Exo Series: Secret Love


I didn't update again for a very long time.

I'm so sorry. My boy's been weak these days and all I did was miss my classes. >.<

Anyway, her's the update for everyone!^^


“Noona, when are we going to enter?” Siwan whined for the nth time as the two of us stood outside the zoo. Today is the day where Chanyeol will finally meet one of the most important persons in my life which is my brother.

“Just a few more minutes.” I answered him and he pouted.

“I am so late and I’m so sorry.” Chanyeol suddenly appeared panting and sweating.

“Nuguseyo?” Siwan asked him.

“My name is Chanyeol. And you are?” Chanyeol asked back.

“Siwan! Who are you to my noona?”

“I’m her boyfriend.” Chanyeol answered proudly.

“Since when? I don’t like you for my noona!” Aigoo. This kid...

“Since last year. You can’t do anything anymore because your noona already approved of me.” Chanyeol answered and gave my brother a mehrong. Aigoo. I think I’ll be with two kids today.

“Are you two just going to argue or are we going inside?” I asked them and as expected from their same mental age, they answered the same thing, at the same time.


“Hyung is paying.” Siwan said and pointed at Chanyeol as we were in front of the ticket booth.

“Of course I’m paying. Hyung have capabilities, you know!” Chanyeol answered making the worker in the ticket booth laugh.

“Aigoo. Let’s stop arguing and just have fun, okay?” I asked both of them and they nodded together.

As soon as we entered, both Siwan and Chanyeol dashed into the very first animals in sight which are Tigers.

“Wah~! It’s a tiger!” They both exclaimed while pointing at the tigers in view.

“Siwan, go and pose. Hyung will take your picture.” Chanyeol said and Siwan immediately did a V-line pose.

“Another one. Chanie, come and join your brother!” Chanyeol said calling me over and I went to take a picture with Siwan.

After the tigers, we went to meet more animals.

“Look! It’s a lion!” Siwan exclaimed and pointed excitedly to the king of the jungle.

“Monkeys!!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed and pointed at the monkeys in sight.

We then went on the Safari ride where we were able to see a bear being fed and tons of wild animals walking just beside our bus.

“The bears are having a wrestling match!” Siwan exclaimed and both Chanyeol and him cheered for one of the bears which ended up with them bickering with one another as well.

We then went to the bird museum where we were able to play with the birds, feed them and have pictures taken with them.

“Oh! D.O hyung, what are you doing here?” Chanyeol suddenly exclaimed and when I went to the person he was talking to, it was an owl.

“Yah! Why are you talking to that owl?” I asked him.

“It’s my friend. D.O hyung. Loot at him. Don’t you see the resemblance?” He asked and I just have to agree.

After that, we went to the the zodiac sign museum, and the baby animals museum. We had loads of fun and took lots of pictures. And in no time, the two kids I’m with became best friends.

“Siwan, are you tired?” Chanyeol asked Siwan who’s hand he was holding.

“Neh, hyung.” My brother said and pouted.

“Arasso. Come here and hyung will carry you.” Chanyeol said and bent down to give my brother a ride on his shoulders.

Chanyeol and I walked together holding hands while his other hand held Siwan’s. Looking at our situation right now, it feels perfect. It felt as if we’re a family. Chanyeol as the appa, me as the omma, and Siwan as our aegi. And this is something I want to last forever. A moment where I want to pause time and spend it like this for the rest of our lives. But good things come to an end immediately.

“Let’s go home now. I don’t think Siwan can handle more.” I said as I noticed Siwan bobbing his head slowly and his eyes were starting to close already.

“Arasso. I’ll send you home.”

“There’s no need, Yeolie. Our way is opposite from yours.” I told him assuring him that taking the bus is fine with me.

“No. I’ll take you home and that’s final.” He said and I just found myself in the passenger seat of Chanyeol’s car with Siwan at the back buckled at the back seat.

“Leggo!” He said and drove off. I then unexpectedly fell asleep as we were on the way.


During the travel it was silent as both Siwan and ChanHee fell asleep. Today was tiring but it was worth it. Being able to spend time with ChanHee feels good. And being able to capture Siwan’s heart is such an overwhelming feeling. It makes me think that soon, ChanHee and I will be having our own family.

“Babe, wake up now.” I said and as I gently shook ChanHee. Aigoo. My sleeping queen looks so beautiful.

“5 more minutes.” She mumbled and went back to sleep.

“You can continue your sleep on your bed later, babe.” I said and shook her more but still, she didn’t wake up. I then decided to kiss her the fairytale way. I kissed her lips and her eyes slowly opened.

“Taking advantage of me while I’m sleeping, Park Chanyeol?” She asked with a grin.

“You weren’t waking up that’s why.” I said and kissed her again.

“Yah! Stop it.” She said laughing and we both went down with me carrying prince Siwan. She took Siwan from me and they both went inside.

I arrived home with a huge smile plastered on my face as the memories from our trip kept on replaying on my mind.

“Aren’t you a bit too smiley today, sweetheart?” A voice asked me and I didn’t need to guess who it was from because nobody else in this world would have that witch-like voice.

“You’re home? That’s a miracle.” I said as my happiness immediately went away.

“Care to explain what’s the meaning of these?” she said and threw a lot of pictures in the coffee table in front of me. And my eyes went huge. There in front of me stood lots of pictures of me, ChanHee and Siwan on our date today. I looked up and saw the witch smirking evilly. Uh-oh. I smell trouble and when I mean trouble, it means big trouble!


I can sense drama coming.

Can you? Hahaha

I changed the font colour because someone told me to do so.^^

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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha