
The Changkyu Series~

Kyuhyun coughed, his throat quickly beginning to burn. He sighed. Kyuhyun’s body was heating up, his head was throbbing and aching at the same time. He groaned, a chill making its way up his spine, Kyuhyun hated the cold. He hated being sick. The blanket was wrapped tightly around his body, the heavy weight of it almost crushing the Super Junior maknae. He didn't mind though, it was the only thing keeping Kyuhyun warm.

Hesitantly, Kyuhyun looked up from his bed, barely taking his head off the pillow. Someone was opening the door of his room. The person must have been someone who was close to the Super Junior maknae, for they didn't even knock the door. Kyuhyun sighed once again, placing his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes. He couldn't have cared less about who was at the door. All Kyuhyun wanted was to cure his sickness, to be able to become well again. Finally, the door opened, allowing a bright light into his room.

"Kyuhyun?" A voice called softly, Kyuhyun quickly stiffened his posture, opening his eyes straight away and raising his head off the pillow. He coughed a couple times, staring at his 'guest'.

"...Chang.... Changmin..." Kyuhyun uttered, hardly able to even speak his lover's name. Changmin gave a smile, closing the door behind him. Kyuhyun breathed in heavily,  sitting up from his former position. Kyuhyun shivered once again, holding the blanket up to his neck. Changmin approached the elder, sitting on the chair set beside his bed.

"You don't have to speak, I know you're sick. Lay back down." Changmin said, forcibly pushing Kyuhyun back down, almost knocking the elder's head onto the wall.

"..." Kyuhyun widened his eyes slightly, quickly giving a pout. Changmin simply laughed at the other's reaction. Kyuhyun laid with his back towards the bed, head turned towards Changmin. The younger pulled the blankets to cover Kyuhyun, since the blanket was only up to his chest. Kyuhyun closed his eyes, feeling secure with the presence of the other. Changmin smiled, eyes tracing all of Kyuhyun's features. Perhaps it was wrong to admit, but Changmin always thought that a sick Kyuhyun was incredibly adorable. Pouted lips, reddened cheeks and hazy eyes.That was, without a doubt, perfection.

"You're really cute right now, you know that?" Changmin mumbled quietly, Kyuhyun opened his eyes and gave a whine, not wanting to strain his throat too much. He huffed, cheeks becoming even redder than they were before. Changmin gave a light smirk, silently enjoying the fact that Kyuhyun couldn't retort his comments. Not that Changmin would dare say anything even remotely offensive to Kyuhyun in such a sickly state. First of all, Changmin would feel guilty, and second of all, Kyuhyun would murder him in his cleep.

"..." Kyuhyun stayed silent, he wasn't going to admit that he sometimes did enjoy it when Changmin called him 'cute'. No, Kyuhyun would have his whole image wrecked, and he couldn't have that. But then again, perhaps Changmin did already know, which was the reason the younger kept on saying it. Kyuhyun didn't have the nerve to ask though. Changmin took his hand and grazed it over Kyuhyun's face, gently caressing the pale and heated skin. Kyuhyun closed his eyes once again, giving an approving hum which was barely able to be heard. It was hardly able to escape his throat. The younger gave a quiet chuckle, pulling his hand away.

After a couple seconds, Kyuhyun gave another whining sound, causing Changmin to raise a brow. Kyuhyun stared at the other, hand coming from under the blanket and reaching for Changmin's hand which was on the pillow. The Super Junior maknae gave a light tug, Changmin quickly understood what Kyuhyun wanted.

"Do you want me to get in bed with you?" Changmin asked, making sure that it was what Kyuhyun was requesting. Kyuhyun stared at Changmin, glaring harshly.

"..." Kyuhyun hissed, Changmin thought for a second before realising why Kyuhyun was annoyed.

"Sorry, that was a genuine question, it wasn't meant to sound that way." Changmin reassured Kyuhyun, wanting the other to know that he wasn't simply trying to make him feel annoyed.

"..." Kyuhyun's glare faded, then beginning to nod. He wasn't sure if the heat in his cheeks was from the sickness or a blush. Changmin stared, the expression on Kyuhyun's face eating into his heart. The DBSK maknae bit his lip.

"But... I'll probably get sick..." Changmin whispered hesitantly, afraid of the response he would receive from Kyuhyun. And as he expected, it wasn't a good one.

"..." Kyuhyun glared once again, Changmin was thinking a little longer. He was always cautious about his health, but he was also cautious about upsetting his boyfriend.

"I'll-" Changmin was cut off by Kyuhyun, who was just a little impatient.

"Changmin... Minnie... Please..." Kyuhyun whispered silently, barely audible to Changmin's ears. The call was quiet, giving off a desperate and wanting feeling, a helpless little cry. Kyuhyun didn't want much at the moment, all he wanted was the younger to hold him. He was needing at the moment, Kyuhyun just wanted some warmth. He gave Changmin a helpless expression, whether deliberate or accidental was a mystery. Changmin stared at his lover, giving a slight sigh.

"...Fine." Changmin finally spoke, Kyuhyun gave a light smile. The younger slipped under the covers carefully, quickly becoming greeted by Kyuhyun's arms. The moment that Changmin was finally under the blankets, Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around the younger's torso, pressing his head against Changmin's chest. Changmin let a smile crawl to his lips, returning the hug. Kyuhyun snuggled closer, humming in delight. Changmin wasn't sure why the protective feeling he had for Kyuhyun seemed to double. He sighed, Kyuhyun was taking up to much space in his brain.

"Thanks..." Kyuhyun mumbled in a hushed voice, unsure of whether Changmin knew if he was smiling or not. Changmin hummed, holding Kyuhyun even tighter than he did before, giving Kyuhyun a light kiss on the forehead. For this, Changmin didn't mind catching a cold or a fever or any other disease. He enjoyed the feeling. Despite how cautious Changmin was when it came to health, and despite the risk of becoming sick in the morning, Changmin couldn't help but feel as if it was worth it
Kyuhyun was worth it.


Hehe, just a cute, little story... Do you like it?~ ^^

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Chapter 48: i love all the story that you've made. changkyu is a very cute couple...
meemow123 #2
Chapter 48: Awww this is adorable ... I love Changkyu ... Please do some more >.<
meemow123 #3
Chapter 35: THIS IS HILARIOUS Changminnie actually broke Heechul's phone lol ...
Chapter 1: Aw another fiction from you?! You're really a good author and you bias KyuHyun! I also bias him as well, when I started come to love him, I just can't stop or find another one to give my feeling <3

This is a cute one shot - drabble series though. But it's too long that I afraid I can't have time to copy every chapter =)) Hey, if you agree to let me translate this fiction to Vietnamese, please give me the permission and the word file okay? I love your stories so much. Thanks for writing such nice plots though. Have a wonderful day friend!
fallenangel #6
Chapter 48: would have liked to read more "examples" :D
Chapter 48: threatened someone life if he dare ti touch kyukyu....
Chapter 48: I bet Changmin does even worse stuff than give people a black eye if they touch Kyuhyun. He just doesn't tell him xD
Love your upadte! Even Changmin knows he's protective of the elder! NYAAAAA~ <3 Changkyu is prefection!
LovingKyu #9
Chapter 48: How about broken noses? :p
Chapter 48: Awww~ That's cute. <3
Changmin could be scary at times I guess. But still keeping his cool at the same time. Hmmm... Great!
Btw, did people ask you the UFO questions or you made them up yourself? Just curious.