Chapter 17

「if only it were real」

Double Update ^ ^! 2nd update for the day, hehe! Thankyou for reading & subscribing. Many thanks to the readers who also comment ~ I'd like to see more comments, please? Just to see how we're going.. LOL, so here we are... Chapter 17 - The Beach. BTW people, don't worry :') I don't plan on ending this fan fiction soon.. :3 You'll have heaps of moments with Myungsoo later on, and who knows.. You might end up with him! ♥



;The Next Morning;

"Jae Ri Unnie... Wake up, now. I think Myungsoo Oppa's waiting for you. Oh, I'm heading down to the beach with the others, okay? See you there!"

This morning was the first time you has ever woken up earlier than any other girl in South Korea (joking ;D).

Jae Ri snaps awake, and rushes out of the bedroom.

"Myungsoo Oppa~ Are you waiting for me?" she cooes, sweetly. "Well, I'll be ready in a second's  time~!"

Myungsoo focuses on his phone and composes a new tweet on twitter.

"waiting for the witch to get dressed."



;Meanwhile at the Beach;

It was another nice day at the beach, and everyone decided to enjoy their time at the beach before shopping after lunch.

They were going to need new clothes to change into tonight, and tommorow. Today was Wednesday, and they needed clothes until Friday morning.

you wore her pink bikini swimsuit today, with white denim shorts and a light green loose shirt.

She was on her phone, tweeting to her fans, iHEARTchuu. (haha, just had to make something up there..)

"what a lovely day~ enjoy today with a smile! :)"

She giggles, when she sees Myungsoo's tweet about Jae Ri. 'What an odd couple,' she thinks to herself, and puts her phone away. She takes off her shorts and green shirt.

She slowly walks into the water, feeling the cool mini waves splash against her skin.

you suddenly feels a pair of strong arms wrap around her body. "W-Woohyun Oppa!"

She blushes, and covers her face.

Woohyun chuckles, still holding on to her.

"Why? What's wrong? You are mine, aren't you?"

you turns into a deeper red. "Oppa! Stop it~"

Woohyun laughs, and continues to play around with the others in the water.

"Where's Myungsoo?" Sunggyu asks. "and Jae Ri?"

Everyone shrugs their shoulders.

"Probably having fun together," Hoya jokes, and continues splashing water at Dongwoo.

Sungjong walks to you and hugs her. "Nooooonaa~" he says, smiling. "Noona, I'm sorry for last night... I really shouldn't of played Truth or Dare..."

you shakes her head. "Ani, it's okay . After all, my Sungjong is still a baby~"

Sungjong smiles, but deep inside, he doesn't want to be called a baby by you. He wants to be known as someone who can protect her too - a man.

"Yah, Lee Sungjong! Time's up!" Woohyun says, pushing Sungjong away, then hugging you.

"It's my turn~" he says and pokes his tongue out at Sungjong. Sungjong pouts, and does aegyo.

"Nooonaa~ Hyung hurt my feelings..."

you pushes Woohyun, making him fall down, and runs to Sungjong.

"Sungjong Ah! You're so cute~!" she says, squeezing his cheeks.

"Yah! and I'm not?!" Woohyun yells, spitting salt water out of his mouth. "you ahhhh~" he says, using his aegyo.

"Aniya! Sungjong's aegyo is cuter. Maybe I'll just stay with him." you says, hugging Sungjong tighter.

"Yah! Nam you!" he yells.

Everyone turns their attention to Woohyun.

"Nam you?" Sunggyu asks, eyes wide opened.

Woohyun walks up to you, and pulls her forward to a kiss.

"Ew!" Sungyeol squeals, and turns to face a different direction.

Jae Ri and Myungsoo have just arrived in time to see them kiss. Myungsoo is staring at them, with his heart ripping to pieces. 'Just...stop this...' he thinks to himself, about to cry. 'I don't want to see any more.'

Jae Ri pouts. "Oppa, why can't we do that? Why can't we kiss for real? Oh, I want a kiss from you so badly!"

Myungsoo ignores her, and continues watching her and Woohyun, who are now happily splashing water at each other and Sungjong.

"Well, they sure do know how to have fun!" Jae Ri says, stepping into the water. "I'mma join them~!"

Myungsoo watches Jae Ri step into the water.

'To believe that I was actually in love with you once...I'd be crazy. What did I see in you back then? What was so good about you...? Right now, I cannot see a single thing that I can fall for...'

Suddenly, Myungsoo feels someone pulling his arm.


"Come on, Myungsoo Oppa! Let's have fun~!"

Myungsoo smiles, and follows you.

Myungsoo and Sungjong splash at eachother non-stop, and have fun like they used to. They are best friends, but somehow, Jae Ri is the only thing that keeps them apart due to her clinginess.


'Omg , what? Did she just make Myungsoo smile?! Aish! Why can't I do that?! I'm prettier, right?!'


She slaps herself, and Hoya and Dongwoo laugh.

"Haha, Jae Ri, you should do that more often!" Dongwoo says, holding his stomach.

She pokes her tongue out at them, and decides to sit down at the sand instead. She picks up a stick nearby and writes: Kim Myungsoo, please.. fall in love with me~

Sunggyu, behind her, sees what she wrote and laughs. "Jae Ri. Chincha, hahaha, you make me laugh..."

Jae Ri scoffs. "What's so funny, though?"

"Instead of writing it on the sand, why not write it in his heart?"

Jae Ri's eyes furrow. "Write it in his heart? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means to make him fall in love with you."

Jae Ri sighs. "That's just impossible." she looks at Myungsoo having fun with you. "He only laughs and smiles with her."

Sunggyu nods. "Yeah, I understand that. Just be yourself. If he still can't smile, you just have to let him go."

Jae Ri looks down at her feet. "...Letting go...."

She looks up at Myungsoo, having fun. 'It shouldn't be hard at all for him. But for me... It's like letting go of my whole world.'



;Later on;

"Listen up! As you know, some ordinary people also use this shopping centre, not only you guys. So it'll be weird for you to walk in a group of nine. Instead, I have sorted out 5 groups. Sunggyu and me, Dongwoo and Sungyeol, Hoya and Woohyun, Myungsoo and you, and Sungjong and Jae Ri."

Jae Ri smirks. "Oh, so that means that Sungjong and I will be going to buy the same sort of things! Wow~ that makes things so much easier!"

Sungjong and you glare at Jae Ri.

"Yah, Unnie! That's too harsh.."

Sungjong runs to you and hugs her. "Noona, wish me luck..."

you winks. "Heehee, I know you'll need it."

Woohyun puts his arm around her waist.

"You better buy pretty clothes, okay? And call me when Myungsoo is being annoying, arasseo?"

you nods and smiles. "Oppa, I know you're just worried, but don't worry. Myungsoo's gonna take good care of me, right , Oppa?"

Myungsoo nods. "Don't you worry, Hyung. I'll take care of your BABY." Myungsoo teases.

Woohyun's cheeks start to burn, so he grabs Hoya's arm and starts walking away.

you blushes as she watches her childish boyfriend walk away.

Myungsoo laughs, and they decide to start shopping. 

"you, we'll buy your clothes first, arasseo?"

you nods. "thankyou, oppa."

They walk into a store full of cute clothes.

It didn't take long for you to find her picks. "oppa, which one?" She asks holdinh up a white dress and a pale pink dress.

"Try it on." Myungsoo suggests, pointing to the dressing room.

you walks out of the dressing room in the white dress. She looks beautiful and angelic, but a bit too plain.

Then she walks out in the pink dress, looking like a woman made of pure perfection.

"That one looks better." myungsoo says grinning.

you nods. "neh! I agree! I'll be right back~." She says heading to the counter.

Myungsoo stands up, and before she could reach for her wallet, Myungsoo pulled out his money and payed for it.

"Yah, Oppa..."

"Heehee, you guys are cute." The woman says behind the counter. "how about I give you both this?" She says holding up a couple necklace

The two gladly accept it. "kamsamnida!"

Myungsoo and you laugh on the way out of the store, because the lady doesn't know who they are.


you receives a text message from Woohyun :"  Yah, Nam you, are you ok? Did that Myungsoo do anything bad yet?"
you giggles and texts back: "Yah! Nam you?! Seriously... Who said I was getting married to you?! :P Myungsoo Oppa is great, though, very helpful and sweet, and nice, and cuutee..."
Woohyun texts back right away: "CUTE?! NICE AND SWEET?! YAH, Nam you! AREN'T I BETTER THAN HIM?"
you giggles, and doesn't text back. Instead, she walks into the next store.
Here, again, she found the dress she really wanted, and found another that she also wants to buy. The shopping for her is finally finished.
"Myung Oppa~ I'll pay for this one, okay?" you says.
She pulls out her wallet, but Myungsoo beats her to it.
The girl at the counter gasps.
"Kim Myungsoo and Kim you?! Is it official?! I thought you were dating Nam Woohyun..."
you smiles. "Ani, Myungsoo and I are only friends~" she explains.
The girl nods. "Can I have your autographs?! I'm sure it'll give us many customers!" She says to you and Myungsoo.
you writes: "Annyeong! you imnida! Aren't the dresses her so pretty? Heehee, thanks for shopping at BEAUTIFUL TARGET!"
Myungsoo writes: "I'd really like my girlfriend to wear many dresses from here. -Kim Myungsoo."
After leaving the shop, hundreds of girls shoot into the shop.
;40 minutes later;
It was time to buy Myungsoo's last outfit, and Woohyun and Hoya seemed to be in the same store.
When Hoya sees her, he tells Woohyun.
Woohyun watches you from where he was standing and smiles. 'She's so cute...'
Myungsoo steps out of the dressing rooms, and you comes closer to him, less than 5cm away. She fixes his shirt and smiles.
"You look so cute and perfect~"
When they walk over to buy it, he realises something. 
There was a bag that Myungsoo was holding that read: "Couple Mania", which was a famous place which couples usually went to for dates...
Woohyun's eyes widen, and he slaps himself. 
'Why didn't we just follow her around everywhere?!'
"Myungsoo Oppa! I'll be right back ~ I want to buy something for Woohyun Oppa at Couple Mania."
Myungsoo nods, and waits for her. In less than 5 minutes, you returns with a plastic bag.
"I bought something for you to give to Jae Ri, too!" She says smiling.
;End of Flashback;


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seriously, gaise... pls comment ! eheh, i wont update 'till @ least 5comments


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Smileonce133 #1
The picture part in intro is not really sungjong right? If it is, where is this photo from
7spiritinfinite #2
Daebak! The name of the leading girl is my username! Hahaha.
Chapter 30: Why woohyun why??
come back please~

Update soon~
I want end up with WOOHYUN..
Chapter 30: Not gonna lie, the end of the chapter made me cry ;~;
Chapter 4: Update soon ,pleasssseee ^__^
Chapter 29: YES YES YES ^ GO JAE RI ! ! <3
Chapter 29: Update soon~
Chapter 28: wow daebak i like the new poster , haha , but waaah~ woohyun oppa ! TT ^ TT i like woohyun better ! D;
Chapter 28: Woohyun oppa kajima..please~
Chapter 27: Update soon~