Chapter 12 - Boyfriend and Girlfriend

You Are My Target!

another short update! >.<

“Unni, where are we going now?” I asked. It was lunchtime, and Haemi was once again dragging me down the hallway of the school.

“Going to see your boyfriend of course!” she said excitedly. My boyfriend?
Oh right, I have one now.

We walked into classroom 2-C. I immediately spotted Kyungsoo sitting with Suho near the back of the room. We walked over to them. Haemi stood beside Suho and gave me a light shove towards Kyungsoo. We both looked at each other awkwardly while Haemi chatted with Suho.

She eventually looked over at us and sighed. “Ugh, do you guys have to be so silent? You're dating now! Go walk around, get to know each other, I don't know. Just do something!” she exclaimed. She ushered us out into the hallway. “And now me and Suho can have some alone time!” she squealed, disappearing back into the classroom.

“Well if we're supposed to be acting like a couple, we should probably get to know each other a bit more.” I admitted.

“I guess.” he said softly. We walked around the school as I asked him a few random questions. His favourite colour, favourite food, his ideal type; just anything I could think of to get to know him better. He always replied with short, concise answers, avoiding my gaze the entire time.

How am I going to date this guy? We're so awkward around each other. Unless he somehow opens up to me, nobody will believe we're dating!

But that thought completely disappeared as Kyungsoo reached out and held my hand.

I stopped walking and looked at him. He was looking away from me, but I could see the reddish tint on his face. “We're supposed to be a couple, right?” he said. “But if you're uncomfortable I’ll stop...”

I shook my head. “No, it's alright. This will help us look more convincing.” I replied. And to be honest, I liked holding hands. We walked back to my classroom in silence, but even so I felt like we were slightly more comfortable with each other.

As we came to a stop outside the class, I noticed a few people staring at us and whispering to each other. Good. If word gets around, that means Kris will hear about it.

“Thanks for walking me back to class.” I said happily, giving Kyungsoo a bright smile.

He smiled back at me. So cute! “No problem. You're...really nice.” he said quietly, then he quickly turned and went back towards his classroom. I giggled a bit. Baekhyun was right: he really is a good guy, even if he is extremely shy. I was about to walk back into the classroom when I bumped into someone who was standing in the doorway.

“Ow! Oh sorry about that. I didn't see you-” I started to say.

The person I bumped into, was of course, Kris.

I scowled. “Move it.” I demanded, trying to get past him. He continued to stand in front of the door. I tried to push him, but it was almost like trying to push a brick wall. I stood back and glared at him.

He stared at me, his face emotionless. “So was that your new boyfriend?” he asked, in a low, dangerous tone. It scared me a bit, but I still had enough courage to retort.

“Yes. I'm dating someone now. So just back off and leave me alone.” I said.

“You're not getting away that easily-” Fortunately, the bell signaling the end of lunch rang. just at that moment I pushed past him and went to my seat straight away. I ignored him as he sat next to me, but I could feel that he was staring at me. I could almost sense the angry aura coming off of him. As the English teacher started her lesson, Kris leaned over and whispered in my ear, “What do you even see in that guy anyways?”

“He's nice and he treats me well.” I whispered back hotly. “So overall he's much better than you!”

He smirked. “So you like nice guys? I can be nice when I want to.” he murmured. “But I also know how to be bad.” He closed the distance between us, and his lips brushed against my earlobe. I pulled myself away quickly, almost knocking over my textbook.

He smiled and looked me over. “You're blushing again.” he teased.

I opened my mouth, about to yell at him, when the teacher threw some chalk at his head. “You two in the back! Quit talking and pay attention.” We both turned to face the front. She smiled evilly. “Well considering you were talking in my class, I believe you deserve some form of punishment. You two can stay after school and help me sort out some papers.”

I groaned. Staying after school is bad enough, but why does it have to be with Kris of all people?

I glanced at him. He was smiling. He's happy about staying after school?

Or is it because he now has more time to torment me?

I really hope there aren't too many papers to sort!



not much happened in this chap.... ._.

but i've started on the next one, and it's gonna be good ;D (i hope...)


as you wait for the next chapter, feel free to stare at kris eating ice cream :P

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Chapter 28: This was my favorite story back then, and still is my favorite story right now. I miss this story so much ;-; I had to come back and read it again. This story is literally the best story ever! I will wait eternity until the next chapter comes out!

< 333
Chapter 5: lol,i laughed at that picture at the end for a good five minutes.i did that when i went to a fair because i was mad.
hello~ i'm a new subbie kekeke..
this story foreword's ish really interesting~!!!
I'm liking this story already xDDD
oh~ oh~ n the title too.. x)
littlehanridinghun #4
Chapter 29: omo..kris is blushing..XD
update soon..
hwaiting author-nim..
Chapter 29: Ji Eun fighting!your plan is awesome..make Kris your target!
MochiForever #6
Chapter 29: luhan why did you do such things!?!?!?!?!?
100percentASIAN #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally an update~
It's okay if it took a while author-nim, the wait was worth it! ^^
Chapter 29: finally!! I cant wait for you next update
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Finally! Lol. We've been waiting forever! Lol. Omg, hopefully Ji Eun does win Kris back! Update soon please!
ilovemybaek #10
Chapter 29: I think the idea of Ji Eun making Kris her target is sooooooo cute!!! Luhan kinda annoyed me after he was like I have to sabotage their relationship. And D.O. is just awesome. I can imagine Kris' face like this: O_O when he saw Ji Eun in her haaawt bathing suit :P
Thanks for updating!!!