” Junsu could not stand the two people any longer and lashes out at them for the first time. Everyone present is aware that Jaejoong is bleeding, but no one knows where he was bleeding from. Assuming it’s from a grazed knee or elbow, the two paid more attention to settling the scores. “JAE HYUNG WILL DIE IF YOU GUYS DON’T HURRY UP AND HELP ME OUT HERE!!”

The word ‘die’ flicked the stop button and before Junsu can blink, both men are by Jaejoong’s side, staring at Jaejoong with concerned expressions. Bending down, the advisor reaches for the healer and turned the healer’s curled up body to face him. Blood is pouring out from beneath Jaejoong as he struggles to stay awake, gasping for air as his pallid face turns almost translucent, skin cool and clammy.

“JAE!!” “GET OFF HIM YOU BASTARD!!” Junho has had enough of Yunho bullying his uncle and shoves the man aside, engaging the man in a fierce shoulder rubbing session as they fight each other to get the healer off the ground. The healer’s eyelids parts, face contorted with pain as he tries to focus between tears and sweat.

“Jun… ho.” Jaejoong stated his preference pretty clearly, and Yunho could feel his heart sink. Anxious to know what is happening, the advisor stuck close to Junho as the man carries the healer up the steps as fast as he can, even though he himself is dripping epistaxis from Yunho’s assault.

“JAE!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” The general repeats non-stop, as they approach the house. Jaejoong nods weakly and lets out a cry of agony when the general accidentally twists his lower body the wrong way. Watching Junho and Jaejoong interact, the advisor is undeniably upset and green with envy.

In a fit of jealousy, the advisor butts in and wrestles with Junho for the healer, snatching him over from Junho’s princess cradle. Jaejoong can feel Yunho’s heart beating fast against his cheeks as the man presses him close to his toned pectorals, possessively. With a strange feeling of remorse and shame washing over him, the healer felt the sudden urge to apologise to Yunho. After all, he did indirectly jeopardise the advisor’s life with the foolish suicide attempt.

Akin to someone who is at the end of life, the healer has, unexpectedly, many unexpressed thoughts and sentiments to share with Yunho. Not all negative things, though not entirely pleasant. Jaejoong can feel the life slipping out from within him, but instead of feeling relief, there is only dread and compunction. As if having his life hanging on the thread has a mind-clearing effect on him, the healer is somehow more lucid and sane at this very moment, compared to how he had been for a whole four months.

Placing Jaejoong onto his own bed gently, the advisor looked into the healer’s eyes as the man returns his gaze, eyes glassy and moist. “I-I’m… I’m sorry.” The healer apologised for the first time and Yunho stiffens in response, focusing his attention on the source of haemorrhage as he employs use of his big frame to block off the bystander’s view.

Gasping when he realises that Jaejoong is indeed bleeding, but not from any ordinary laceration or abrasion, the advisor’s hands trembles as he backs away from the bed. “Are you?” The man asked as tension builds between the two. The healer shakes his head at first, shrinking away from Yunho, but he eventually nods when the man slams a palm on the bed post, causing the bed to vibrate a little.

Akin to being attacked on the head with a weapon, the brutal reality of their circumstance hit Yunho so hard that he had to steady himself with the bedpost, overwhelmed by sadness. ‘Jaejoong does not want the baby.’ Yunho is saddened beyond comfort.

“You intended to kill the baby all along didn’t you?” The advisor questioned through clenched teeth as the healer remains silent, face turned away from the advisor. As much as Jaejoong has the sudden urge to ask for someone to save the foetus, he is also hoping that the foetus might already be dead. The healer is torn, especially after seeing Yunho’s reaction towards his actions. Jaejoong is consumed by guilt as he watches the man stagger across the room, looking thoroughly disappointed.

Even the healer himself has no idea why he is feeling so concerned about how Yunho views him now. He does not want the man to see him as a despicable person, no matter how many times he reminds himself that the advisor will finally leave him be after this incident blows over.

