Exo Series: Secret Love

To those who have skype accounts and would like to have a talk with me,

you can add me.


And also, do you guys know DEFVALEN?

I'm in love with them! hahaha.

Anyway, here's an update for everyone!


“Are we all set?” Chanyeol asked as he closed his car trunk.

“Siwanie, behave, okay? Don’t let ajhumma and ajhussi worry about you.” I said as I gave Siwan a hug.

“Take care, noona! Hyung, watch after my noona.” Siwan said giving Chanyeol a hug.

“I will. Take care of yourself.” Chanyeol said and we went inside the car.

“We will meet the others by D.O’s grocery store.” Chanyeol said as we started to drive. SeHun and HaeRin are both in SeHun’s car.

“D.O owns a grocery store?” I asked him surprised.

“Yeah. He’s the weirdest one out of all. I don’t know why but it was he’s birthday present from his parents.” Chanyeol replied.

“Wow. So he literally owns it?” I asked and he nodded.

“Daebbak! Who else in your group owns something? What do you own?” I asked him.

“Only D.O owns something for now. I mean, we’ll all own our companies after graduation.” He answered. After about 20 minutes, we finally arrived on a grocery store.

“We’ll do the grocery, first.” D.O said as we met up with the others.

“Is this going to be on the house?” SeHun asked.

“No. Pay for your own.” D.O said and left.

After all the grocery shopping and the argument on who’s going to pay, we finally made our way to Busan. The group decided to just use two cars and leave the others behind. The chosen cars were Chanyeol’s and Lay’s. With us were both HaeRin and SeHun while the rest were in Lay’s.

“We’re here!” XiuMin announced as we all went inside their rest house.

“There are 4 bedrooms here but we’ll only use 2. 1 for the girls and one for us, boys.” XiuMin said and he pointed our rooms. We went inside our rooms to unpack and change.

“How are you and Chanyeol doing, Chanie?” HaeRin asked as we both unpack.

“Great. Well, except for the constant Jiyeon bugging.” I answered and smile.

“That’s good to know.” She remarked.

“How about you and SeHun? I thought you hate him.”

“Well, it just goes as planned.” She said. Planned? What have she planned?

“Is there something you’re not telling me, Rinnie?” I asked her.

“Me? Anio.” She said and left. Something’s fishy and I don’t like it.

After unpacking, we all gathered in the living room.

“What should we do today?” LuHan asked.

“Sleep.” Lay answered.

“Shouldn’t we go have fun, first?” SeHun asked.

“W e have the whole week to do that. Besides, we just arrived. Let’s stay indoors for the day.” Lay said and went to their room.

“I’ll go and prepare something to eat.” I said and left.

“I’ll come with you.” D.O said and we both went into the kitchen.

“Let’s cook kimchi spaghetti.” D.O told me.

“What’s that?”

“My specialty.”

“You know how to cook?”

“Of course. ChanHee-ssi, not because I’m rich, it doesn’t mean that i don’t know any household chores. In fact, I’m a pro when it comes to household chores. My parent’s trained me so that I can use it in the future.” He said and smiled proudly at me while I stare at him dumbfounded.

“We’re not that different you know. Maybe you think that we’re worlds apart but no, because somewhere in the middle, our worlds will meet just like how yours and Chanyeol did.” He said and smiled at me. His words, those were the most comforting words I’ve heard. We’re not that different. Yes, we’re not. Our worlds will meet. And yes, it did. Somehow, D.O’s words made me feel accepted and this made me realize that no matter how far we used to be, we will still be able to find a way to make it one if we wanted to. D.O made me enter his world now. Only LuHan, XiuMin, and Lay are the only ones left to welcome me. But only the latter made me feel unwelcomed and I’ll make sure to find a way to enter his world.


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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha