New Student: Part 2

The Changkyu Series~

"There's nothing going on between us." Changmin firmly stated, only to receive doubtful glances. They stared at the maknae, sending light shivers down his spine. Almost. There was nearly even a loss of appetite, which was rare. Changmin groaned at the way they watched him, to the point of annoyance three minutes which he finally snapped, "What?"

"You like him, don't you?" Jaejoong asked first, acting as if he hadn't noticed Changmin's irritation. Jaejoong didn't really care to be honest, only remembering the way Changmin was acting around Kyuhyun. Something was happening. There was something about the way Changmin spoke which was quickly caught, something about about the way he phrased his words so that they were more gentle than what he would normally use against others. Not to mention their physical actions.

Jaejoong easily noticed Kyuhyun's fingertips dancing off Changmin's thigh, even realising that their knees were grazing below the table. 

He often acted in similar way to Yunho, and learned how to conceal such actions when needed.

"You said he was your type." Yoochun accused, causing Changmin to glare once again. It wasn't the type of hatred though, but rather, a sort of embarrassment and just a little irritation mixed with anger.

Jaejoong widened his eyes in a surprised manner, unaware that such a statement could ever leave the maknae's lips, but Changmin denied it immediately. "I never said that."

"But you didn't comment on it, so that's a yes." Junsu retorted.

Changmin let off a low growl, but the others weren't intimidated, not at that level anyway. It was the growl of the threatening type, rather than one which signaled the maknae was going to snap at any second. The four didn't dare tease at that sound. "Shut up, I-"

"Don't you think you should go take care of him?" Someone suddenly asked from behind, Changmin feeling a strong grip on his shoulder. The maknae turned, giving a light smile to see his best friend.

Changmin had either missed the question, or ignored it entirely.

"Kibum, hi."

"Hi." Kibum greeted back, only being said because Changmin had spoken it first, and it seeming rude if he hadn't chosen to reply. The elder honestly had other matters to discuss with Changmin besides simple 'hello's. "I know you don't want to break your image or anything, but seriously, you should go look after him."

With that sentence, Changmin's expression suddenly went cold. Why was Kibum bringing it up? Well, he was the one that introduced Changmin to... Never mind. The maknae simply gave a confused stare, "Why?"

"Because's it's him. Who knows what could go wrong." Kibum replied, to in which Changmin suddenly felt a tinge of worry, but tried to ignore it. He didn't want to seem like one of those people who worry over the slightest thing for their significant other, because in reality he was. Especially since it was him.

"Give me an example." Changmin spoke with his tone shaking slightly, quickly receiving a bemused stare. Kibum's eyes clearly stating the words, 'are you serious?'. The younger sighed, then seriously thinking about all the things that could have happened. He, that accident prone boy... Changmin stood from his seat and faced Kibum, his appetite finally lost, "Okay, you're right."

Kibum nodded, Changmin leaving the bench and ready to walk away with the other.

"Where you going?" Yunho asked in confusion. The two maknaes stared at each other, as if they were formulating a plan in their minds, which seemed to work.

"Kibum and I are going to the library." Changmin replied loudly, he and Kibum then leaving the cafeteria.

Jaejoong couldn't process the situation properly, one main factor causing his head to explode. Food. The food on Changmin's tray was still there, not all of it eaten yet. "But, what about your meal?"

Changmin paused for a second with a foot out the door, not bothering to reply as he finally left. Kibum on the other hand turned to the group of four, shouting back, "Take it, Changmin doesn't care. He's got other things to worry about right now!"

There was another, momentary silence as the shock began to sink in. There had never been a moment Changmin didn't care about food. 


"...Who was he talking about?" Yoochun asked slowly, completely dumbfounded by the situation. He turned to the others and raised a brow, "Kyuhyun?"

"Probably. Let's stalk them." Jaejoong said, without even an ounce of shame in his voice. Not that the others felt uncomfortable with the plan, they too standing up and leaving the cafeteria without another word.

The five looked around, sure that Kibum and Changmin were not in the library, but unsure of where they might be. Splitting up wasn't an option they wanted to take, as they wanted to catch their maknae together. Looking around, Yoochun decided to go to the right, just because his intuition told him so.

"Where did they go?" Yunho asked as they continued moving, on and on for about 7 minutes until finally finding the maknae. And from what it seemed, Changmin had only just found his target as well. At the door of the science room, looking through the window, there was Cho Kyuhyun.

Changmin sighed, he couldn't help but expect the worse. There the other was, Cho Kyuhyun, the accident prone boy in all his glory... by the explosive experiments of the science class; of course Kyuhyun would be there. He always managed to find trouble, no matter where he went or what he did. It was why Changmin was so protective of Kyuhyun, and why he constantly worried about him.

With a groan, Changmin placed his hand on the doorhandle and entered the room. "I don't recommend you touch that."

Kyuhyun looked back, a little surprised that Changmin was there, but still somewhat indifferent. The elder's fingers were slowly grazing the vials which had been carefully placed, about a metre away from the next in case any accidents occurring could ignite the next, and so that groups of students working wouldn't be annoyed with each other. Kyuhyun crooked his head to the side, like he normally did. "Why not?"

"It's dangerous. They're part of the science class who are currently working on explosive solutions. Believe me, those could blow up with the slightest movement." Changmin replied, giving his reason for Kyuhyun not to touch them in any way. But of course, that didn't stop the look in the elder's eyes. All Changmin could do was sigh at the interest. "You're tempted, aren't you?"

To that, Kyuhyun didn't hide his grin, nodding. Changmin shook his head, going towards Kyuhyun, and then grabbing him wrist and pulling him away. This caused Kyuhyun to frown, "What are you doing?"

Changmin turned around to face the elder, "If I leave you here, someone's going to die. And that person might just be you." 

"It'll be fine." Kyuhyun insisted, his curiosity very known to Changmin, and basically anyone else who knew him well enough. Changmin was trying to think of a way to stop Kyuhyun's persistence.

"Not true. Every time I leave you alone, something goes wrong." Changmin accused, to which Kyuhyun pouted. And at the same time, a perfect idea entered his head.

"Changmin, you only say that beca-" A kiss. 

Kyuhyun's eyes widened slightly to find Changmin kissing him. Not one of those sweet, innocent, adorable kisses which could possibly make a person feel sick on the inside, this kiss was different.

It was a contest.

Neither Changmin or Kyuhyun dared close their eyes, gazes being held; fiery and determined. The type of kiss Changmin was giving basically said 'stop talking', the kind of enticing kiss which spoke the words, 'I'll kiss you until you're out of breath and can't do anything'. And no matter how many times Kyuhyun was faced against it, he always felt weak.

Kyuhyun always had a problem going up against Changmin's gazes, because they made him feel defenseless, as if they looked right into him. Or perhaps that was just because Changmin knew how to undress Kyuhyun with his eyes, but either way, it made the elder squirm. Tongue, lip biting, more tongue, Kyuhyun was never one to be skilled at such. But more than often, he was subjected to that type of treatment, in which humiliation was evident unless Kyuhyun managed to win against Changmin in this game. But that was embarrassing too, so either way, Kyuhyun felt at a loss.

After a couple minutes, Kyuhyun finally gave up. With Changmin's hands on his body, shamelessly touching wherever they wanted to, no consent or permission being prioritized, he felt that the younger would have probably passed the limits if he didn't give in. Changmin was just as persistent as Kyuhyun, but in different areas.

Pulling away, light breaths, Kyuhyun glared as Changmin gave him a smirk. It almost made the elder regret giving up. Changmin grabbed onto Kyuhyun's hand once again, pulling him away with ease this time. Words muttered, "Let's go."

As the two maknaes walked to the door, Changmin felt his heart stop to see his four friends, Yoochun, Junsu, Jaejoong and Yunho, staring at him. With a frozen stance, his hand stiffly closed the door, this time, Kyuhyun tugging his arm.

"Let's go out through the window."


Really have to start part 3... ><

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Chapter 48: i love all the story that you've made. changkyu is a very cute couple...
meemow123 #2
Chapter 48: Awww this is adorable ... I love Changkyu ... Please do some more >.<
meemow123 #3
Chapter 35: THIS IS HILARIOUS Changminnie actually broke Heechul's phone lol ...
Chapter 1: Aw another fiction from you?! You're really a good author and you bias KyuHyun! I also bias him as well, when I started come to love him, I just can't stop or find another one to give my feeling <3

This is a cute one shot - drabble series though. But it's too long that I afraid I can't have time to copy every chapter =)) Hey, if you agree to let me translate this fiction to Vietnamese, please give me the permission and the word file okay? I love your stories so much. Thanks for writing such nice plots though. Have a wonderful day friend!
fallenangel #6
Chapter 48: would have liked to read more "examples" :D
Chapter 48: threatened someone life if he dare ti touch kyukyu....
Chapter 48: I bet Changmin does even worse stuff than give people a black eye if they touch Kyuhyun. He just doesn't tell him xD
Love your upadte! Even Changmin knows he's protective of the elder! NYAAAAA~ <3 Changkyu is prefection!
LovingKyu #9
Chapter 48: How about broken noses? :p
Chapter 48: Awww~ That's cute. <3
Changmin could be scary at times I guess. But still keeping his cool at the same time. Hmmm... Great!
Btw, did people ask you the UFO questions or you made them up yourself? Just curious.