Chapter 27

「if only it were real」


you's eyes widen in disbelief. "A-America?" Woohyun nods. "I'm planning to quit INFINITE and leave there to live with my grandparents." you shakes her head. "Quit INFINITE?! Eh? Why?!" Woohyun sighs, and looks down. "It wasn't all my decision... But Woolim needs some people to leave the company... There's already too many people in this company and they can't afford to continue like this, so they're sending some others to other companies. They've already sent the trainee group "Hysterie" to continue training in Cube Entertainment, and they only need one person to leave now - so I volunteered."
you's eyes start to tear. "A-Aniya... Infinite will only be a six member band now... Yah, don't leave... Maybe they'll find someone else to..." Woohyun shrugs. "What if I don't want to be a Korean pop celebrity anymore?" What he said hurt you in a way. Woohyun had the singing voice that she was madly in love with, and now she'll never hear it again when he leaves. "Woohyun Ah..." she grabs onto Woohyun's arm, but he lightly brushes it away. "I'll have to start preparing myself to forget you, you. I love you." Tears start to pour out of you's eyes. "Woohyun!" He smiles, and leaves her there, crying in pain.
you's Point of View
Why... Why must it be him?! Nam Woohyun...above all people... Must he always break my heart and make me cry?! First I lost him as my boyfriend, and now... He's going to completely disappear from my life... Eotokke? Is there really something that I can do? Or is it really time for me to finally let him go...? 
* * *
you sits in her chair in the makeup preparation room. She stares at her crying reflection, sorrowfully. She has finished acting out all the scenes she had with Woohyun, and it was now the time when he could go home - meaning that he was ready to fly to America any time now. She is really going to miss him... But now she has to turn to Myungsoo, who she knows that he will take care of her and love her. Suddenly, the door slowly opens. "you?" It was her Coordinator Unnie, JilSuk. "Mr Jung Yonghwa wants to speak to you upstairs..." you wipes away her tears. "Chincha?"
Jilsuk nods. "He's probably gonna confess to you, y'know, so be prepared." you smiles. "Ahahahaha, I don't think so, Unnie..." you exits the room, and walks up the stairs to where she's meet Yonghwa, but..there was no Yonghwa anywhere... Two girls walk up to you. "You~ Aren't you MYUNGSOO'S GIRLFRIEND?!" One of them yell, changing her sweet tone to an angry sharp one. you nods her head. "Neh, Wae? Is there something wrong with that?" you walks around her, but the girl grabs her arm again.
"You aren't going ANYWHERE that EASILY! Jaehyun! Give her some of that!" The other girl gets a green bottle and opens the lid. It looked like alcohol. One held you back, and the other force the alcohol down . "DRINK IT!" After you finished the bottle, they threw her to the floor, as she suddenly felt very dizzy... She gets herself off the ground, and slowly heads towards the elevator. Her vision is still VERY BLURRY. She enters the elevator, feeling sick. 
"Ah! you, are you okay?" Sungyeol asks as the elevator door closes. But to you's eyes, it wasn't Sungyeol... it was Woohyun. "Woohyun Oppa..." she whispers walking closer to Sungyeol. "Oppa, don't leave me... I love you..." She grabs Sungyeol's chin, pulling him closer. "Umm, you?" Sungyeol stutters, getting nervous. you presses her lips against Sungyeol's. She wraps her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. The kiss broke when she collapsed on the floor. "you!"
* * *
Sungyeol started to worry, because the elevator had stopped moving, and you was still unconscious. "you?" He whispers, shaking her body lightly, but that was no help... He searches for his phone once again, remembering that he left his phone in his bedroom. "Aish, I have no choice..." Sungyeol sighs, and searches you's bag, looking for her phone. While searching, he finds a hand written letter for Woohyun. "Hm? What's this about?" Being the nosy and naughty boy he is, he slides the letter in his pocket. He finally finds you's phone and calls Woohyun. "Hyung... I'm stuck in an elevator..."
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seriously, gaise... pls comment ! eheh, i wont update 'till @ least 5comments


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Smileonce133 #1
The picture part in intro is not really sungjong right? If it is, where is this photo from
7spiritinfinite #2
Daebak! The name of the leading girl is my username! Hahaha.
Chapter 30: Why woohyun why??
come back please~

Update soon~
I want end up with WOOHYUN..
Chapter 30: Not gonna lie, the end of the chapter made me cry ;~;
Chapter 4: Update soon ,pleasssseee ^__^
Chapter 29: YES YES YES ^ GO JAE RI ! ! <3
Chapter 29: Update soon~
Chapter 28: wow daebak i like the new poster , haha , but waaah~ woohyun oppa ! TT ^ TT i like woohyun better ! D;
Chapter 28: Woohyun oppa kajima..please~
Chapter 27: Update soon~