Chapter 18 - I Like Her

You Are My Target!


~(chapter 5)

I strode out of the gym, my temper gradually cooling.

Well, I did it. Again. Another target, just like that.

It’s too late now, I made her a target, so now I have to make her fall for me. I can’t just make her a target and then give up! And to be honest, I’m kind of excited about this one. She’s different from the other targets in the past. She’s I like it. It’ll be fun to see her crushed in the end.

But what is Tao going to say about this? I sighed. I promised him that I would stop making targets about a million times, and I’ve broken it again.

Well, I’ve already gone ahead and done it. I might as well enjoy it while I can.

~(chapter 7)

That idiot....

I watched Ji Eun practically run from me. Doesn’t she know she’s going the wrong way? Well she is new around here, maybe I should show her the way? And give her a good surprise while I’m at it!

I followed the way she went, eventually catching up with her. She was standing at the side of the road, looking around frantically. Poor girl is completely lost. Very quietly, I approached her.

Is something wrong babe?” I whispered into her ear. She jumped violently and turned around. Whoops. I gave her more of a scare than I thought.

She blushed and muttered, “I don't know how to get to school from here...”

I laughed. So cute. I should just a bit more...

“You're going to have to speak a little louder.” I said playfully.

She blushed even more. “I got lost!” she yelled. Oh dear, someone’s losing her temper.

I laughed even harder and started walking down the road. “Well I know the way, so feel free to follow me.” I said, adding in a wink just to piss her off even more. I turned and began walking the right way to school. I wonder if she’ll even follow me?

I took a quick glance behind me. Sure enough, Ji Eun was following me. Keeping a good distance, but following me all the same.

I grinned. I wonder how I should next?

~(chapter 11)

“I already have a guy I'm interested in!”

What? She likes someone? And it’s not me?!

“You like someone? Who? Do they go to our school?” I asked.

“Why do you care so much Kris? Aww, is someone jealous?” she asked, grinning at me. I glared at her, but that only made her laugh. “Don't worry about it, he's much better than you are, you don't even have a chance-”

Alright, it was cute at first, but now she’s just pissing me off!

I suddenly pinned her against the wall of the building, my temper starting to get the better of me once again.

“I usually don't put in this much effort on one girl,” I whispered. “But you're different.” I smirked. “I kind of like that. A girl who actually fights back.” I made sure to brush my lips just ever so slightly against her ear. From my experience, it always drive girls crazy when I do that.

It worked: she pushed me away and backed up quickly, a deep blush quickly forming on her face.

“You're blushing a little. How cute.” I said, grinning.

She promptly turned and walked away. My grin disappeared. So she thinks that she can just walk away from me now?

That deserves a punishment.

I caught up to her and gave her a light tap on her shoulder. “Yah, don't just walk away from me.” I said.

“What now?” she asked as she turned to face me.

I quickly leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I leaned back and watched her reaction. Aw, look. She’s so embarrassed.

“See you at school babe.” I said happily, walking away from her. There. That should teach her not to walk away from me!

~(chapter 13)

As soon as she pulled her hand back, I snapped back to reality. Woah, what did I just do?

Alright, she got a papercut, and I just wanted to take care of it and then....and then...I don’t know why I did that!

She retreated to the other end of the room. “You’re blushing.” I murmured to her, taking a step towards her. Wow, she’s kind of pretty when she blushes...

When I finally reached her, I placed my hand against her cheek. It was warm...

I looked over the rest of her face. She really is pretty. The way she’s staring at me with those eyes...

And then my eyes moved to her lips. It’s tempting...

Unknowingly, my face was getting closer to hers.

Wait, am I seriously going to do this? Why?

Why do I want to kiss her?

And just as I was about to, I looked back into her eyes. And I snapped to reality once again.

I quickly pulled myself away and ran over to the papers.

“I’ll go give these to the teacher.” I said, grabbing them and almost running out of the classroom. Once I was out in the hall I let out a huge breath.

Ok now I have some time to calm down. What was I thinking? Why was I about to kiss her?

I’ve kissed girls before, but it’s never been like this before. This time it felt different. But why?

I don’t know.

I got to the teacher’s office, knocking on the door. The english teacher pulled the door open.

“Oh! Kris. Are you two already done?” She took the stack of envelopes from my hands. “Good work you two. You can go home now.”

