the killer

A Letter For Taeyeon.....


hi guys..i want to update yesterday but i'm using my sister laptop right yeah.....

but in her laptop there are program that make subtitle so i use it...hehe

if u want to watch this is the link

yoontae : [fakesubs] yoontae couple cheating



yoona + uee : 

comment guys....

enjoy reading....





I heard car accelerate towards me...i turn around and see that car coming fast towards me.....i scream and my world black.....


I heard a loud noise....i feel like flying but someone else was hugging me....

I slowly open my eyes and i really can’t process anything right now....

My hand is shaking....i saw that car run at full speed....that car doesn’t have plate number.....

my hand is at the floor but then i feel like something sticky flow at my hand...

i find the source....i saw a lot of blood coming from a person....

that person is yoona...i rush to her....

“yoona....yoona your eyes..” she on my lap....i’m in the shocked state....

“yoona....don’t scare me like this...yoona....get up” i activate the watch that i get from agency....they said when i’m in danger i need to activate that....

I keep looking around...i feel so afraid....i saw that black suit agent have been shot....two of them are dead....

I look at yoona.....

“yoona hold on...please....i don’t want you to die yet....i have so many thing to tell u”

Yoona face getting pale.....i’m so dead worry......

I look around and then i see yuri and sooyoung come.....they look really shock....

They hurry carry yoona to the hospital.....i’m was holding yoona hand....

All of this is my fault....if i was more care about myself yoona doesn’t have to save me like this....

I’m sorry yoona......

We arrive at hospital and all the staff rush to yoona....they push her to some room and i can only wait from outside.....

My heart beat like hell....don’t let anything happen to yoona please....god.....

Yuri and sooyoung also really worry....they can’t stand still......

Sooyoung  ask me.... “what happen?....we only leave u for half an hour...” sooyoung already cry.....

“i don’t know....i was walking at car park and one car speed up and try to hit me....but yoona save me...” i’m teary as well....

“we shouldn’t left her alone to watch taeyeon...she not feeling well today.....we are stupid” yuri come and hug sooyoung.....they cry together.....

“it’s okay...yoona will be okay....she strong girl....she will be fine” yuri try to calm yoona....

“yuri...sooyoung...other agent are dead....someone kill them....” i said to both of them....

“what? Are u sure?” yuri ask me....

“i saw their body between the car” yuri look really worry....

She then call headquarters to inform all that happen and she request extra precaution for me....

She ask me to go home but i want to stay there....i want to see yoona....

She tell me that i don’t save here....someone want to kill me.....

I don’t care...i want to stay here.....

After a while i saw Jessica come with a few other agent.....i know Jessica....she is the director in the headquarters...

I  meet her before....she look really worry......

“what happen yuri ah.....what happen to yoona?” her face look pale.....

“she try to save miss taeyeon....someone want to kill her” yuri explain to Jessica...

“what....yoona okay? How other agent....?”

“yoona still in this room....i don’t know...two of the agent have been kill”

“oh my god....this is serious....i need to do something”

Then i saw Jessica call someone....he ask that agent that accompany her to bring me to the other house....more secure house....

“miss u need to go now....u in danger” Jessica said to me....

“no i want to stay here for a while...” why everybody want me to go...i want to see yoona....

“but miss....”

“i want to stay here”

Then she ask the agent to watch me for 24 hour....she also look really worry....

I wonder if she also yoona friend....that impossible cause she get out from academy early cause she a genius person......

In just a short time she can be one of director at agency....

We just waiting....waiting...and waiting......

This moment is really killing me.....




Yuri and sooyoung went back to headquarters to get something....i was alone now....

I saw two agent near taeyon so i guess is okay if i watch from far.....

Taeyeon want to watch movie with her boyfriends.....then i saw she going back to the car alone......

What wrong? I go a bit near her.....then i see she take her phone......

Then she walking to the entrance of the mall....for some reason i fell something weird...

I don’t know what....but it’s my feeling.....i go more near to taeyeon...but then i saw one agent down with a gun shot between the car...

I become more careful now...i try to find another agent....i can’t shout to call taeyeon...

It’s make her more in danger.....i try to trace that killer....

I saw someone at the other car...i look at it....there are two person there....i rush there but that second agent already dead....

I look at the killer....he try to kill i shot him back.....

He died....i check on his body.... i found nothing identification on him....

Then i check his pocket...nothing...but then i saw some tattoo on his hand....i feel like i seen that tattoo before....

But where?

Then i go to taeyeon but i was to late.....there another person try to kill her...

Someone in the car.....that man going to hit taeyeon......

I run with all my energy and try to push taeyeon.....but then i heard a loud sound......


My world is black....i only feel pain now and i pass out.......


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yoon_yul06 #1
Chapter 38: Good story author-nim? But next time please don't use cursive text cause it's quite hard to read? I hope you create more interesting stories?
congrats on getting featured ♡
Iminthezone #3
dafiretrucker #5
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 38: thank you for your stories author-nim. more stories about yoontae please...... hehe :) I ship this couple so bad..
Chapter 38: Can you make a epilogue in this chapter author please
Th3Nugg3t #10
Chapter 39: Good job. Yoontae is so cute