Exo Series: Secret Love


It’s been days since the unwanted arrival of Jiyeon and it’s been day since I’ve suffered from her unwanted interruptions. She would somehow find a way to take Chanyeol away from me or to get between us whenever we’re together. She’s slowly getting into me but I try so hard to stop myself from killing her.

“She’s like a gum.” HaeRin said.


“That Jiyeon girl. Look at her stick to Chanyeol so much and to think she knows very well that the girlfriend’s here.” She said obviously irritated with the fact that Jiyeon’s been sticking with Chanyeol all this time.

“Are you not going to do anything to stop her?”HaeRin asked me.

“Anio. She haven’t done anything bad for me, yet.” I said and smiled at her.

“Aigoo. Why does my best friend have to be so good hearted?” She said and sighed. If only you knew, HaeRin-ah. I’ve been stabbing that girl inside my mind. Stabbing her until she’s dead. But of course that would only be inside my mind. It’s not like I can do something like that in real life.


“Annyong, ChanHee-ssi!” I heard a voice say and when I looked up, it was Baekhyun.

“Annyong Hasseyo!” I greeted him back.

“Can I sit beside you?” He asked and I nodded.

“Why are you here all alone?” He asked me.

“I wanted to study. How about you?”

“My presence is not welcome there.” He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“Why is that so?”

“Chanyeol basically hates me.”

“Is it okay to know why?”

“Well, Chanyeol and I met back when we were still young and we immediately became best friends but things started to change as we grew up. Chanyeol started seeing me as a competition. You see, his mom and dad are not in a good relationship anymore but they can’t just get a divorce because their reputation might get ruined. It actually started way back in elementary and when it took place, Chanyeol was troubled and started failing. His mom was displeased and started comparing him to me. Starting then, Chanyeol looked at me as a competition instead of a friend. I didn’t mean it that way but somehow, things got worse. And then, 2 years ago came the worst. Chanyeol and I both joined in a photography competition. I joined because it was my passion but Chanyeol joined to beat me. He lost and I won. He was mad at me that he told me he’ll hate me forever.” He said sadness visible in his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered.

“No need. I just find it stupid how he sees me as someone he needs to compete with and beat when Chanyeol has always been far greater than me. And right now, he have something I can never have.”

“What is it?” I asked him.

“Secret. Anyway, ChanHee-ssi, I know Chanyeol would hate this but, can we be friends? Even if it would just be a secret friendship.” He said and I couldn’t bear to say no. Not with all the pain and longing visible in his orbs.

“Of course.” I said and he immediately smiled. We stayed there talking about his and Chanyeol’s childhood and I know deep inside that he misses Chanyeol and their old bonding.

“I’ll see you again tomorrow, ChanHee-ah.” Baekhyun said and left.

“You were here?” A voice asked and I knew very well who it was from.

“Neh. You were busy with someone else that’s why I decided to stay here.” I said as he sat beside me.

“You jealous?” He asked with a hint of teasing in his tone.

“Why would I?”

“Yeah. Why would you?” He asked back, grinning.

“I missed you, Chanyeol-ah. Jiyeon’s been keeping you away from me.” I said as I held his face.

“I missed you, too, babe.” He said and gave me a short peck on the lips.

“I can sue you for that.”

“For what?”

“For stealing a kiss from me.” I said and laughed.

“Should I steal some more?” He said and kissed me more.


“Smile and laugh all you want because it will be over soon. Ahn ChanHee, just wait and see. I’m going to take away something that’s originally mine.” She said looking at the happy couple in front of her.


Trouble is coming!

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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha