Exo Series: Secret Love

I'll try my best to end this fic by tonight.^^

I'm so sorry for not updating for a very long time.

My grades have been dropping in one of my major subjects.

But I'll do my best to pass it!

My Galaxy S3 and Kpop Fantasy Concert relies on it.^^


“Are you here just because of these?” I asked her as I collected all the pictures.

“You know that it’s not that simple, Chanyeol.” She said and eyed me.

“I know that’s why I never told you about her. But I never knew that you’re that much of a fangirl of mine and my girlfriend.” I said smirking. “I’ll be keeping all of these. Gomawo.”

“Don’t talk to me as if we’re playing around, Chanyeol. I want you to break up with her. NOW!”

“What if I don’t? What will you this time, huh? Throw her somewhere far from here? Are you going to do the very same thing you did to noona’s lover before? Do it and let’s see if you’ll still have a child staying with you.” I said and left her there.

“PARK CHANYEOL, COME BACK HERE!” She shouted but I didn’t even look back. She doesn’t matter anyway. After all, she’s just someone who makes my life a living hell. Someone whom I never want to see again.

To: Hee <33

Babe, are you asleep?

From: Yeolie <33

To: Yeolie <33

Anio. I’m not sleepy anymore.


From: Hee <33

To: Hee <33

Nothing. I just want to thank you for today.

I’ll see you tomorrow!

I love you! :*

From: Yeolie <33

To: Yeolie <33

Aigoo. Go to sleep now, mister!^^


From: Hee <33

And with that, I fell asleep.


The next day, we were all busy preparing for school. I was busy dressing up Siwan and at the same time, making HaeRin hurry up with all her morning rituals.

“Aigoo. I never thought that I’ll find a mom in you. Chincha! You’re much more of a nagger compared to my mom.” HaeRin said as we ate breakfast.

“Just hurry up and eat, Rinie.” I said and she pouted.

“Miss ChanHee, someone’s here for you.” One of the maids said and Chanyeol suddenly appeared from behind her.

“Hyung!” Siwan exclaimed and jumped into Chanyeol’s arms.

“Wah! Good Morning, Siwanie!” Chanyeol said and ruffled my brothers hair.

“Good Morning, babe.” He greeted me and gave me a kiss on my cheeks. “And good morning  to you, HaeRin.”

“Who told you that you can just barge in without my consent?” HaeRin asked Chanyeol in a mean tone.

“Sehun did.”

“Sehun? Where’s he?” She suddenly asked looking excited.

“Out...side.” Chanyeol said unsure and he looked at me with a confused expression and not knowing anything, I just shrugged.

“If you guys are done preparing for school, I’ll just be outside!” HaeRin said and immediately left.

“Don’t tell me she’s fallen once again for SeHun.” Chanyeol said.

“Mollah. What are you doing here early in the morning?” I asked him.

“Right. I’m here to give you guys a ride to school.” He said smiling proudly to his self.

“HaeRin have a family driver, you know. You don’t need to bother picking us up.” I said but deep inside I felt happy. It feels like Park Chanyeol is starting to be Ahn ChanHee’s Park Chanyeol.

“Aigoo. I want to do this so I’ll do it. No more arguments. Let’s go or we’ll be late.” He said and we went out with Siwan on his arms.

“Where are you studying, Siwanie?” He asked Siwan who was seated in between HaeRin and SeHun at the back.

“Pororo Kindergarten.” Siwan proudly answered. Aigoo. Here we go with the Pororo fanboy again.

“There’s a school like that?” Chanyeol asked confused and I just have to laugh.

“Anio. He goes to Seoul Kindergarten. It’s just a 5 minutes walking distance from our school.” I answered and he nodded.

After about 20 minutes, we were already in front of our school as we have already dropped off Siwan.

“I’ll go down here.” I told Chanyeol.


“Students will see me if I go down inside the school.” I told him. It’s not like I don’t want to be seen with him, it’s just that,  people might judge not only me but also Chanyeol. Now I have finally realized as to why Chanyeol always wanted to hide our relationship.

“Non-sense. I would like people to know that we’re together now.” He said and help my hand tightly. He then continued to drive until we arrived at the car park where the rest of Exo are waiting obviously for Chanyeol and SeHun.

“We’re here!” SeHun exclaimed as he went down. “LuHan hyung!!!!”

“Yah! Are you going to ignore me now that you’re face to face with LuHan?” HaeRin exclaimed and pouted. We all looked at her confusedly.

“Since when were the two of you close again?” XiuMin asked and SeHun just smiled shyly and HaeRin just ignored him.

“By the way, where have you been this weekend, maknae? We’ve been looking for you.” D.O asked.

“I was at home.”

“You weren’t there when I looked for you.” LuHan said.

“Not at the apartment but at my parents’ home.”

“You never went home there. What has gotten into you?” Lay asked and SeHun pointed at HaeRin and we all understood. Aigoo. Seems like their love story’s gonna have a sequel soon.

After the small talk, we all went together in the main building. I tried going the different direction but everyone insisted that I’ll come with them. Everyone but Lay. Seems like I still need to capture Mr. China Man’s heart and that for sure will be a hard task.

As we walked by, students were all gossiping about HaeRin and mine’s unwanted presence within the group. I wanted to leave immediately but with Chanyeol’s hand tightening around mine, I decided to hold on. After the scene, we all went to our classes. Time passed by fast and it was already lunch time. Chanyeol went to pick me up from class and when we arrived by their table, HaeRin was already there.

“Let’s order now.” XiuMin said and they all agreed. Both HaeRin and I stood up and they all looked at us curiously. Right, self-service is what they’re used to.

“We have someone to serve us. That was your old work, remember?” Lay asked with a cold tone.

“I remember perfectly, no need to worry, Lay. And because I know how it feels to serve you guys despite the fact that this cafeteria is self-service, I don’t want to add up into the poor girl’s task.” I said and left to order together with HaeRin.

When we were both in line, Chanyeol suddenly came and was followed by the rest of Exo, including Lay.

“Why are you here?” HaeRin asked SeHun.

“Lay hyung’s ego got hurt that’s why he wanted to order normally.” SeHun answered in a low voice but failed to not let Lay hear him.

“I heard that Oh SeHun.” Lay coldly said which SeHun just shrugged to.

After ordering, we went back to our table and ate, each having themselves immersed in their own conversations.

“Let’s have dinner later.” Chanyeol said as we were on our way to my next class.


“Nothing. I just want to spend time with you especially now that I don’t have to hide our relationship.” He said and kissed my knuckles.

“Aigoo. You’re this cheesy, huh!” I said and he laughed causing me to laugh with him.

“Anyway, I’ll send you home later and I’ll pick you up again by 6:00 p.m, okay?” He asked and I nodded. He then gave me a kiss on the cheeks and left.

“Yah! Oh SeHun, what are you doing?!” I heard HaeRin’s scream as soon as I made my way downstairs.

“Are guys sure that you can take care of Siwan for me?” I asked them as I looked at how messy the living room’s been within only 30 minutes of my absence.

“No worries, ChanHee. We both can handle you brother.” SeHun said smiling but I doubt it. No kid will be able to take care of another one. Siwan might end up taking care of these chidings instead.

“Arasso. And please, refrain from turning this whole place into a dumpster or else all the maids will resign and I’m sure you can’t handle that, HaeRin.” I said and left for the door.

“The dinner was great. Gomawo.” I said as I went down.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, babe!” He said and left. As I was about to go inside the gate, I noticed a woman standing approximately 10 meters away from the gate and is staring at me.

“Can I help you?” I asked her and she made her way towards me.

“So, you’re the girl that my son is dating?” She asked me.


“I am Chanyeol’s mom. I wouldn’t make this conversation long. I’m here to tell to stay away from him. Chanyeol is too far from you, my dear. I know he haven’t told you this yet, but Chanyeol have been arranged to marry someone ever since he was born.” His mom said and left me stunned. I looked at her car leaving until it was out of sight and my tears started to fall. Why is it that when we are starting to get happy, things starts to get complicated.

That night, I spent it with thoughts about Chanyeol, his mom’s words, and how it will affect me. Us.


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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha