honest words

A Letter For Taeyeon.....


sorry for late update.....hehe

enjoy guys....

tell me what u think....





I’m official now with taecyeon…he my crush…how can I say no when he ask me to be her girlfriend….

His confession was so sweet…he bring me to nice restaurant and confess to me in front of everyone….

my heart was move by his action….i’m so happy….

He treat me really nice…he so caring…he give me a lot of gift….

he said he so lucky to have me as his girlfriend…..

Before he confess to me I always thinking about my kiss with yoona…that scene keep replay in my mind…..

But when he confess to me I’m sure that kiss was a mistake….i want to delete that memory from my mind…can i?

I have a date with taecyeon this evening…..



Today I need to meet sica unnie with yuri and sooyoung…she said she need to tell us something important….

we arrived at office and there a few agent in the meeting room….they wait for sica unnie…

When sica unnie arrive everyone get up and bow….she is director anyway….the meeting start and I need to focus now….

That meeting is about a group terrorist name black….their leader is not known but information said they have active activity now….

They maybe planning something right now….

“this organization name is black and the leader is unknown…we just know a few people that in this organization such as this person jang woo young….he been spotted in korea recently…..we don’t know what he doing here and the guest is because something that our president have” one of the agent present to us….

our  agent is investigate him…but until now we not found anything  yet….” He add…

“then we need to take extra precaution from now on”sica unnie said….

“we need to tight our president security from now on…and agent yoona….miss taeyeon also can become a target for this organization….so I need your team to have extra precaution”

“yes…director” the meeting went smoothly and then sica unnie ask to see me in her room….

We talk a little bit….then suddenly this topic is bring up….

“are u okay yoona? U look sad”

“nothing maybe tired from work” I lie to my unnie…..

“yoona…why your friends sooyoung keep looking at me? There something on my face?”

“want to know a secret?”

“what?” sica unnie seem really curious…..

“she like u….i never see her like that before…”

“u joking yoona…it cannot be”

“I’m serious…just imagine… shiksin doesn’t eat her breakfast just to come to office early to see u….it is weird right?”

“that’s a bit weird….”

“she even dream about you….haha keep saying your name”

“really…I don’t know that I’m so beautiful…haha”

“u like her unnie?”

“that a difficult question….u want to know the truth?”

“yes….i be really happy if u like her too…she a good person…she is my best buddy”

“I don’t know …she cute actually…..she nice girl”

“are u still not over hyoyeon unnie?”

“I love hyoyeon so much”

“she cheat on you….please unnie…don’t waste your life like this”

“I know….it’s just…I don’t know…if sooyoung really like me then just let time be judge”

“I tell sooyoung about this…hehe”

“u dare im yoona….i take back your car at home…”

“sorry unnie…sorry…I love my car….please don’t” I even kneel in front of her….

Then her secretary came in and said sica unnie need to go somewhere with president..president come back for  few days….

I go back to my duty…to take care of that midget….

after what happen she been avoiding me this days….i feel sad though….

She dating that guy…what his name? ah taecyeon….

they official now…i need to follow them and its make feel really annoy….

she act so lovey dovey in front of that guy…..i don’t like that guy….

She know I been watching her from far…aishh….

during that time I been sense that someone else are watching taeyeon…but I’m not very sure…it just my guess….

I saw that man again…he wearing the same cap….when I try to approach him…he disappear…….

I feel something wrong about that man….i need to take extra precaution….

I secretly plan with yuri and sooyoung to put a track device on taeyeon….

I afraid if something happen to her….sooyoung make that thing….

it’s look like a tiny magnet and other people will never know it beside our team about that track device….

Sooyoung is a genius….we put that thing at her watch, phone and other things…..

Sooyoung have been looking info about taeyeon boyfriend taecyeon but she just found a little thing….his past seem to be deleted….it so weird…

This night I need to watch her another date….i’m so pathetic….yuri and sooyoung just stanby at our van…..

They really don’t want to see that lovey dovey action….it’s me then….


At  park

I just watching taeyeon from this chair….she alone right now…her boyfriend not coming yet….

She keep looking at her phone….


After two hours

She keep waiting…she can stand it but I can’t….then I go buy something from the store nearby…it’s beer….if u guys want to know…

I go to her then she look at me….i gesture her follow me and she follow me…we now sit on a grass and in front of us is a beautiful lake…

They are a few couple around that place….she sit beside me…I open a can of beer for her….she take it….i open one for myself…..

Our situation right now is so awkward….so I start to speak…

“are u alright?”

“I’m okay”

“why he not coming?”

“I don’t know….he really like to disappear like this….never telling me…he said he been working on something”

“oh….u must be sad…”

“I really sad right now…” suddenly she cry…..i don’t know what to do….

“ya…why are u crying….?” She drink her beer…

“nothing…it just that I don’t know whether he love me or not….i love him so much….”

“I can’t say anything about that”

“why I even tell u about all this? Silly me” she keep drink her beer….i also drink mine and we doesn’t realize we drink a lot of beer….

“u can tell me anything…I’m a good listener….” I look at her eyes…it’s so beautiful…..

“really….can I tell u anything?”

“of course…we have a long night….” She look tough outside but heart is so soft…even if we not careful to hold that heart it will crack to pieces….

I been listen to her story…she let out everything to me….how she lose her mother when she was still child…..

Her father been really busy after her mom death….she said she know why her father became like that….

Her father love her mom so much…that the reason why her father make himself busy….so that he can forget about her mom…

That why taeyeon find her own happiness outside house….she like to go to club…..

She been lonely all this time…tiffany is her only bestfriend….only friends that know her true self…..

around her she always see man with a black suit.....

We talk all night and taeyeon a bit drunk…she said something….

“yoona…want to know one secret…?”


“I’m so embarrassed to you when you change my clothes…u know why? It cause I think I like u…”

“really?....i thought u hate me….”

“I don’t know why I like to fight with u….your angry face is so cute….think about this…if I don’t like u I wouldn’t be so shy towards u right?” she definitely drunk….real taeyeon won’t say anything like this…

“I think so….but u said u love taecyeon”

“yes I do but I don’t know….he so caring towards me…I like him for that”

“oh…but u want to know one secret?” I said to taeyeon….she really drunk…..

“what is it?”

“your body is hot” I give her my ert face

“ya….don’t say that…embarrassing….” She punch my shoulder….

“taeyeon ah…I like u too….u already wrote your name on my heart…I can’t erase that” I said to her…I hope she doesn’t remember tomorrow…..

“really? I don’t expect that…you always look so serious…”

“yoona ya….i’m tired….” She speak again

“you want to sleep right now?”

Then she already sleep….she is so cute….i carry her behind my back….i feel so comfortable like this….

I think I fall for her already….fall in love to deep….deep enough that I cannot turn around….but she with someone else….

I send her home….i really don’t want this moment to end….i stare at her face for a while then I whisper to her….

“I hope u show this side of yours to me in future but that only a dream….once u wake up u just show your other side to me…I’m going to miss you taeyeon ah”



a/n : what u think? 

       yoona should just give up?


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yoon_yul06 #1
Chapter 38: Good story author-nim? But next time please don't use cursive text cause it's quite hard to read? I hope you create more interesting stories?
congrats on getting featured ♡
Iminthezone #3
dafiretrucker #5
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 38: thank you for your stories author-nim. more stories about yoontae please...... hehe :) I ship this couple so bad..
Chapter 38: Can you make a epilogue in this chapter author please
Th3Nugg3t #10
Chapter 39: Good job. Yoontae is so cute