“Thank you teacher.”

The teacher shut the door, and I began to make my way back to the classroom. And just like that, my thoughts turned back to her....

Why didn’t she try to stop me? Did...did she want me to do it?

If she did, that means she likes me. So then I’ve done it. I’ve gotten her to fall for me.

Strange. I usually feel something. A sense of accomplishment, something like that. But now there’s nothing. I feel nothing at all... Why?

I walked back into the classroom, my heart almost leaping out of my chest when I saw her standing there.

“You’re still here.” I said. Was she waiting for me?

Ji Eun grabbed her bag, very obviously avoiding my gaze. “I was just about to leave.” She walked past me and left the classroom.

So much for waiting for me. Now she’s just going to walk away again?

I grabbed my bag as well and followed her down the hallway. “Hey!” I said, trying to get her attention. That only made her walk faster.

“Yah! Don’t ignore me!” I ran and caught up with her, grabbing her arm and turning her around. She can’t even look at me. Is she angry? Embarrassed? Sad? I can’t tell!

“Are you angry at me?”

Now I saw something I recognized: surprise.

Why am I even bothering to ask if she’s angry? Why do I even care? She’s my target, she’s nothing special.


“I...I don’t know!” she said nervously. “Just leave me alone alright?” she pulled her arm out of my grip and ran down the hallway.

I didn’t move. She probably is angry at me. Well I can’t blame her I guess...I have no idea what made me act that way. It was way too early for me to try to kiss her. I should have waited a bit more, and then she would have really fallen for me.

…..This is ridiculous. Why do I even bother getting girls to fall for me anymore? Why do I even bother making targets? It’s tedious and all it does is hurt people. Tao, the girl...

And myself.

And I’m making it worse on myself in this case. I’m trying so hard just on this one girl. Why should I even get her to fall for me? I should just end things now. It’ll make things a lot easier for me....

But she won’t get out of my head anymore. I’ve been constantly thinking of ways to for the past week. And now it’s like she’s permanently stuck in there! The way she pouts when she’s angry, her blush, her smile...

Aish! This is so weird! It’s like I’m the one falling for her-

Oh no. No no no no no.

I’m falling for her?!

This is bad. This is very very bad. This has never happened before. This is not the way things are supposed to work. I’m not supposed to be the one in love, she is! Why do I even like her anyways?

Maybe, it’s because she unique? That could be it. I’ve never encountered any girl like her before. A girl who’s willing to declare an all out war against me. A girl who’s not afraid of me. I like that.

I like her.

Weird, I don’t even have a problem with it anymore.

I started laughing to myself. This is so ridiculous, and yet it makes so much sense. It certainly answers a lot of my questions.

Han Ji Eun, I like you.



this chapter was very fun to write ^^ it also made me realize that kris is very evil xD

bad, bad duizhang ;P

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Chapter 28: This was my favorite story back then, and still is my favorite story right now. I miss this story so much ;-; I had to come back and read it again. This story is literally the best story ever! I will wait eternity until the next chapter comes out!

< 333
Chapter 5: lol,i laughed at that picture at the end for a good five minutes.i did that when i went to a fair because i was mad.
hello~ i'm a new subbie kekeke..
this story foreword's ish really interesting~!!!
I'm liking this story already xDDD
oh~ oh~ n the title too.. x)
littlehanridinghun #4
Chapter 29: omo..kris is blushing..XD
update soon..
hwaiting author-nim..
Chapter 29: Ji Eun fighting!your plan is awesome..make Kris your target!
MochiForever #6
Chapter 29: luhan why did you do such things!?!?!?!?!?
100percentASIAN #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally an update~
It's okay if it took a while author-nim, the wait was worth it! ^^
Chapter 29: finally!! I cant wait for you next update
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Finally! Lol. We've been waiting forever! Lol. Omg, hopefully Ji Eun does win Kris back! Update soon please!
ilovemybaek #10
Chapter 29: I think the idea of Ji Eun making Kris her target is sooooooo cute!!! Luhan kinda annoyed me after he was like I have to sabotage their relationship. And D.O. is just awesome. I can imagine Kris' face like this: O_O when he saw Ji Eun in her haaawt bathing suit :P
Thanks for updating!!!