Chapter 26 - The Ocean!

You Are My Target!

“Alright, everyone can choose their!”

Haemi stepped out of the way and almost immediately, Chanyeol and Xiumin ran off to inspect every single room. The rest of us waited for them to choose first.

Chanyeol stuck his head out of one of the doors at the end of the hall. “I call this one!” he yelled, grabbing his bags and throwing them inside.

“Then I’ll take this one!” Xiumin yelled, running into the room right next to Chanyeol’s.

Haemi laughed at their actions. “Well now that they’re done, I guess we can all choose ours a bit more calmly.”

I took Kris’s hand and took him with me while we looked over the rooms.

“They all look really nice.” I admitted. I opened the door to one that had a small balcony. “Oooh! I want this one!” I ran over to the balcony and looked outside. I have a nice view of the beach from here.

Kris came up behind me and hugged me from behind. “Can’t I just share a room with you?” he sighed.

I smacked his arm lightly. “There’s more than enough rooms. You have to choose your own.” I gave him a small peck on the cheek. “But maybe you can come visit later.” I suggested.

He smiled. “I like that idea.” he murmured.

He went off to go put his bags into the room right next to mine, and so I decided to unpack a few things. I was just getting out my toothbrush when Luhan burst into my room.

“Ji Eun! Wow, your room is so nice!” He jumped onto the bed. “And you even have a balcony? Woah!” He ran over to the balcony and leaned over the railing. “It’s the beach! I can’t wait to go. When are we going to the beach?”

“I don’t know, ask Haemi. She’s the one in charge around here.”

“I’ll go find her!” he exclaimed, running past me and out of the room. On his way out, he passed Kris. “Hi Kris! Bye Kris!” he yelled as he ran into the hallway.

Kris frowned. “What was he doing in here?”

“Not much. Just running around and being excited about everything.” I fell onto my bed. We just got here and I’m already getting tired.

“Haemi said to tell you to get ready, because we’re all going out to eat soon.” Kris said, sitting next to me.

I sat up wearily. “I don’t even get time to rest?” I started to stand but Kris pulled me back down.

“What happened to getting ready?”

“Don’t worry, we still have time.” He pulled me over next to him and put his arm around my shoulders. “Just rest for a few minutes. I doubt everyone is going to get ready quickly anyways.”

He’s probably right. Besides, I was already getting comfortable, resting my head on his shoulder and snuggling closer to him.

I closed my eyes and sighed happily. I love these kinds of moments...

I would’ve have probably fallen asleep, if Haemi hadn’t burst into my room a few minutes later.

“Ji Eun! It’s time to go-” She stopped when she saw me and Kris on the bed. “, am I interrupting something?”

“Kind of.”

“Whatever.” She ran over and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Kris. “Let’s go! We're going to set up the barbeque! It'll be really good!” She dragged me out of the room while she talked.

I looked back and sent an apologetic look to Kris, who smiled and got up to follow us.



Luhan broke out into a sprint and ran right into the water.

Chen shook his head at his friend’s actions. “Such a child...” he muttered.

Chanyeol followed him, running into the water as well, Xiumin right on his heels.

“All three of them are kids.” I said, laughing.

The rest of us helped set up a few chairs, umbrellas and a small table for the food.

Chen sat down and took a book out of his bag. “You guys go have fun, I want to finish this chapter.”

I stared at him in disbelief. Chen is reading a book.

I looked over longingly at the water. Haemi giggled.

“You want to go join them, don’t you?”

“Eh?” I looked at the three children in the water. It does look pretty fun....

“Go on, you can eat afterwards. Go play for a while.”

Just as I was about to start heading to the water, Kris stopped me. “I’m going with you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re dressed for it?”

He looked down. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, but he was wearing jeans and a nice shirt. “Uh...” He rolled the jeans up a bit. “There. I’ll be fine.”

“If you say so.” I grabbed his hand and led him down to the shore.

We both walked into the water, just as Luhan splashed Xiumin in the face. Xiumin stood in shock as Chanyeol and Luhan laughed at him.

“It’s on!” Xiumin yelled, splashing water back. And soon enough, the three of them were having a splashing battle.

“Take this!” Luhan brought out a small bucket, filling it with water. Everyone else ran away from him. He turned to us instead, with a small evil smile on his face.

“Uh-oh. Run!” I cried, trying to move away and taking Kris along with me.

Sadly, we weren’t fast enough. Luhan managed to hit us both, soaking us completely.

“Got you! Aha!” he yelled, filling up the bucket and moving on to his next target.

I turned towards Kris, who had a small bit of seaweed on his face, and I burst out laughing.

He frowned, but then he realized what was on his face, and starting laughing as well.

“Well now I don’t have to worry about getting my hair wet anymore.” I said. I went a bit deeper into the water and started to swim. Kris followed right behind me.

After we swam for a bit, we all gathered together to eat. Haemi sat next to Suho, shoving food into his face and trying to flirt with him. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Xiumin all sat together and talked about the food. Chen was talking to Luhan about his book, and Luhan clearly wasn’t listening to him. I sat in between Luhan and Kris.

Kris was picking at his food. “Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked with a frown.

“I’m not really that hungry.”

“Aww come on, we worked hard to make this.” I got a spoonful and held it up to his mouth. “Say ahh!” I said with a smile.

He smiled and ate it.

Luhan nudged me. “How come I don’t get to be fed?” he asked.

“Alright, you can have some as well.” I got another spoonful and gave it to Luhan. He ate it happily.

“Thanks!” He gave me a quick hug and turned back to Chen.

I looked at Kris, who did not look very happy. “What?”

“...You’re too nice to him.”

“What do you mean by that? He’s my friend, shouldn’t I be nice to him?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you have to feed him and stuff.”

“It was just for fun. I don’t know why you’re taking it so seriously...” He turned away from me and continued eating.

“Are you angry at me?”

He didn’t respond.

“Kris, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Don’t take it seriously, I was just being friendly.” I poked his shoulder. “Kris look at me.”

As soon as he looked over I put my ‘aegyo face’ on. He bit his lip, trying hard to stay angry. But after a few seconds he gave up and hugged me.

“Alright, it’s fine. I was just being a bit jealous.” he admitted. I smiled to myself. It was way too easy to make this guy happy.

I felt something near my ear. “Later tonight, when everyone’s asleep, do you want to sneak out with me?” Kris whispered.

I grinned. “Sure. But we’ll have to be careful.”

“Don’t worry, nobody will know about it.” He went back to eating, a small smile on his face and mine.


One by one, everyone returned to their rooms to sleep. Even Luhan, who was usually full of energy, shuffled off sleepily.

Soon there were only a few people left. Kris and I...

And Haemi.

She sat across from the two of us, staring at us with her eyes slightly narrowed.

“I know what you’re trying to do.” she announced.

“What?” I tried to act innocent. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t try to fool me. I’ve seen the looks between the two of you. I know that you’re waiting for everyone to sleep so you can run off together.”

How did she find out? I glanced at Kris, and he shrugged. He had no idea either.

“I’m not letting you two go anywhere.” she said, taking me by the hand and leading me to my room. “You’re not allowed out of my sight.”

“Haemi, you’re being ridiculous-”

“Am I?! You’re the one who’s dating Kris of all people! You should know all about ridiculousness!”

“Haemi, come on. Can’t you just try to be nice to him? He’s changed!”

“I don’t believe him.” She led me over to my room and finally let go of me. “Anyways, you two aren’t going anywhere.”

“But Haemi-”

“No. Now go sleep.”

I glared at her and went into my room, closing my door loudly. I know she doesn’t like him, but this just seems a bit excessive!

I had just started brushing my teeth when I got a text from Kris.

Kris: Haemi says she won’t let me see you tonight. Should we sneak out anyways?

Me: That’s probably not a good idea. She might put a tracker on me or something crazy like that. I wish I could see you though :(

Kris: We still have tomorrow. But I miss you too <3 Goodnight

Me: Goodnight <3

I put my phone away and smiled. So what if we have to spend one night apart? It doesn’t really matter that much, now that I think about it.

I snuggled into my covers and closed my eyes, thinking about what to do with Kris tomorrow.


I blinked sleepily and tossed around in my bed a bit. I shouldn’t have left the window open yesterday, it’s way too bright...

I turned over and felt myself hit something. I frowned and squinted at it.

It was a person.

Woah who is this and what are they doing in my bed?!

At once, I moved over to the far end of my bed and nudged the person with my foot. They groaned sleepily and turned over, so that I could finally see their face.


“Morning...” he mumbled, sitting up and yawning.

“What are you doing in my bed?” I hissed.

“I came in here yesterday cause I was bored.” He said with another yawn. “But you were sleeping so I started sleeping as well.”

“That’s no excuse for why you’re here! Why didn’t you just go back and-”

And then my door swung open to reveal Kris, standing in my doorway.

As soon as he laid eyes on Luhan I just knew....

That I am in some serious trouble.


OMG over 100 subscribers for this story!! 

thank you all so much <3 I really appreciate your comments and your patience ^^


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Chapter 28: This was my favorite story back then, and still is my favorite story right now. I miss this story so much ;-; I had to come back and read it again. This story is literally the best story ever! I will wait eternity until the next chapter comes out!

< 333
Chapter 5: lol,i laughed at that picture at the end for a good five minutes.i did that when i went to a fair because i was mad.
hello~ i'm a new subbie kekeke..
this story foreword's ish really interesting~!!!
I'm liking this story already xDDD
oh~ oh~ n the title too.. x)
littlehanridinghun #4
Chapter 29: omo..kris is blushing..XD
update soon..
hwaiting author-nim..
Chapter 29: Ji Eun fighting!your plan is awesome..make Kris your target!
MochiForever #6
Chapter 29: luhan why did you do such things!?!?!?!?!?
100percentASIAN #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally an update~
It's okay if it took a while author-nim, the wait was worth it! ^^
Chapter 29: finally!! I cant wait for you next update
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Finally! Lol. We've been waiting forever! Lol. Omg, hopefully Ji Eun does win Kris back! Update soon please!
ilovemybaek #10
Chapter 29: I think the idea of Ji Eun making Kris her target is sooooooo cute!!! Luhan kinda annoyed me after he was like I have to sabotage their relationship. And D.O. is just awesome. I can imagine Kris' face like this: O_O when he saw Ji Eun in her haaawt bathing suit :P
Thanks for updating!!!