Chapter 8 - A Plan

You Are My Target!

“Are you the new target?”

For about the tenth time I put down my lunch and glared at whoever had asked the question.

“Yeah. That's me. Now if you're done staring at me or pitying me or whatever you're doing, would you please let me eat in peace?” I snapped. The boy left quickly and went back to sit with his friends. Ever since I had got to school, everyone had started asking me questions. It seems that being Kris' new target had made me into a celebrity.

Xiumin patted me on the back. “Don't worry, I'm sure it'll only be like this for a few more days. Then everyone will forget about it.” he reassured me.

I lay my head on the desk. “I don't want to be a target!” I moaned. “Why couldn't it be someone else? I just wanted a normal school life!”

“I'm sorry Ji Eun, that's just the way it turned out to be.” Chanyeol said sadly. “I wish I could scare him off for you-” I raised my head hopefully. “Hey, I said 'wish' didn't I? No way I'm going to scare him. He scares the hell out of me!” I lowered my head with a sigh. Wishing won't solve anything at this point.

“Well if it isn't the new celebrity!” a cheery, female voice said. I looked up at the girl. She was a tall girl with curly brown hair. I frowned slightly. I don't remember seeing her around here...

“Haemi!” said Chanyeol happily. “Wow, you missed an awesome day yesterday! Oh, this is our new friend, Ji Eun. Ji Eun this Haemi. She's one of our classmates, but she wasn't at school yesterday.”

“Nice to meet you Ji Eun!” she said happily, shaking my hand. She kind of reminded me of a female version of Chanyeol; they were both extremely cheery and bouncy. “So tell me: what exactly did you do to Kris to make you the new target?”

“All I did was hit him with a dodgeball!” I protested.

Chanyeol waved his hand. “It wasn't just that simple. Listen...” and then he continued to tell an overly dramatized version of how I beat Kris at dodge ball. I shook my head, although I secretly appreciated how he made me seem a lot cooler than I actually was. After the story, Haemi clapped her hands excitedly.

“That's so awesome! Aish, I really wish I had been there.” she said, pouting. “But now what are you going to do about him? Hit him with another dodgeball?”

“Actually,” Chanyeol said. “We had an idea to make him fall for her first, but she wasn't really enthusiastic on that one...”

“Damn right I'm not!” I said.

Haemi grinned. “Well, maybe you don't exactly have to make him fall for you...” she said evilly. “Maybe you could just make him jealous?”

“Make him jealous how?” I asked.

“Well, maybe you should start dating someone else!” she exclaimed.

“Me? Date? But I've never even had a boyfriend before!” I said nervously. “How am I going to get a guy?”

Haemi giggled. “Well, I guess it doesn't have to be a real one. Just get a friend or classmate to act as your boyfriend so that Kris thinks you're not interested!”

A fake boyfriend? I guess it's not that bad. Much better than attempting to seduce Kris.

“Now you're only problem is to find a guy to be your boyfriend!” she said slyly. “Got anyone in mind?”

I looked around the classroom. I only got here yesterday, so I'm still unfamiliar with everyone. The only ones I really know are Chanyeol and Xiumin. I looked over at them.

Chanyeol raised his hands and shook his head. “Sorry, but no. No offence, I wouldn't mind being your boyfriend-” he gave me a cheesy wink, “But I'd rather not involve myself in this.” Xiumin nodded in agreement.

“Well that's just great. Now who's going to help me?” I sighed.

Haemi only gave me a smile and said, “Don't worry about it. You're actually pretty lucky. Seoul High may not be the fanciest school in the country, but we do have one thing that makes us special.”

“What is it?” I asked, confused.

She grinned. “Hot guys of course!” She grabbed my hand and led my out of the classroom. “Trust me, you'll be able to find a guy here in no time!”



I wish I was that ice cream.....;D

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Chapter 28: This was my favorite story back then, and still is my favorite story right now. I miss this story so much ;-; I had to come back and read it again. This story is literally the best story ever! I will wait eternity until the next chapter comes out!

< 333
Chapter 5: lol,i laughed at that picture at the end for a good five minutes.i did that when i went to a fair because i was mad.
hello~ i'm a new subbie kekeke..
this story foreword's ish really interesting~!!!
I'm liking this story already xDDD
oh~ oh~ n the title too.. x)
littlehanridinghun #4
Chapter 29: omo..kris is blushing..XD
update soon..
hwaiting author-nim..
Chapter 29: Ji Eun fighting!your plan is awesome..make Kris your target!
MochiForever #6
Chapter 29: luhan why did you do such things!?!?!?!?!?
100percentASIAN #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally an update~
It's okay if it took a while author-nim, the wait was worth it! ^^
Chapter 29: finally!! I cant wait for you next update
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Finally! Lol. We've been waiting forever! Lol. Omg, hopefully Ji Eun does win Kris back! Update soon please!
ilovemybaek #10
Chapter 29: I think the idea of Ji Eun making Kris her target is sooooooo cute!!! Luhan kinda annoyed me after he was like I have to sabotage their relationship. And D.O. is just awesome. I can imagine Kris' face like this: O_O when he saw Ji Eun in her haaawt bathing suit :P
Thanks for updating!!!