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A Letter For Taeyeon.....


hi guys.....

i update.....huhu




Today is boring but then I get text from taeyeon….i was ready to take a nap…she always make me annoying…..

From : taeyeon

I want to go shopping now…..

This midget really know how to spend money…everyday is shopping….she doesn’t have any other work I think….

From : yoona

Ok miss… just tell other agent at your house

From : taeyeon

I want u to go shopping with me….

Now she want me to accompany her to shopping….i still angry with her but I still have respect for her…she president daughter…..

From : yoona

Miss…Why I should do that?

From : taeyeon

Because u are my bodyguard….

She really make me…arghhh….yesterday she scold me for helping her…now she want me to shopping with her…what wrong with this girl?

From : yoona

 Miss U have ton of bodyguard…why u ask me? I suppose to watch u from far…

From : taeyeon


I watch my cctv screen in my van….i saw her already at her car…looking at my van….she waiting for me….

i really don’t want to face her right now….i walk lazily to her car….she sit on the right….she give me….

now what? I’m also her driver…..haishhh…

We move and I see at back there are a few other agent follow us…..she stay quiet then everything feel so awkward….

i hate this situation…. So I start to speak to her….

“miss why u ask me to accompany u like this?” I just look at road…

“wae…I can’t ask u to do that” she look at me…

“yes u can….miss u angry with me yesterday…” I look at her….

“yes…I angry but tiffany busy today…no one will go shopping with me”

ok miss…and I want to say I’m sorry for yesterday” I don’t want to fight with her…but sometimes she really make me mad….

“it’s okay..and don’t call me miss when just two of us here…I feel uncomfortable” 

I cannot miss….it’s a protocol ….” I still an agent….i cannot do that….

“just do it will u….just call me that when there are official event….i hate that title” she look scary now….

yes miss…” she look at me again….

“what I told u just now?”

“don’t call u miss”

“there…do that can u?” she really order me around…..i can’t do anything…just follow…..

“yes taeyeon….where are we going?” I feel so awkward call her like that…

just take me anywhere u like…” she stare outside the window…I just keep quiet in the car…..

We arrive at the mall and she drag me in every store…I see her try every clothes, shoes and many more…

I’m really  tired…she even make me carry all her bag….she still have an energy but i…really tired….help me….

We go into one store…guess what store it is? Of course more clothes…she got a few and try it on…..

i just sit at that store chair…waiting for her to finish…. But then….that sales girl come to me….

“miss…your girlfriend call for u in that fitting room” I shock when that girl says that….

“what? She not my girlfriend” maybe she doesn’t regonize taeyeon cause taeyeon hate to appear in media….

“it’s okay miss…I understand….she doesn’t want me to help her…she want you to go in the room…maybe she need something” that girl smile at me….

“ok...” I make a weird face to her…I left all the bag at that chair and go to that fitting room….then I knock that door….

“taeyeon…what wrong?” she open the door

come in….help me with this” she pull my hand and now I’m with her in fitting room…..

She really beautiful in that outfit…..

 “ya….help me with this” that make me back into reality….she cannot open clothe….there a zip at the back…..

“why don’t u call that salesgirl to help u?”

“I don’t want her to see my bo..”

“then what I doing here…I can see your body and she can’t?…yesterday u so angry with me cause I saw your body”

“urmmmm…..” she not answer me….

i help her but then my hand touch her body….

Electric…electric shock…(hehe) that what I feel…I think she feel that too cause she stare at me through that mirror in front of us…

we lose in our stare for a while but then we heard some sounds from outside and that make me back to reality…..

My face is real red now….

“I wait for u outside”

“ok…” I feel so awkward now…my heart is like running so fast now….

Then I saw that salesgirl….

“anything miss?”

“nope thank u…”

“is your girlfriend okay?”

she okay….” I just smile at her and she keep doing her work…..i wait for taeyeon and then I saw her get out from that room to pay for her clothes….

I don’t know what happening to me…why I feel like this…



I drag yoona in every store…haha she so cute…she look very tired….but she seem so obedient today….

I don’t know why I did this…I could ask someone else to accompany me but then I chose her…

I wanna say sorry to her for angry with her but that words cannot get out from my mouth….it like it stuck at my neck….

Then I saw one store…there’s a lot more clothes in there….I wanna buy more clothes….so I drag yoona into that store…

I get a few clothes and I go to fitting room….the best part is after I try that clothes I seem can’t lose it again….so I was thinking…should I call salesgirl? No…no….then who should I call….yoona…

I’m shy in front of yoona….ottoke? I don’t want that salesgirl to see my body….then I decide to call yoona…..

i call that salesgirl to call for yoona….i open the door just enough for my head to see outside….

“u…can u help me?”

“what is it miss?”

“can u call that girl over there for me?”

“ok miss….wait up”

She go to yoona then I saw yoona come towards me….yoona knock my door….i pull her inside….she seem shocked…

“ya….help me with this” that make her back into reality….i cannot open my zip at back of  the clothe….i really need her now…

“why don’t u call that salegirl to help u?”

“I don’t want her to see my bo..”

“then what I doing here… I can see your body and she can’t? yesterday u so angry with me cause I saw your body”

“urmmmm…..” I cannot give answer to that question….

She help me but then her hand touch my body….

My body tense up….my heart beat so fast now…why I feel like this? Then I look at her from the mirror in front of me…

she look at me too…I feel something there….

Her doe eyes is so beautiful….i lost for a while….then I heard sound from outside…then yoona said she wait for me outside…

I put change my clothes and I go outside to pay but then I heard what yoona said with that salesgirl….

That salesgirl said I her girlfriend….why my heart  beat faster again….maybe I need to go to hospital today….

then I look at yoona and I notice that her face is red….this store have aircond….no way…..

Then I go to her to give one more bag…hehe…



“now what?” I ask her

“let go eat…what u want to eat?” she pull my hand…I just follow her….i have to actually…

I don’t know…I just follow u…can you slow down a bit…this bag is heavy” I said in slow voice but she heard it…

“u walk like an ahjumma….”she merong at me……aishhh this girl….she make me carry all her bag then she call me ahjumma…..

I make an angry face at her but she doesn’t even bother……

“let’s go to café outside….i really love food there….” she walk in front of me…she look really excited to go to that café….i just follow….

We cross the road but she walk in front of me….she look really happy… but then I saw a car coming towards her…..i look at her….she on that road……

“taeyeon….there’s a car” I shout at her….she turn and look at me….then she look at that car…….she doesn’t move….oh god….





a/n: what do you think happen to taeyeon?

maybe i consider your answer for the next update....

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yoon_yul06 #1
Chapter 38: Good story author-nim? But next time please don't use cursive text cause it's quite hard to read? I hope you create more interesting stories?
congrats on getting featured ♡
Iminthezone #3
dafiretrucker #5
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 38: thank you for your stories author-nim. more stories about yoontae please...... hehe :) I ship this couple so bad..
Chapter 38: Can you make a epilogue in this chapter author please
Th3Nugg3t #10
Chapter 39: Good job. Yoontae is so cute