As for Yunho, he has done linking the pieces together. The advisor now knows Jaejoong’s ultimate motive wasn’t to commit suicide, but to do something equally heinous. His view on the healer will possibly be changed forever, but he is aware that he is partly the one to be blamed as well, if they really lose the baby. Concluding that they are indeed never meant to be, the advisor felt crushed.

“Let the baby go!” The advisor spoke after a long while, much to the dismay of everyone present, especially Jaejoong. The physicians called in to attend to Jaejoong were shocked by Yunho’s outburst as well. “Don’t save it.” The advisor repeated himself while everyone just stare. Stopping whatever they are doing, the physicians stepped back as Yunho stares into the space blankly.

With eyes watering, the healer seems to have finally straightened his thoughts out. “Save… save it.” Jaejoong counteracted the order feebly with back facing everyone present. The atmosphere within the room remained tensed as the sullen face of Yunho remains. No one moves, but Jaejoong’s random plea is as heart wrenching as it ever gets. Junho even doubted his uncle’s mental state.

“What for?” Yunho spoke after a brief moment, causing Junho to spring up from where he is seated and charge over to where the advisor stood, ready to draw blood.

“SMACK!” A tight slap landed across the despondent Yunho’s face, issued by the most unlikely person this time around. Even Junho is stunned. Snapping his head down, the advisor is wide eyed to see that his assailant is none other than Junsu. Standing a head shorter than the advisor, the boy’s face is clearly reflective of rage as he fumes adorably.

Then, walking over to Jaejoong, who is still curled up into a ball, the boy sat beside him and shook him by the arm like a little boy asking for something. Now, every ‘bystander’s’ attention is diverted to Junsu, who is puffing up his cheeks and turning Jaejoong to face him.

“Jae hyung! The baby is innocent! How could you?!” “You were the one who fought with me to get Minnie out no matter how much I didn’t want him, you were the one who pushed me on!” “I’m so disappointed in you!” The boy started his speech, raising his voice to an inhuman pitch which even his own brother has no idea he possesses. Jaejoong’s guilty conscience just became more of a nag.

“Yunho hyung!! You have to stop bullying Jae hyung!! If you want him to love you, you have to stop hitting him!!” “I know you don’t mean it, so stop doing such stupid things!” “Where is that gentle hyung that treated Minnie so well?” The boy lectured Yunho as well before turning back to carry on to do a part two for Jaejoong.

“Jae hyung!! I know you like Yunho hyung!! Just stop denying it!! You are not a statue so surely you will have feelings too!! Stop playing hard to get and open up to Yunho hyung already!!” Jaejoong’s eye widens on Junsu’s insult and he could not but stare at the boy as though he is some incorrigible creature. Nevertheless, the healer is too weak to retort, so he simply closes his eyes and try to recover from his nephew’s hurtful comment.

“Both of you are SO stupid!!” Now, both Yunho and Jaejoong are feeling incredibly insulted. However, before they can add on any rebuttal, the boy is waving for the cowering physicians to come over and continue their job. Not even Jaejoong or Yunho has the right to refuse. Junho simply gawked.

“Hyungie! You stay out of this!! Something is bound to happen every time you interfere.” As soon as the physicians are done stabilising the foetus, the boy drags the general out of the room with him, leaving the silent couple to deal with their relationship issues.

“Hyungie. Let’s go back. I need to get Chunnie to write a betrothal edict.” The boy rants on with resolve as he pulls his brother along. “Minnie is probably waiting for me already… and Chunnie wants to see you too.” Junho is impressed by how much motherhood has shaped his baby brother, who is no longer a whining kid but a thinking adult.


POV from Junsu

What they say about the ones not involved usually sees the happenings more clearly is true.

It is simple. Both Yunho hyung and Jae hyung each need to take a step back and deal with one another in a more harmonious manner. They are perfect for one another… they should be able to see that by now right? Yunho hyung is definitely still deserving of our pretty uncle… even though he did beat him.

I heard Hyungie say before that Jae hyung would never allow anyone he really dislike to touch him, so I am sure that he has some form of an attraction towards Yunho hyung. It’s just that he doesn’t see it and he most probably won’t admit it. I mean… Yunho hyung is a very attractive person, with a great personality… and to see him behaving so out of the worldly is just perplexing!

He will never do this sort of thing to anyone else, and I think he just isn’t the terrible type of person. Jae hyung must have pushed all the wrong buttons and caused him to act like that. I can see that Yunho hyung is being hesitant whenever he does hit Jae hyung as well… since his hands would actually tremble when you pay close enough attention to them. He was probably the most heartbroken when he acts so roughly towards Jae hyung.

It’s not as though I don’t understand how Jae hyung feels… I was once a victim of Chunnie. He broke more bones in me than the ones I sustained by myself added together over the years… but I still love him the same now. Chunnie is a more unrestrained and wild man to begin with, though his personalities and character have improved tremendously. Yunho hyung on the other hand, is headed in the complete opposite direction… and that is a very bad sign.

Both of them need to see that they are just struggling against their attraction for one another just because. There probably isn’t even a valid reason causing them to face off so stubbornly. Yunho hyung is too into Jae hyung, and he needs to give Jae hyung some space, whereas, Jae hyung needs to stop denying that he is already highly attracted. That is not good for his mental health.

Nevertheless, I still think Jae hyung have crossed the line this time. Abortion? I am not surprised that Jae hyung has a similar problem as I have… but I am surprised that he can be so cold hearted.

I did think of getting rid of Minnie by running against a wall back then… though my boy doesn’t have to know that fact… I digressed. Anyhow, I couldn’t… and it’s not just because I cannot get off the bed. It’s supposedly human nature to feel terrified of killing an innocent being. I couldn’t… so I am a bit surprised that Jae hyung could.

Hate isn’t an excuse. I don’t know what happened between them, but they have to stop being so ridiculous.  I hated Chunnie before, but even that, it is still possible to fall in love. Minnie helped us a lot… so if Yunho hyung and Jae hyung are to reproduce, then it will be good for them wouldn’t it?

I think it’s time Chunnie gives Yunho hyung a hand… and do Jae hyung a favour.


POV from Yunho

Unbelievable! Simply unbelievable!!

For a moment, I couldn’t believe it when I saw him headed for the stairs. He looked as though he was going to do something real stupid… or rather, that was the first idea I got. A gut feeling. He appears so confused… as if not knowing what he wants to do next. Something close to being possessed.

Then, as I’ve sort of expected, he threw himself off at the edge. It has crossed my mind before that he might try this type of a stunt one day or another… since he is probably dying from the isolation. I didn’t want to lock him up either if I had a choice. Who would do something so cruel to the person he loves?! I only wanted to be a little more selfish once in this life time… but it seems I have pushed him over his limit.

Instincts guided me to break his fall… since I am way tougher than his bag of bones for a body. I buffered the impact for him and we both ended up fine… and so I thought.

Then I lost my temper again. I hit him twice. That is so terrible of me… but what do you expect me to do? Smile at him and pat him on the back for doing a good job at trying to kill himself? I was immensely pissed at him. He did not even consider that I will become the most heartbroken creature in the world. Wait. He probably wishes for me to die regretting… and suffer for the rest of my life.

The worse part about the whole saga is when I realised that he is bleeding our baby away. I never knew he was carrying our child up till this very regrettable moment.

The thing is, I have been trying my best to toggle around ways by which I can get him to surrender himself to me… and I do admit that I am a very selfish lover who doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer… but isn’t that just how it is when one is madly in love?

I haven’t been nice to him… but how do you define nice in this case?! Allow him to leave?! That will only happen in a million years! If you truly love someone, you would want the person to be happy right? BULL!! I don’t believe in that saying. Love sure as hell made me the most self-centred person in the world, and I never knew I was this covetous. I am too domineering for my own good… but that’s just the way it is.

I need a drink! Can’t think straight right now!


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*