Exo Series: Secret Love

What's this?

Is this really a triple update?

Yep, I'm in the mood today.

I'll update again later when I get back.

BREAKING DAWN, here I come!!!!



The next day, ChanHee woke up with a swollen eyes and she felt like a dead person but she knows very well that she’s alive. She didn’t have any sleep last night as she spent the whole night crying her heart out. She thought that if she would cry it all, she would no longer feel the pain but she was wrong because here she is, looking like a mess and her heart is still broken.

“You don’t have to go to school today, Chanie. I’ll tell your professors that you’re not feeling well.” HaeRin said as she saw ChanHee went down.

“It’s okay. It’s not like I can run away from him. Why not face him soon when I can, right?” ChanHee said lifelessly.

“Can you really face him now?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you like this, Chanie. Face him when you’re already better.” HaeRin said.

“The school is huge. I’m sure I can avoid him.” ChanHee said and headed out.

“Noona, why is my ChanHee noona sad?” Siwan asked HaeRin.

“ChanHee is just not feeling well, Siwanie. Your noona is sick with colds.” HaeRin lied not wanting Siwan to know the truth.

As soon as their chauffeur arrived outside the school gate, ChanHee immediately spotted Chanyeol with a happy Jiyeon in his arms.

“That jerk! What the hell does he think he’s doing?!” HaeRin madly said and was about to get out and confront Chanyeol when ChanHee stopped her.

“He’s not worth your time, Rinnie. And look, SeHun’s waiting for you.” ChanHee said and pointed at SeHun with the rest of EXO standing meters away from Chanyeol.

“Haeie!” SeHun exclaimed and went to hug his girlfriend.

“ChanHee-ah, we don’t know what happened but Jiyeon and Chanyeol’s been like that since we arrived here.” LuHan said and eyed the two ‘lovebirds’ with disgust.

“I-It’s okay. It’s not like I have the right to stop them.” ChanHee lifelessly said.

“What do you mean?” XiuMin asked.

“We are no longer together.” ChanHee said and the boys looked at her in shock.

“What? Why? Since when?” D.O couldn’t help but throw her numerous questions.

“Since yesterday.” She answered.

“Are you okay?” Lay asked her with concern. It’s funny how the coldest one out of all was now the one who looked the most concerned.

“I don’t know, Lay. I want to say I’m okay but I know I’m not.” She said and a tear fell again.

“Please don’t cry, ChanHee.” SeHun said and the rest nodded.

“What are you guys still doing? Let’s go now!” Chanyeol said and they all looked at him except for ChanHee.

“I guess I’ll be leaving now.” ChanHee said in a low voice and left before someone can even stop her.

“Chan-Chan!” She heard Baekhyun’s nickname for her and turned around. This also caught Chanyeol’s attention making him glare at the two.

“Hyunie.” ChanHee greeted back as Baekhyun was already in front of her.

“What happened to you, Chan-Chan? Did you cry all night just because of that ?” Baekhyun asked and pouted.

“I’m okay, Hyunie. No need to worry about me and stop pouting. It’s still very early to be such a pouty.” She said and Baekhyun immediately smiled.

“Kaja, Chan-Chan. I’ll send you to your class.” Baekhyun said and pushed ChanHee’s shoulders. As they passed by EXO, Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol.

“That ! Oppa, don’t mind them” Jiyeon sid and hugged Chanyeol’s arm.

“Between you and ChanHee, I’m 101% sure that you’re the .” HaeRin said glaring at Jiyeon.

“SeHun-ah, tell your girlfriend not to insult my girlfriend.” Chanyeol coldly said making Jiyeon smirk at the word girlfriend.

“Wow! How great of a jerk you are, Chanyeol. From what I remembered, you and ChanHee were still together and now, you’re with this .” ChanHee said and glared at the two.

“I can’t believe you’re an , Chanyeol.” LuHan said disappointed.

“She was the one who did something wrong, hyung.”

“Really? Tell us what she did? Is it making friends with Baekhyun?” HaeRin asked.

“It’s none of your business.” Chanyeol answered coldly.

“I think it’s our business especially because ChanHee is our friend.” D.O said.

“You’re much better not making friends with her.” Chanyeol said.

“Wheyo? From what I know, ChanHee is great friend, hyung.” SeHun said.

“She just wanted me for money and she just wants to be friends with you for the same thing! She is a gold digger!” Chanyeol said and immediately received a hard punch from Lay.

“Say that again and I’ll make sure that you won’t be seeing another day again. I don’t know what that Jiyeon have inserted in your brainless head, but I just hope that sooner or later, you’ll wake up and see the truth before it’s too late.” Lay said and left with the rest of EXO following him.

“Oppa, are you okay?” Jiyeon asked and helped Chanyeol stand up.

“They’re stupid, oppa. Don’t worry, I’ll make them know what ChanHee has done to you.” Jiyeon said and secretly smirked as she had thought of a plan.

ChanHee spent her whole lunch with Baekhyun at the rooftop. As they went down, the students were looking at them and kept on whispering with one another.

“What’s happening?” Baekhyun asked as he felt uncomfortable from all the attention.

“Such a ! You don’t deserve Chanyeol oppa!” One student said and glared at ChanHee.

“!” “!” “You should die!” “Gold Digger!” Those were the words that every female student said as they passed by.

“Don’t listen to them, Chan-Chan.” Baekhyun said but ChanHee only hung her head down.

“Channie, I finally found you. You should see this.” HaeRin said and handed her a poster. In the poster were photos of her and Baekhyun in the rooftop. The last one caught her attention. It was taken at an angle that will make it look like they were kissing but she remember well that she was helping Baekhyun remove the dirt in his eye by blowing on it.

“Who would spread something as non sense as this?” Baekhyun asked looking at the poster.

“You really don’t have any idea? Like seriously?” HaeRin asked Baekhyun with an are-you-kidding-me look.

“No. Oh... You mean...”

“Yep. Your ever so y cousin.” HaeRin answered.

“Is that why Chanyeol broke up with ChanHee?”

“Yep. 100%. The other EXO guys are furious.” HaeRin saidn

“Are they mad at me?” ChanHee asked worried.

“No. They’re mad at Chanyeol for being so naive and at Jiyeon for doing something as low as this. I think we should go see them.” HaeRin said and the 3 of them went to an abandoned classroom where EXO, excluding Chanyeol, is.

“ChanHee, are you okay?” Lay immediately asked and she just nodded.

“We need to find a solution as to how we will be able to solve this problem.” XiuMin said.

“I never knew Jiyeon would reside to this. When we came back here, she promised me that she’ll stop obsessing with Chanyeol but after the talk she had with Chanyeol’s mom, she suddenly changed.” Baekhyun said as they gathered together to think.

“That’s it!” D.O exclaimed.


“Chanyeol’s mom is the one wanting to separate the two of you. We know how selfish Chanyeol’s mom is. She even threw her own daughter just because she didn’t approve of her boyfriend before.” D.O explained and everybody immediately understood except of course for ChanHee and HaeRin.

“What happened to his sister?” ChanHee asked.

“Well, ChaeRin noona fell in love for an intern in their company. He was a scholar and was an orphan. But noona didn’t care about that, instead, she fell deeply into him. They became a couple but when Imo knew about this, she threw the guy somewhere far. However, noona was able to find him and fought for him. Imo then decided to throw noona as well.” SeHun explained.

“She’s horrible.” HaeRin remarked.

“She is and she always will be. She doesn’t even like us as Chanyeol’s friends.” LuHan added.

“So, where is his sister now?” ChanHee asked.

“She’s in California together with her husband and their son. Samchon came to get them when he knew that his wife was able to do it to their daughter.” Baekhyun said.

“Anyway, what would we do in order for Chanyeol to wake up and be back with ChanHee?” HaeRin asked.

“Tell him the truth.” XiuMin said.

“If it would be that easy, we would’ve done that.” Lay said.

“How about make Jiyeon confess her sins.” LuHan said.

“My cousin is much eviler than you thought. She would never confess.” Beakhyun said.

“Well, if we can’t target Jiyeon to confess, let’s make Chanyeol hyung realize how much he loves ChanHee.” SeHun said.

“What do you mean?” Everyone asked the maknae.

“Like make a situation that will end hyung confessing to ChanHee.” SeHun said.

“I know. Let’s have ChanHee get into an accident!” HaeRin said.

“Are you trying to kill me?” ChanHee asked her.

“NO! What I mean is, have you play as a girl who got bumped by a car and is dying. And then tell Chanyeol about it and let’s see if he do something about it.” HaeRin said.

“Well then, that’s good. XiuMin, ask your dad if we can use one room in your hospital.” Lay said and XiuMin nodded and went to his dad.

“I’ll go and see Chanyeol for awhile.” ChanHee said and before someone can ask her a question, she left. She went around the school just to find him but he’s nowhere in sight. She then decided to stay in the rooftop when she received a message from HaeRin.

From: HaeRin

Channie, they said that we can execute the plan a week from now.

I know you want it to be soon but we need to plan it properly so that it may seem so real.


From: ChanHee

I understand. Thanks, Rinnie.


“Oppa, let’s go on a date today!” ChanHee suddenly heard Jiyeon’s voice and she went to hide somewhere.

“I’m tired.” Chanyeol coldly answered.

“But, oppa....” Before Jiyeon could finish her sentence, Chanyeol’s lips shut her.

“Will that be enough to compensate for me saying no?” Chanyeol asked and Jiyeon nodded like crazy.

‘That should be me in her place, Yeolie. I should be the one holding you. I should be the one receiving your kisses. Do you really love me or what you said about playing around with me is the truth? Please tell me it’s not the latter because if so, I don’t know what I’ll do anymore.’ ChanHee thought and yet again, her tears started to fall.

Poor ChanHee!!!! T^T

Makes me wanna comfort her.


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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha