Chapter 21

「if only it were real」

OK , I know hardly any of you are probably reading this now, because Myungsoo has been pushed away for a while. But guess what ? HE'S BACK AND YOURS AFTER THIS CHAPTER! <3 PLEASE COMMENT ; NO SILENT READERS ALLOWED.




"I'll call Hyung now, okay? We might be able to go back now." Myungsoo says, pulling out his phone, then dials the number.

"...Hyung?" he says, after Woohyun answers the phone. "...Okay, we're  in front of the Teddy Bear Workshop."

After hanging up, Myungsoo leans back into the chair again. "We'll just have to wait for them."

you stares at the ground, feeling like her heart is about to break.

'What if the same thing happens again?' just as a tear slides down her eye, Woohyun and Sungjong arrive.

"You guys! She's back. can you believe it?!" Sungjong says, infuriated.

Myungsoo shrugs, and you just nods. Woohyun takes a seat beside you.

"you, I'm really sorry that you had to remember this again... But we cannot let our relationship be known to her, arasseo?" Woohyun says, being careful of what he says.

you nods, but looks away. "Arasseo."

"I knew it."

Shocked after hearing the familiar voice, Woohyun immidiately turns around , and sees his Aunt staring at him with eyes of hate and fury.

"I knew that you had lied to me, and you've GONE TO THE SAME GIRL!" she yells.

you doesn't know what to do. She just sits there, eyes glued to the floor.

"Auntie, I-I--..." Before Woohyun finished his sentence, Myungsoo butts in.

"She's MY girlfriend, not his." Myungsoo says calmly, pulling you closer to him.

Woohyun's eyes widen, but nods, after knowing that Myungsoo is helping him.

Woohyun's Auntie's rage minimizes, but she still stomps off in frustration.

Woohyun watches his Aunt walk off,  and then turns around, to see  Myungsoo hugging you in his arms.

He doesn't stop him this time, because he really thinks that he shouldn't be with you anymore ..

"Hyung, let's head back before anything else happens," Sungjong says, walking towards the exit.







"But so what? That doesn't mean you guys should not be together!" Jaeri says,  brushing her hair infront of the mirror.

you shrugs her shoulders.

"I mean, how does she have the right? She's only his Aunt! And she probably only cares about his image - nothing else!"

you nods. "But Unnie... What if we have to break up?"

"BREAK UP? Pshht! That's non-sense!" Jaeri slams the brush down. 'You'll go to Myungsoo when you break up? THEN DON'T BREAK  UP.. Myungsoo's mine!'

you sighs, and walks outside the room. Woohyun is sitting on the couch, and he stands up.

"you, let's go for a walk together."

Not saying anything, you follows him to the beach.

Suddenly, Woohyun stops. "you, I love you very much.. More than anything else in this world.... I want you to know that, even if we have to break up... You know that we were never allowed to date eachother...."

Before Woohyun could continue, you speaks up.

"I-If loving you is wrong... I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT!" she yells, making Woohyun shocked. you was just really heartbroken.

you starts to cry, making Woohyun tear apart.

"I-I forget that we ever existed...." you says, looking away.

you feels light raindrops hit her arms, but she cares the least about it right now.

Before she disappears from his sight, Woohyun pulls her into a last kiss, which she breaks after 3 seconds.

It starts to rain, and gets heavier each step that she takes away from him.

Woohyun starts to cry, and falls to his knees.


Making her way back to the dorm, you is drenched. Even worse, her tears cannot stop.

As she walks in, Myungsoo stands from the couch. "you! What happened?"

you could not answer, and just walks to her room.

"Oh, you're-- yah! what happened?!" Jaeri exclaims, after seeing you soaked. "...Wait, don't tell me that you guys broke up..."

"...Then there's nothing to talk about. Unnie, my best friend is missing, and..I lost Woohyun... I don't know what to do..."

Jaeri, watching you sob, feels guilty for what she did to Yuri.

After you falls asleep, Jaeri decides to call the man she payed to torture Yuri.

"...Hello? Yes, Mr Lee? Let Kwon Yuri go now, but make sure that she tells no one, or Kim you will disappear from her life forever, got it?" After the phone call, she feels someone grab her arm.

"M-Myungsoo Oppa! Wh-What are you doing here~?" she asks, trying to play innocent.

"I heard everything, Jaeri. If you hurt you, you'll be dead in a split second."

Jaeri gulps, and walks off.

Myungsoo sits beside you's bed, and watches her sleep.

'She's been through a lot today... Maybe I should let her rest.'

Walking out of the room, the rain finally stops.







you wakes up with a headache, and makes her way to the kitchen. Maybe a little water can help.

Sunggyu, Sungjong and Myungsoo look up as she turns on the tap.

"Noona! Are you okay?" Sungjong asks, worriedly.

"..Neh, I'm okay... Don't worry about me."

Sunggyu speaks up this time. "Where's Woohyun?"

you doesn't answer this time. "Yah, where is he?"

When Sunggyu asks again with a stronger tone, Sungjong and Myungsoo nudge him.

"...He was outside." after saying this, you walks out of the room.

She walks downstairs, wanting to walk around the place, which'll make her calm herself a little more.

Myungsoo, who rushed after her, pulls her into an embrace.

"you, please don't cry anymore... I don't like seeing you hurt... If he makes you cry like this, you know he's not the one... No one's worth your tears."

you hugs Myungsoo, thankfully. "Thankyou, Myungsoo Oppa, for always being there for me..."

Myungsoo nods. "It's alright, you... But I want to tell you that I've fallen for you again... I want to be the one to protect you from times like this... you, I'll be waiting for your answer tonight."



*Getting the boring stuff out of the way. Urgh , too much drama! D: 




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seriously, gaise... pls comment ! eheh, i wont update 'till @ least 5comments


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Smileonce133 #1
The picture part in intro is not really sungjong right? If it is, where is this photo from
7spiritinfinite #2
Daebak! The name of the leading girl is my username! Hahaha.
Chapter 30: Why woohyun why??
come back please~

Update soon~
I want end up with WOOHYUN..
Chapter 30: Not gonna lie, the end of the chapter made me cry ;~;
Chapter 4: Update soon ,pleasssseee ^__^
Chapter 29: YES YES YES ^ GO JAE RI ! ! <3
Chapter 29: Update soon~
Chapter 28: wow daebak i like the new poster , haha , but waaah~ woohyun oppa ! TT ^ TT i like woohyun better ! D;
Chapter 28: Woohyun oppa kajima..please~
Chapter 27: Update soon~