Chapter 22

「if only it were real」


Sorry guys for a short update - RAN OUT OF TIME! Please comment; no silent readers allowed.




During dinner, Myungsoo and Sungjong sat beside you. Woohyun sat across her, making her not look up at him.
Everyone was silent, with everyone looking at Woohyun and you.
Breaking the silence, Dongwoo asks, ”What’s up with you two? Don’t you guys wanna sit together?”
you and Woohyun look up at each other, making each other almost burst into tears.
you gets out of her seat, and walks to the girls’ bathroom, as Hoya nudges Dongwoo.
Jaeri stands up and follows after her.
you stands in front of the mirror and stares at herself, crying.
When Jaeri enters, she sighs. “Why? Why did you guys have to break up, huh?”
you shrugs. “…It’ll be better for Woohyun and me.. We’re not even allowed to date… When my parents died, my mother said to keep away from the Nam Family, but I’m obviously ignoring what she told me!”
Jaeri’s eyes widen. “Why… What’s between her and the Nam Family?”
“I don’t know…” you whispers.
Jaeri and you both stay silent for a while, and then Jaeri speaks up.
“You may say that this is better for you and Woohyun, but it’s not better for me. Since you’ve broken up with Woohyun, you’ll be running off to Myungsoo instead! …If you and Woohyun continued to date, I could probably win his heart back again!”
Jaeri heavily sighs before leaving the bathroom.

“So what happened in there?” Hoya asks as Jaeri comes back.
“…You don’t wanna know….” Jaeri whispers, taking a seat again.
Soon after, you came back again, in time to eat with the others.
you,” Myungsoo whispers when everyone started talking to each other loud enough. “Have you made your decision?”
Before saying anything, you remembers what Jaeri said to her.
‘I don’t want to make Unnie mad, but I don’t want to make Oppa sad…’
you decided to turn him down for now.  
“Oppa, I love you very much ^ ^ But maybe a little while after, because I just broke up with Woohyun Oppa…”
Myungsoo nods, still happy. “Chincha? It’s alright.”
you flashes her eye smile after seeing Jaeri show her the thumbs up from behind Myungsoo.
‘But what’ll happen to Jaeri Unnie if I do accept him? I just really wanna do anything to forget my relationship with Woohyun!’
After dinner, you’s manager speaks to them.
“Okay, listen up. We’ll all be leaving tomorrow morning as planned, so you all better sleep early. Sungjong, Myungsoo, you and Woohyun will be going to attend their last day at Dream High Performing Arts School, so you guys have to have the most sleep.”
They all nod. “Neh…”
When they get dismissed, everyone rushes to their dorm for some sleep.



you wakes up, being shaken by her manager.
“Come on, you’ve got a long day ahead of you. Time to wake up…”
you wakes up, and immediately gets ready. She walks into the lounge room to get her luggage.
Jaeri and Myungsoo were already downstairs, and Woohyun was still getting ready.
He finally got out of the room, and saw you struggling to carry her luggage.
Without thinking, he immediately lifted her luggage with his, and carried it downstairs to where  the others were waiting.
“Okay, we’re all now good to go.”

Jaeri, Sunggyu, her manager and Myungsoo rode in one car, and the rest rode in Infinite’s van, driven by their manager.
There were no more seats available, so you had to sit with Woohyun.
Everyone fell asleep immediately, before the engine even started, except for Woohyun and you.

‘All these memories I had here will always be treasured…
Especially those times I smiled with Woohyun; and those times he made me smile; and those times we kissed… I wish that it could last forever… But I guess love stories will always have endings, and this is ours.’

As they leave the beach resort, you speaks to Woohyun, who is still awake.
“I’m sorry for doing that to you… I didn’t mean to just leave you like that… I should’ve been more careful with my words… I know that it must really hurt you.”
Woohyun answers soon after. “Of course it hurt me, but of course… You had to leave me, and it was my decision… So I should be sorry.”
you smiles. “You know, I will never forget the times we had together… I had so much fun~ Even if we can’t date, we can still be friends. I would rather die than let you disappear from my life forever.”
you leans her head on Woohyun’s shoulder, and falls asleep.
A tear forms on Woohyun’s face. “I can’t believe that I can’t have you… Even if you’re right by my side…”


To be continued ...

*Thanks so much for reading ^ ^ Please comment ! ! ~


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seriously, gaise... pls comment ! eheh, i wont update 'till @ least 5comments


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Smileonce133 #1
The picture part in intro is not really sungjong right? If it is, where is this photo from
7spiritinfinite #2
Daebak! The name of the leading girl is my username! Hahaha.
Chapter 30: Why woohyun why??
come back please~

Update soon~
I want end up with WOOHYUN..
Chapter 30: Not gonna lie, the end of the chapter made me cry ;~;
Chapter 4: Update soon ,pleasssseee ^__^
Chapter 29: YES YES YES ^ GO JAE RI ! ! <3
Chapter 29: Update soon~
Chapter 28: wow daebak i like the new poster , haha , but waaah~ woohyun oppa ! TT ^ TT i like woohyun better ! D;
Chapter 28: Woohyun oppa kajima..please~
Chapter 27: Update soon~