Read! This is very important and life changing!

Exo Series: Secret Love


So, yeah. As you can see, your very beautiful author have been MIA-ing. Why you ask? It is because of a jail called school. I transferred school and changed my course that's why I'm still trying to adjust. And because of that, I haven't been able to update and even read stories. Heck! I'm even very outdated already. :((((


And because of that, I am asking your opinion on wether I should delete my stories and my account or should I stay and update it even if it's just once a month. Or should I just delete this story and never appear in front of you again? Please help me decide. :(((

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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha