Exo Series: Secret Love

One last chapter and this fic is done.^^


I stared at the scenery in front of me. How long has it been? 5 hours? It hasn’t even been that long since I’ve arrived here, yet, I miss everyone. I decided to leave for the better. With this, I can think somewhere away from Chanyeol and Jiyeon. With me being away, its either Chanyeol will want me back or will finally be able to forget me. I love him but sometimes, loving a person doesn’t always mean that we can be with him forever. Because loving a person sometimes means letting go. Letting go. Such an easy thing to say yet, it’s very hard to do. Am I really ready to let him go? Will I be able to?

“They’re worried about you especially HaeRin. Everybody’s blaming both Jiyeon and Chanyeol.

Take care over there, ChanHee. Message me back if you have arrived.”

I read my mail and smiled over the message.

“Hey. I’ve arrived already.

You take are, too. I miss all of you already.”

After responding to the mail, I went to the nearest grocery store to buy my supplies.

“ChanHee?” I heard someone call my name and when I turn around, I saw an unfamiliar girl.

“It’s really you.” She said and went closer.

“Do I know you?” I asked her.

“How mean of me not to introduce myself. I’m MinJae. And no, you don’t know me. I’m LuHan’s best friend.” She said and smiled at me.

“Hi. I never knew LuHan have a female best friend.” I said.

“No one knows except for the two of us.” She said with a sad smile. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I kind of ran away. Please don’t tell anyone about it.” I asked her and she smiled at me.

“Well, I guess we’re both on the same boat.” She said and laughed at my confused face.

“You see, LuHan oppa and I kind of had a fight and I ended up confessing to him.” She said still with a smile but her eyes were sad.

“I’m sorry.” I silently said.

“No, it’s okay.” She said.

“Is it really alright if I stay here with you?” She asked as we both went inside the house I’m staying at. MinJae had just arrived here when we met up in the grocery store and she didn’t have any place to stay at that’s why I decided to offer her my place.

“Of course.” I said and helped her with her stuffs and she went to unpack on the room we both shared.

“So, how long do you plan on staying here?” She asked me as we had our dinner.

“I don’t know. I guess until I’m alright. How about you?”

“Same here. I don’t know how to face LuHan oppa now. Not after my crazy confession and not after he just left me there.” She said and a tear fell from her eye.

“He left you after your confession?” I asked her and she nodded and this time, her tears flowed continuously.

“I was stupid to tell him how I feel. I’ve been keeping it for years now because I know very well that he doesn’t feel the same way but because of my anger, I let it spill out of my own mouth.” She said and continued sobbing.

“Shhhh. I don’t know how to comfort you, to be honest. I know how much pain your feeling now because we both feel the same way. Broken. But always remember that we have each other to share that pain.” I told her as I gave her a hug.

After the dramatic dinner, we went to bed early.


“Is there anything from ChanHee?” Lay asked but everybody said no. It has been a day since she left and we still had no clue as to where she is.

“LuHan, are you okay? You’ve been down since this morning.” XiuMin hyung asked.

“Are you that concerned about her? If you care that much about her, you should’ve stopped her, hyung.” I suddenly said not really meaning it. Since last night, I haven’t had a decent sleep. I kept on thinking about ChanHee and her whereabouts.

“Don’t put the blame on me when you’re the one to blame, Chanyeol.” LuHan hyung coldly told me. I know, hyung. I know.

“Why are you all blaming me when she was the one who left?” Suddenly my mouth has a mind of its own.

“She wanted you to stop her from leaving but you just gave her a cold shoulder.” Lay suddenly said.

“What do you want me to do, Lay? Stop her and make her think that everything’s fine? She cheated on me! She betrayed me!” My mouth said endlessly putting a blame on ChanHee.

“She didn’t, Chanyeol. You were the one who betrayed her. You and your stupid ego!” Lay said and suddenly punched me. I was down on the floor in a matter of seconds and suddenly, everything made sense. Lay was right. I betrayed her. I was the one who caused everything to be like this but despite the realization, I still wasn’t able to accept he truth that she left because of me.

“She betrayed me, first. She went to Baekhyun despite all my reminders on her.” I told them.

“I was the one who went to her asking her to be my friend. And ChanHee being ChanHee, she accepted me despite the risk. But she knew very well that she’s done something wrong. She would always worry about you finding out and would always ask me to reveal the truth but I was being selfish, I always told her no. You’re lucky. She was so in-love with you that she can’t even see my heart.” Baekhyun said with a sad voice.

“You should’ve courted her if you like her.”

“How can I court someone who would never be happy in my arms. I was satisfied just having her by my side as my friend because at least I can still be with her.” Baekhyun said and left.

“Who else do you want to take the blame on, Chanyeol?” XiuMin hyung asked and I sighed.

“Tell me where she is. I’ll talk to her.” I said not even looking at them.

“If only we knew where she is, we would’ve already went to persuade her.” Lay said.

“Guys, I think ChanHee is still around.” D.O suddenly arrived panting while holding an envelope.

“Why do you think so, hyung?” SeHun asked.

“I found this in my locker and it’s from ChanHee.” D.O said and I immediately took it away from him.


I heard you guys were worried about me. Please don’t be. I’m perfectly fine wherever I am right now. Rinnie-ah, please take care of my Siwanie for me. And I’m sorry for putting you in such a burdensome situation. SeHun-ah, take care of my best friend. D.O, make sure everyone eats, arasso? Lay, how’s your troubled heart? I hope you’re doing great now. XiuMin, as the oldest, please make sure everyone doesn’t fight. And LuHan, I am with MinJae. Baekhyun, I hope you’ve fixed your friendship with Chanyeol. And also, if ever Chanyeol is worried about me, please tell him I’m fine and stop blaming him. Please make him know that I still love him and I always will.

Lots of Love,


After reading the message, a tear fell from my eye. She still cares for me. I love you, too, Ahn ChanHee. I love you, babe.


Lame Chapter is LAME! ahahaha


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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha