Chapter 22 - Tutoring

You Are My Target!

I knocked on the door to Tao and Kris’ house. Kris answered the door with a grin.

“Hello babe.” he said, giving me a swift kiss on the cheek.

“You’re still calling me that?” I shook my head. To be honest I didn’t mind it that much, although I won’t tell him that...yet.

He laughed. “Of course. Come on in, Tao’s waiting.” He led me into their home. It was a little bigger than mine (and much cleaner). Tao was sitting on the couch, looking through a math textbook on the table in front of him. He looked up as Kris and I walked in.

“Tao, your student is here.” Kris announced.

“Hi Ji Eun.” Tao said.

“Hi.” I took a seat on the chair across from him. Kris sat next to Tao.

“I could use some math help too I guess.” he said.

“No you don’t.” Tao told him matter-of-factly. “You’re doing perfectly fine in math. You already told me, you just don’t want her to be alone with another guy-”

“Ok, I think you guys should start.” Kris said hurriedly, effectively cutting him off.

Tao sighed and turned towards me. “Alright. I guess we should see how good you are first. Here’s a few practice problems. See how many you can do.” He handed me the questions. I finished all of them and gave the sheet back to him. He looked it over, and then looked back up at me.

“They’re all wrong.”

“Damn it...” I moaned. Math really isn’t my strong point.

Tao took out his notebook. “Looks like we have a lot of work to do.”


“And then you get this number right? So put that back into the original equation, and your answer is....”

I punched some numbers into the calculator. “So...the answer is 15b squared?” I said tentatively.

Tao smiled. “Perfect.”

I cheered. “YES! Finally I’m making some progress!”

“I think you’ve deserved a bit of a break.” He nudged Kris, who was currently reading a magazine. “If you’re not going to help, go get us some juice from the store. We’re all out.”

Kris glared at him. “Go get it yourself.”

Tao glared back at him. Then his expression totally transformed. He pouted and opened his eyes a bit wider, his lower lip trembling slightly.

It was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!

“But Kris...I’ve been working so hard. Please?” he asked in a timid voice, totally unlike what it was normally.

Kris looked like he was struggling with something, then he gave up and sighed. “Alright fine.” He got up and grabbed his wallet. “Be right back.” he said, walking out of the room.

Tao closed his math book, a small smile on his face.

I stared at him in awe. “How...How did you do that?” I asked incredulously.

Tao grinned. “Kris has a weakness for cute things, though he’ll never admit it. If you use a bit of aegyo, and you can get him to do almost anything.”

So Kris has a weakness for aegyo? I can definitely use that in the future...

“Thank you, by the way.” he said suddenly.

“Why are you thanking me?” I asked. “You’re the one who’s tutoring me.”

“That’s true. But you’re the one who’s dating Kris.” He leaned forward in his seat and examined me. “He’s changed quite a bit because of you.”

“Me?” Well I guess it is a bit true, but it’s not like I changed him that much....did I?

“Did he ever tell you about how he started making targets?” Tao asked.

“Yeah, he said it was because of his friend, right?”

“It is. So he did end up telling you after all.” Tao took a short pause before continuing.

“That friend...was me.”

I sat up rapidly. “What? It was you?!”

“Yeah. We were in our last year of middle school at that time. Kris and I grew up together, so we were really close. That’s probably why he was so serious about getting revenge for me.” Tao leaned his head on his hands. “I didn’t even try to stop him. I was pretty depressed about the whole situation, and I was angry at her for what she did to me. I let him go for her. But when he broke her heart in the end...I told him to stop. But he didn’t. He did it again, and again. And eventually I gave up on him.”

He sighed. “Around me he seemed the same, but it was always around girls that he acted idiot.” He stared at me. “But then you came along. I don’t know how you did it, but you’re turning him back into the guy I used to know. And I can’t thank you enough for that.”

“To be honest, I have no idea how I did it either.” I confessed. “I was just....being me.”

Tao smiled. “And maybe that’s what did it.”

The front door opened. “I’m back! Tao, I have your juice.” Kris called, walking into the room holding a shopping bag. He put it on the table. “Ji Eun, I got you chocolate milk. I’ve seen you drink it a lot, so I’m guessing you like it...”

“Really? Wow you’re right, it’s my favourite!” I said happily.

Kris looked pleased as he handed me the bottle. “Well you’ve been studying so hard, you deserve it.”

Tao cleared his throat. “And speaking of studying, will still have a lot to go through.” He flipped open his book. “Break time is over.”

“Hooray...” I muttered sarcastically, picking up my pencil and getting back to work.


lol I've been wanting to throw in a Tao aegyo scene for SO LONG xD

I hope you enjoyed the update ^^ also, welcome new subscribers! thank you very much <3

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Chapter 28: This was my favorite story back then, and still is my favorite story right now. I miss this story so much ;-; I had to come back and read it again. This story is literally the best story ever! I will wait eternity until the next chapter comes out!

< 333
Chapter 5: lol,i laughed at that picture at the end for a good five minutes.i did that when i went to a fair because i was mad.
hello~ i'm a new subbie kekeke..
this story foreword's ish really interesting~!!!
I'm liking this story already xDDD
oh~ oh~ n the title too.. x)
littlehanridinghun #4
Chapter 29: omo..kris is blushing..XD
update soon..
hwaiting author-nim..
Chapter 29: Ji Eun fighting!your plan is awesome..make Kris your target!
MochiForever #6
Chapter 29: luhan why did you do such things!?!?!?!?!?
100percentASIAN #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally an update~
It's okay if it took a while author-nim, the wait was worth it! ^^
Chapter 29: finally!! I cant wait for you next update
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Finally! Lol. We've been waiting forever! Lol. Omg, hopefully Ji Eun does win Kris back! Update soon please!
ilovemybaek #10
Chapter 29: I think the idea of Ji Eun making Kris her target is sooooooo cute!!! Luhan kinda annoyed me after he was like I have to sabotage their relationship. And D.O. is just awesome. I can imagine Kris' face like this: O_O when he saw Ji Eun in her haaawt bathing suit :P
Thanks for updating!!!