the secret

A Letter For Taeyeon.....





This thing already gone much worse now....i need to do something......

Taeyeon in danger....yoona in hospital....everything not right now....

Everyday i become more worry to knowing that situation can get really bad in the future....

President have something in his hand right now...i know about that....

Something which can make people dying just to get it....

Until now it have been secret to public but president said this technology could bring a lot of benefit to the country....

I know that this technology could help a lot of people but good thing come with a risk....

A huge risk....for now a lot of other side wants this technology...

We don’t have information how they know about all this but we believe that there are someone who leak this information....

Recently when president in US some thing happen....

President got another threat....they want that technology and want to make a deal but president refuse......

Today i’m sure that they really serious when try to attack on president daughter.....

We try to hide taeyeon from now on....she not safe anymore in public....

I decide to move her to apartment that we make just to protect her and hope nobody will know....

Until we know who try to kill her we must hide her from public....

President now in US....he want to come back when he know that something happen to her daughter but doesn’t allow that cause situation not good right now....

I’m sure him that taeyeon is okay and ask him to finish his meeting with US government to share their technology....

US already know about that technology a long time ago....they want to share peacefully....

US said they want to use it for good so that why president go to US to meet them....

In public we said that president just visit US....

But for some reason i believe that black organization is behind all the threat...

Of course i don’t have any prove but everything is possible right?



Dad want to come home but he can’t right now....

He call me just now.....

“tayeon ah....u okay?” dad sound really worried

“i’m okay but someone else is not” i reply him...i’m in the apartment now.....


“yoona...she in hospital right now”

“i know..jessica already told me....she okay right?”

“she should be okay now but i’m still feel guilty”

“she really brave to save u like that....”

“tell me dad....what going on right now?” i look outside the look okay from far but the real is down there is so busy....

“i’m sorry u have to go through all this but i promise that everything will be over soon”

“u been keeping secret to me dad...i hate it...”

“i’m sorry but it’s better if u don’t know about this”

“when u coming back”

“in a few weeks...i have a lot of thing to deal here...”

“okay careful dad”

“you to hon...take care...i’ll do something about yoona okay”

“okay dad thanks..bye...see u”

“see u....” i keep looking to the window....

My heart feel different this few days.... i don’t know why......

Alone in this apartment make me feel very lonely.....



I got call from president....situation there is okay right now....i seen all the best agent there....

Hope nothing will happen......

“yes Mr. President” i’m in the middle of meeting right now.....

“use that program on yoona” he said that make me shock...

“are u sure sir?....that thing worth million dollar” 

“my daughter is feeling guilty....she owe life to i need to pay back....”

“i know sir but....”

“no but...yoona could be our second subject to this technology....”

“yes sir...i will do it”

“do it one outside from this project shouldn’t know about this...”

“yes sir...i’ll try my far no one know that we have develop this technology...they just know that this only an information about that technology”

“good...i count on you”

“yes sir”

I go out from meeting and i ask my assistant to hold the meeting....

I contact someone in my room....

a/n: i've update...i stuck with work....

      i just start my work so i need to work hard...

    i try to update fast and u all my reader please comment...

     i love u all....(that inculde silent reader)

thanks a lot for comment...

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yoon_yul06 #1
Chapter 38: Good story author-nim? But next time please don't use cursive text cause it's quite hard to read? I hope you create more interesting stories?
congrats on getting featured ♡
Iminthezone #3
dafiretrucker #5
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 38: thank you for your stories author-nim. more stories about yoontae please...... hehe :) I ship this couple so bad..
Chapter 38: Can you make a epilogue in this chapter author please
Th3Nugg3t #10
Chapter 39: Good job. Yoontae is so cute