Exo Series: Secret Love

Sorry for the delay.

I kind off fell asleep while writing chapter 12.

I'll update again later.


Days have passed and it’s already the day for the trip. HaeRin and I have already packed up our luggage and we have already left Siwan with the Ohs. Meeting Mrs. Oh was such a lovely experience. She was very feminine, beautiful, and kind. She was very happy when we told her that Siwan’s gonna be staying with them for a week. And Mr. Oh, well, I thought he was scary. He gave off this cold aura just like Sehun but when he starts talking, I immediately knew that he was such a kind man. And leaving Siwan with them made me feel at ease.

“Jerk! I hope you fall down from the plane!” I heard HaeRin curse and when I turned around, she was face to face with SeHun who had a blank expression.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Missy but I won’t.” SeHun said and smirked.

“Can you just leave me alone?!” HaeRin exclaimed.

“I would love to, but I believe that my seat is right next to you.” SeHun said and sat next to HaeRin.

We’re already in the private plane owned by our school, which I never knew existed. I was seated next to the window and right next to me is a vacant space, while HaeRin is seated on the middle row and SeHun’s right next to her.

“I believe I’ll be sitting here.” I heard a voice said and when I looked up, I met eyes with XiuMin. “Annyong!”

“Neh. Annyong.” I greeted him back slightly feeling uncomfortable.

“I haven’t seen you working in the cafeteria anymore. What happened?” The bun asked.

“HaeRin’s family decided to sponsor my studies that’s why I don’t need to work in school anymore.” And also, I don’t want to be near Chanyeol. I wanted to add but of course I couldn’t

“That’s good to hear.” He said cheerfully and smiled.

“Yah! Bun, let’s exchange!” HaeRin’s voice suddenly interrupted and XiuMin looked at her.

“Is that the way you talk to your sunbae?” XiuMin asked obviously ticked off.

“Mian. Let’s exchange seats. Sit with your jerk friend!” She said pointing at SeHun who just smirked.

“What do I get in return?”

“Free dinner. My treat.” HaeRin offered and the bun immediately agreed.

“Wow! That was easy.” She said and sat next to me.

“What happened there?” I asked her.

“The Jerk’s been bothering me.”

“What did he do?”

“He suddenly kissed my cheeks. Now, my cheeks are contaminated!” She said pouting.

“Wah~! You both already in that level? Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked trying to .

“Yah! Shikkuro!” She said and frowned even more. After a few minutes of waiting, our plane finally took off. This is my first time riding in a plane and I felt nervous. But as soon as I saw the scenery from above, I felt very happy. If Siwan was here, he’ll be more than happy.


We were already in the plane on the way to Jeju. SeHun and XiuMin hyung are seated next to one another. Lay and LuHan hyung. And me and the sleeping D.O. I then got bored and started studying the plane. My eyes then landed on the beautiful figure next to the window. She was looking at the scenery outside obviously awed by what she’s seeing. She was smiling. A smile that came from her heart. While looking at her, I didn’t even notice that I was also smiling. Ahn ChanHee, you and the magic that you do to me!


After about an hour, we finally arrived to our destination. Hello, Jeju!!!! Jeju Do looked so beautiful below us in the plane. The pictures didn’t do justice for it.

“Rin-ah, wake up. We’re already here.” I said trying to wake up the sleeping HaeRin.

“5 more minutes.” She mumbled in her sleep.

“Anio. You need to wake up now.” I said as I shook her but still, she didn’t open her eyes.

“Let me wake her up.” SeHun offered and I wanted to decline but he already took action.

“Jang HaeRin, wake up now or else I’ll kiss you in the lips.” SeHun whispered and HaeRin immediately opened her eyes.

“Go away, jerk!” She exclaimed pushing away SeHun’s face and scowled at him. SeHun smirked in satisfaction and left. We then followed after.

“Students, we will now be heading to our hotel. You’ll be rooming in accord to what you want and where you want.” Our teacher-in-charge, Mrs. Song said as we all settled down in the bus.

“Saem, can we all stay in one room?” D.O asked referring to the 6 of them. I wonder if there’s a room fitted for the 6 of them.

“Of course.” Mrs. Song answered.

“We don’t have any activity for today, which means you are all free to enjoy yourselves in the hotel. Tomorrow, wake up early because by 8:00 a.m, we will be leaving for our tour. On our 3rd day, there will be a conference about Jeju and all of you are invited to join. And on our 4th and 5th day, you are all free to roam around Jeju.” Mrs. Song said and allowed us to enjoy the view.

“Look at that.” I said as I pointed outside the window.

“Wah! It’s so nice. Jeju is so beautiful.” haeRin exclaimed and we continued looking outside. After about 20 minutes, we arrived in a very luxurious hotel.

“Are we going to stay here?” I whispery asked HaeRin and she nodded.

“So, here’s your room keys.” Mrs. Song said handing one to Exo, one to HaeRin, and one to the other two seniors. “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, class.”

“Kaja. Let’s go to our room!” HaeRin said and we immediately boarded the elevator. We stopped at the top floor where I believe is where the most expensive rooms are.

“Daebak! We landed in one of the most expensive rooms?!” I asked her.

“Nae.” She said and opened our room which left me in awe. The room was as huge, ani, it was bigger than our old house. It has 2 rooms, a living room, a kitchen, a walk-in closet in each room, a bathroom, and even a Jacuzzi.

“Let’s start unpacking now!’ HaeRin said and we went to our own rooms and started unpacking. After almost 30 minutes, we were both finished. We then stayed in the living room watching TV when a knock was heard not from the front door but from the door near the kitchen.

“What was that?” I asked HaeRin and she just shrugged. Another knock was heard and we both decided to come to its aid. When I opened the door, both SeHun and LuHan were in front of us.

“Hyung, we were right! They’re really staying next to us!” SeHun said obviously telling the other members. The other 4 then went to take a peek at us.

“What are you doing, SeJerkHun?” HaeRin asked coldly. Aigoo. Mood swing much, chingu?

“Checking up on you. Leave the door open all the time. Omma and appa wants me to baby sit you.”

“No need. I don’t need an immature creature being my baby sitter.”

“Arasso. Suit yourself. I’ll just tell omma and appa that their so-called angel is going against their decision.” SeHun said and smirked knowing that he won.

“Ugh! Whatever!” HaeRin exclaimed and went to her room.

“I-I’ll just leave the door open, then.” I said and left.

“Changkaman!” I heard someone said and when I turned around, XiuMin was there next to five curious faces.


“Please remind HaeRin about her dinner treat for me.” He said and I nodded and left.

“Hyung, you’re going out for dinner with HaeRing?! How can you betray me?!” I heard SeHun exclaimed and I can’t help but laugh at his childishness.

“Dinner time!” HaeRin exclaimed and she went around the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I asked her curiously as she continued to ravage around.

“I’m trying to check if there’s food in here.” She said and gave up afterwards.

“Nope. There’s nothing we can eat here.” She said pouting.

“Aren’t you supposed to treat Xiumin out for dinner?” I asked her and she nodded.

“But I’m too lazy to go down. And I wanted to taste your cooking.” She said and gave me her aegyo which works all the time, by the way.

“Arasso. Then I’ll go buy some ingredients.” I said and she shook her head.

“Let the boys buy it for you.” She said and went to the door that connects our room with the boys.

“SeJerkHun!” She called and SeHun immediately came.

“What do you want?”

“The 6 of you, have dinner with us. But you need to go buy the ingredients.” She said and SeHun agreed. He then asked for the list, which I gave him and both D.O and him left.

“Is this your dinner treat for me? I wanted to eat in the restaurant though.” XiuMin said frowning.

“Yah! Yah! Yah! Bun, don’t you know how good my best friend is in cooking?” She asked and XiuMin shook his head.

“Then, brace yourself because you’ll be able to taste the most delicious food ever!” She proudly said making me feel embarrassed.

“Wah! This is so good!” XiuMin exclaimed as he took another mouthful of the ddukboki I made. We were now all seated in the dining table inside our suite and we have just started eating. Because of both SeHun and D.O’s fail grocery skills, we only ended up with ramyun and ddukbokki.

“ChanHee-ssi, jjang!” SeHun exclaimed and gave me a thumbs up.

“This could’ve been much better if not for your fail grocery skills!” HaeRin told SeHun.

“Who told you to ask me to buy, then?”

“Who told you to agree?” HaeRIn snapped back.

“Can’t we just have a peaceful dinner?” LuHan asked and the two immediately stopped arguing but still kept on glaring.

“So, ChanHee-ssi, how did you end up being HaeRin-ssi’s friend?” Lay suddenly asked all of a sudden and from the corner of my eyes, I saw how Chanyeol stiffened. Yes, I’ve been secretly watching him. The way he sat, the way he held his utensils, the way he ate, the way he drank water, the way he kept on looking at me. I was looking at him secretly, trying to study his every move. How ironic this situation is. I’ve always dreamed of being able to eat with Chanyeol together with his friends and now, I got the chance to do so but then, we’re no longer together.

“We met each other in school and got to spend time together in Busan.” I answered him.

“Really? And you immediately became that close?” Lay asked. Is he trying to play detective on me? Why, unicorn? Is there something I’ve done?

“Neh. HaeRin isn’t hard to be close with.” I answered him feeling uncomfortable with the way he was staring at me.

“I see. HaeRin-ssi, thank you for inviting us over dinner. And ChanHee-ssi, your cooking is great.” Lay said. I can sense something wrong from the way he talks to me. Suspiscion. Dissatisfaction. And a little bit of hatred. I don’t know why he’s being like this. Is this because of the recent fight he had with Chanyeol?

“You girls have other plans for tonight?” LuHan asked breaking up my trance.

“Yep. We’re both gonna hit the hotel spa.” HaeRin asked.

“Even Ms. Scholar here?” Lay asked looking at me coldly. And that’s when I figured out why Lay treats me differently. He despise me because of my social status. I should’ve known.

“Yeah. My bepu’s been too stressed lately. With their parents leaving for China, her studies, taking care of her brother, and helping out with our maids at home.” HaeRin answered oblivious of the way Lay is talking to me.

“So you live in the same house now?” Lay inquired again.

“Lay, why do you ask so much? That’s totally not like you. Stop being nosy.” Chanyeol suddenly spoke up making Lay smirk. Chanyeol’s voice was filled with warning. Warning for Lay to stop asking infos about me.

“Hyung, let’s go to the spa as well!” SeHun told XiuMin.

“We can’t. We’ve already made reservations in one of the private pools here.” XiuMin answered making the maknae pout.

“LuHan hyung.....” He then turned to LuHan who gave him an abrupt no.

“Fail much?” HaeRin asked SeHun obviously trying to piss him off.

“Shut up!” SeHun answered and frowned making HaeRin smirk.

“I guess we’ll be leaving now. Thank you for the dinner. We’ll see you tomorrow.” LuHan said and the 6 of them left. My eyes trailed unto Chanyeol and I watched him leave until he was out of sight.

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Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are updated! Tell me what you think about it!^^


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: Really great story ^^
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 33: Daebakk!!! This story is good...
miemexo #3
Chapter 32: i love u authornim so much for making this ING AWESOME STORY!! i really enjoyed it!
Babolove31 #4
Chapter 10: T^T this breaks my heart~~~ huhuhuhu~
Chapter 12: I don't know why but I'm srsly laughing. I can't imagine Lulu punching Laynicorn. kekeke
AlicePark #6
Chapter 32: I liked this...
it was a good story...
Chapter 32: But what happened to HaeRin's plan to Sehun?
Chapter 30: Probably the BEST CHAPTER in here.
sarangDB5K #9
Chapter 30: For some reason I need a physical fight in here...
But Chanyeol here is one shallow man
Chapter 30: Well where's the bros before hoes in here? O_o Is it bad I kinda want a scene where Lay beats the heck of Chanyeol? XD /lol idk why Im feeling all physical rn/ Haha