Chapter 19

「if only it were real」


Okay, Okay.. This update might be boring , but I just can't think of anything, ok?! Haaah, mianhae.. maybe i'm just tired...


Everyone is now standing at the meeting place, waiting for Myungsoo and you to come back.
"Aish, what's taking them so long?" Sunggyu asks in frustration.
Jae Ri shrugs. "Maybe doing extra shopping."
Woohyun's body shakes at the thought of it. 'I knew it...'
Jae Ri rolls her eyes after waiting for another 10 minutes.
"Yah, I'm heading back, okay? I just can't stand here forever!" 
She walks off in her pink heels, and soon, everyone except Sunggyu and Woohyun are left waiting.
"Hyung , I'll call her one last time." Woohyun says, dialing you's number for the 7th time.
"...Hello?" finally, she answers.
"you ah! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BY 3:30!" Woohyun yells through the phone.
Sunggyu looks up at him, since he's never heard Woohyun yell this loudly at you.
"...Oppa, we'll go home ourselves, okay? You just head home now." 
Woohyun gets frustrated and hangs up straight away.
He rushes out of the shopping centre angrily, with Sunggyu following behind.
"Yah, Woohyun!" Sunggyu calls. "Where is she?"
"AHAHAHA , Myungsoo Oppa , you're so childish.. Out of all the gifts to give to Jae Ri , you want to make a collage?" you giggles, helping Myungsoo glue pictures in place.
"Neh, she loves collages." Myungsoo says smiling.
Myungsoo and you are at a workshop , making a gift for Jae Ri.
"Yes! We're done!" you exclaims, punching a fist in the air.
Myungsoo raises his hand for a hi five.
When you's hand touches his, they get glued together.
"Yah, Kim Myungsoo! Is this sticky glue?!" you asks.
Myungsoo sadly nods. "Mianhae..." 
you just sighs.. "Woohyun Oppa mustn't see us like this!"
;1 Hour Later;
"So, Woohyun Hyung, you're mad at her?" Sungjong asks flicking through the channels.
"Of course I am. She's treating today as a date with Myungsoo." he quietly answers.
Sungjong sighs. 'Would Noona really do that?'
He stops flicking through the channel when he sees you's live performance.
"Seulpeohajima... Jigeum nan yeogiseo uljima~" she sings strongly. "Saranghae.."
(Don't be sad... I'm here now, don't cry~ I love you..) ^ ^ i made it up ; not a real song!
Woohyun is about to kill himself when he saw Myungsoo and you walking together towards the dorms. It was already 4:30pm.
'What did they do together?' Woohyun thinks to himself and hits the table hard.
"Woah! Hyung!" Sungjong says, surprised by the banging. 
"Sungjong, I'll be going to bed now, arasseo?" Woohyun says, walking out of Sungjong's room. 
"Neh, arasseo."
;Later On;
"Myungsoo Oppa, here. I'll give this to you to give to Jae Ri , arasseo? When you give it to her, make sure you say something sweet, ok? Girls like it like that." you explains, passing Myungsoo all of Jae Ri's gifts.
"Thanks for the help, you." He says, opening the door. "Today was a great day."
you smiles her eye smile, and steps into the room. 
"It was nice to spend it with you~"
Woohyun hears them, and gets jealous. He forces his eyes close, after hearing the door open.
"Woohyun Oppa~ are you asleep?" you asks approaching him.
Woohyun keeps his eyes closed.
"...Oppa, I missed you~!" she says with aegyo in her voice. She plants a kiss on his cheek, and leaves the room.
She heads outside, and decides to go for a walk.
People start recognizing her. 
"Oh, Kim you! Is there some sort of relationship between you and Kim Myungsoo?" A reporter asks, holding up an image of her and Myungsoo holding hands when the glue incident occurred.
"Oh, ani. Myungsoo Oppa and I are just friends. Nam Woohyun is my boyfriend, and I really want to get to know his friends much more, especially since they are the people who make him Nam Woohyun."
The reporter nods.
you smiles, and walks off, hoping that the reporter would support the situation that she was at the moment.
'Aigoo , what's with them?! Why would they think I'd two time Oppa?!' you asks herself making her way back to the dorms.
Walking into the room, you sees Myungsoo sitting on a chair, and Woohyun standing up, yelling.
"Yah, Kim you." he says seriously. "Just what did you do with Myungsoo at the shopping centre?"
you sees that Woohyun's expression was too serious to use aegyo with, so she just seriously answered.
"..No where. We just bought our clothes." you says , confidently.
Myungsoo nods. "Hyung, she's right." 
Woohyun's temper rises. he grabs you's arm, and pulls her into the room that Jae Ri and you share.
"Yah, what is going on?!" Woohyun yells at her. "Answer me truthfully!"
you gulps. "O-Oppa, I'm telling the truth..."
Woohyun scoffs, and looks away for a moment.
"I thought that I could trust you spending a day with him." he mutters.
"...Yah, Nam Woohyun!" 
Coincidentally, the wind pushes the door shut when you yells. 
"You're just jealous! Chincha, we didn't do anything wrong, arasseo?! How could you not trust me?! And just because I really like Sungjong and Myungsoo, it doesn't mean anything that'll happen between us! Just like you and Seungyeon Unnie!"
you yells.
Woohyun looks back at her, apologetically. 
you storms out of the room, crying.
Tears were welling up in Woohyun's eyes, and he just let them fall.
"you... Eotokke? I-I think I'm too in love with you. Please don't leave me..."
Jae Ri watches you cry miserably. 
She feels guilt in her heart, and suddenly feels an urge to cheer her up.
"you ah, Woohyun Oppa must've been really worried about you... I mean, he waited for you for an extra 45 minutes hoping you guys would come soon..."
you lifts her head a little, "Mianhae, Jae Ri Unnie. You must be as upset as Woohyun..."
Jae Ri smiles, but shakes her head. "Ani, ani. Oppa told me everything, no need to worry."
you smiles and thanks her. "Thank you so much, Unnie~!"
She hugs her, and Jae Ri feels something weird in her heart.
'I must really help them, or the paparazzi will seriously get annoying...'
;Later at night;
It's dinner time, and Woohyun and you sit together, since everyone left those two seats for them ^ ^
you feels like she lost her appetite and only eats a little.
Suddenly, Dongwoo's question made the atmosphere change.
"Have you guys kissed on this holiday yet?"
Woohyun just thought that was a weird question, but you felt different. She felt hurt...
She loves Woohyun so much, but cannot imagine kissing him anymore, since he was so angry at her.
She suddenly pours into tears, and runs out.
Everyone watches you run out.
"Ah, mianhae..." Dongwoo whispers, as Hoya flicks him on the forehead.
Woohyun sighs heavily, as Myungsoo gets up. Woohyun pulls Myungsoo down, and goes after you instead.
He follows you to where she went. She stops at the beach and looks out to the sea.
Tears continue pouring out of her eyes.
"Yah! Kim you!" Woohyun calls, running to her.
Hearing his voice, you's heart beats faster and faster.
Woohyun stands less than 5 inches away from her, and she steps back, but before she makes her move, Woohyun pulls her into an embrace.
"you, mianhae... I'm sorry for not believing you and for yelling at you..."
you buries her face onto Woohyun chest, and continues crying silently.
"I hope you can forgive me." He whispers.
you wraps her arms around Woohyun's neck, and hugs him tighter.
"I...I'm sorry , too, for mentioning Seungyeon Unnie like that..."
Woohyun softens and kisses her forehead.
"No more misunderstandings, neh?"
"Neh." you and Woohyun walk back to finish their dinner, hands locked together.
'I hate fighting with Oppa like this... It just hurts too much... Maybe I should stop hanging around L and Sungjong... Would that help?'
Soon, Wednesday night ended for everyone.
The next morning, you woke up to her alarm ; which was Sungjong's part in "Be Mine".
Jae Ri yawns. "Ahh..Goood morning..." she says.
"Good morning!" you was in a bright, happy mood, and woke up earlier than usual.
She walks to Woohyun and Myungsoo's room to wake Woohyun up.
"Oppa~ , Oppa~..." she says with aegyo. "Oppa~ wake up!"
Woohyun doesn't move.
"Oppa~!" she starts hitting his back lightly. 
He rolls over, lying on his stomach.
"Oppa, wake up!" you repeats.
"'m already....@#%*#%@$..."
"Oppa, what?" She asks, not understanding what he said just said.
"@$#%£..." he whispers again.
you giggles, watching her Oppa continue speaking gibberish.
"Yah, Nam Woohyun!" she says a little more seriously. He turns around, and opens one eye.
"Baby, you know that I never have enough time to sleep~ Please let your Oppa sleep some more..."
you pouts. "Arasseo... I'll go enjoy the beach with Sungjong instead."
you stands up, but Woohyun clicks awake.
"Yah, wait for me, okay?" he says getting up. He rubs his eyes, and starts to lean back again.
"Yah! Nam Woohyun!" you shouts, pulling him back up.
"Yah, you better not go to sleep again, arasseo? I'll just wake Jae Ri up."
Woohyun nods, rubbing his eyes.
When you returns to the room, she finds Woohyun lying down, sleeping.
"Aigoo , Oppa..." she rolls her eyes. "Oppa, chincha! Wake up~" she cries. She slaps his face. "YAH~ NAM WOOHYUN!"
Woohyun wakes up after hearing her shout his name.
He sits up and hugs you tight.
"Yeobo~ Saranghae!" he says, kissing you on the cheek.
you slaps his chest. "Yah," she says, blushing, "You have to get ready now! Today is our last day at this place~!"
Woohyun nods and you watches TV as Woohyun takes a shower.
"..Kim you admits that Myungsoo is just a friend that she wants to get close to, but is that true? With all this evidence that the reporters and paparazzi have collected, it seems that Nam Woohyun and Kim you's relationship is just a fairytale."
you switches the TV off.
"Aish! Eotokke?!" Woohyun steps out of the bathroom and sees you looking depressed.
"Yah, what's wrong?" Woohyun asks, hugging her.
"...Nam Woohyun, South Korea thinks that our relationship is just a fairytale..." she whispers.
Woohyun looks down. 
"It's my fault, I'm sorry. I'll try my best to clear things up before our stage performance together."
Woohyun smiles. "you ah, you're too cute... You don't have to handle this alone, ok? Tell Oppa whenever you need him. He'll be right here." He says, holding her hand.
you smiles. "Thankyou , Oppa!" 
Her eye smile made the mood rise higher.
She glances at the clock.
"Aigoo, Oppa! That took you almost 30 minutes to wake up!" 
Woohyun laughs. "AHAHAHA, I know..." 
Guess what I'm calling the couple ? EYE SMILE COUPLE 😝
what should you guise be called? YouWoo / YouHyun / HyunYou / WooYou
Hey guys! Thanks for reading ~ I hope more comments will appear soon... NO SILENT READERS, PLEASE.
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seriously, gaise... pls comment ! eheh, i wont update 'till @ least 5comments


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Smileonce133 #1
The picture part in intro is not really sungjong right? If it is, where is this photo from
7spiritinfinite #2
Daebak! The name of the leading girl is my username! Hahaha.
Chapter 30: Why woohyun why??
come back please~

Update soon~
I want end up with WOOHYUN..
Chapter 30: Not gonna lie, the end of the chapter made me cry ;~;
Chapter 4: Update soon ,pleasssseee ^__^
Chapter 29: YES YES YES ^ GO JAE RI ! ! <3
Chapter 29: Update soon~
Chapter 28: wow daebak i like the new poster , haha , but waaah~ woohyun oppa ! TT ^ TT i like woohyun better ! D;
Chapter 28: Woohyun oppa kajima..please~
Chapter 27: Update soon~