Exo Series: Secret Love

Sorry for notupdating again.

Please forgive me. :(

Here's an update for everyone!^^



“Wah~! This is so refreshing.” I exclaimed as I spread my hands. We were on a yacht that both Chanyeol and SeHun rented for our trip.

“See. And you don’t even want to be here, right?” Chanyeol teased and I just gave him a mehrong. I then gave my attention back to the endless ocean in front of us. I was enjoying the view when I felt Chanyeol’s arms wrap around me.

“How I wish we can stay this way forever, babe.” He whispered to me and held me tighter.

“Yah! Will you lovebirds stop being so lovey dovey?!” HaeRin, who was sitting by the table set in the middle of the yacht, exclaimed.

“Is my HaeRin jealous?” SeHun asked in a teasing tone.

“Done start with me, SeJerkHun!” HaeRin said frowning in which SeHun just responded with a laugh.

“I wonder when they’ll have something to agree with one another.” Chanyeol said as we were looking at the fighting HaeRin and SeHun.

“They actually have something that they both agree into.”

“What is it?”

“They both hate each other. That’s what it is.”

“Anio. I don’t think SeHun hates her. I actually think that SeHun likes HaeRin by the way he’s always teasing her.” Chanyeol said confirming my original thought. Then maybe, just maybe, this two still have another chance of being together. Seeing HaeRin’s reactions when SeHun’s around tells me that she still have feelings for him. Not hatred, something called.... Love.

“So hungry!” SeHun exclaimed as we started digging into our foods. We just finished swimming that’s why it’s no longer a wonder how we have a feast in front of us.

“Changkaman! HaeRin, don’t eat that.” SeHun suddenly exclaimed taking the fried rice away from HaeRin.

“Waeyo?” HaeRin asked him.

“It has shrimp on it. Hyung, can we order something else? HaeRin’s allergic to shrimp.” SeHun said and HaeRin looked at him with a shocked emotion.

“Arasso.” Chanyeol answered and called a waiter over to order plain rice and another viand that doesn’t conatin any shrimp.

“Rinie, why didn’t you tell us that you were allergic to shrimp?” I asked HaeRin.

“Mian. I didn’t want to trouble you. Besides, it’s not really that much of a big deal.” HaeRin answered.

“Not a big deal?! You almost died the last time we ate together!” SeHun exclaimed.

“Yah! Why are you spitting it out!” HaeRin said smacking SeHun’s head who pouted while massaging his head.

“Ooooohhhhh. Reminiscing the past?” Chanyeol asked obviously teasing the two.

“There’s no past to reminisce.” HaeRin snapped at Chanyeol who just laughed.

“Chincha?” I asked them teasing as well.

“Not you, too, Chanie!!!!” HaeRin whined and I just laughed.

“Let’s go to the bear museum!” SeHun exclaimed as our chauffeur drove.

“So gay!” HaeRin said pushing SeHun.

“Babe, you want to go to Bear museum?” Chanyeol asked as he held my hand.

"Anywhere’s fine with me.” I responded.

“Let’s go to the bear museum, hyung!!!!” SeHun said shaking Chanyeol.

“Arasso. Arasso. Stop acting like a child!” Chanyeol exclaimed and shook SeHun’s hands away from him.

After 30 minutes, we finally arrived at the Bear Museum. We then had a tour inside and took lots of pictures with the bears.

“Let’s buy this one, babe.” Chanyeol said showing me a couple bear.

“Arasso.” I said and we made our way into the counter.

After paying, the four of us went back into the hotel.




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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha