Chapter 16 ~ Rooms (Part 1) + UPDATE FACTS xD

Reunion [on hiatus]

I've uploaded 15 chapters for my first fanfic.. Yayy~ hha xD So these are some "facts" in my fanfic.. Some of you might have already noticed, and some of you might have not.. Lol but here they are :D

1. The crystal-like planet/meteor is in the opening/beginning of EXO's HISTORY MV. (Ch. 1)

2. If you pay attention to some of their last names, Lloyd's Dad is now the headmaster of the Academy so Addie has known Lloyd for a while now. You could even say they're like siblings. (Ch. 2)

3. When I wrote petit to describe Mira, you should be able to tell that she's not that tall.. Another hint is that she keeps on wearing heels. (Ch. 3&4)

4. Lloyd's the more responsible one while Sam's sorta the one who wants to act all cool-like but ends up acting like a kid xD (Ch. 3)

5. Addie & Mira love to sing.. Addie brought her MP3 Player to camp and stated that "singing" was what she loved to do in her free time before "playing in the snow" (Ch. 4&9)

6. There's still no real main character in my story.. Sorry .. > <

7. When Mira woke up, it was 20:12 O'Clock. 2012 is the year EXO debuted xD (Ch. 5)

8. The crash happened at 19:37. I was bored so I played with the years a little bit.. 19:37 can also be 1997, the year I was born LOL.. (Ch. 5)

9. The reason Addie was sweating so much was well.. Ice & the sun.. Ice melts LOL.. Addie didn't melt, she just sweats a lot. As for Lloyd who has the power to control water, he's not supposed to sweat too much and can maintain his sweat since he needs the water.. LOL (again) ==U (Ch. 5)

10. Mira's "Might as well" phrase was said by none other than Tony "IRONMAN" Stark in Marvel's The Avengers xP (Ch. 5)

11. In the story, Reg & Data had already graduated since it was stated that the 4 haven't seen them for a long time. This is also what inspired the title, "Reunion" xD The reunion between friends & also the Legends xD (Ch. 8)

12. Lloyd & Data have mutual feelings xD (Ch. 10)

13. Addie & Sam are good buddies. That's why it's not awkward when they wrap their arms around each other's shoulders. (Ch. 13) In the further chapters, I'll start writing the characters saying Korean words like "Yah!!" "Kamsahamnida" and such. Since I'm from Indonesia, I gave English names to the characters since I'm not so good at making Korean names Щ(ºДºщ) hehe ^^U The characters will also "sound" as if they're slowly learning Korean & Chinese.. > <


"So~" sang Data, "Here's where you'll be starting your training." she showed them a line of doors, already with their names on them. Reg continued, "These rooms are built-in so it's completely safe for you guys to train. Plus, they're sound proof." "And.." Data added, "You guys actually have 2 roles in this.. You'll be "working" part-time while training. If a mission or anything like that comes up, then we'll have to rearrange your schedules." The four glanced at eachother. "Relax, everything's pretty high-tech here.. So it's the computers who're doing the work. Yknow like rearranging schedules, prepare stuff, program the rooms to teleport you guys to your respective training sites whenever you step into these rooms-" "Wait! What was that?!!" Addie blurted out. Reg exclaimed, "Oh yeah we forgot to tell you guys.." he scratched his head, "Sometimes, you guys'll be sent to other places to further master your skills." "This is just too cool.." Addie high fived Sam, then Mira as well.

The rooms all looked the same. It was up to them if they wanted to redecorate them since it was theirs starting that day.

Reg & Data explained a few more things and then proceeded to their private rooms. Reg led them to a huge door -probably 2 meters tall & 1.5 meter wide- with the word "EXO-2" carved on it. Reg pushed the door open and inside, an enormous round desk stood in the center of the room with 24 luxurious looking chairs surrounding it. The room itself was round and around it were 26 doors, 25 bedrooms and one more, the largest which, of course, is the entrance. Some of the bedroom doors are still white & clean, while others already had names on them and had already been decorated, including EXO's members', Reg's, Data's & one more on the other side of the room. Addie walked closer to the door and read the word written on the board dangling on it. "Cl-Claire?!!" At that very moment, the door opened, and Clarice Park, an old friend, came out. "Guys!! You're here!!" and she hugged Addie without a second later. She was wearing a bright colored T-Shirt & denim shorts. She also wore a ring with a charm in the model of a scorpion on her pointer finger. "Whoa!! Claire!! When did you get in SHEA?!!" asked Addie, hugging her back. Claire replied, "Only 2 days ago actually!! Oh, and you've met the rest of EXO. Let me introduce my master, Chen of EXO-M. Zhong Da gege!!" A tall guy came out of Claire's room and greeted them, "Annyeonghaseyo, EXO-M Chen ibnida.." Claire added, "His real name's Kim Jong Dae, but in Chinese it's pronounced Zhong Da, so I called him that instead." Chen just laughed. Then he said, "We were just talking about what we should do for the show in two weeks, that's why I was in her room." "..Show??" Mira said, confused. "Oops.. I almost forgot.." confessed Data, a little embarrassed, "There's this event coming up in about 2 weeks to welcome the new trainees called the 'Newborn Welcoming Festival'.. Everyone, trainees & trainers, new & old, are supposed to hold a performance with their new-found powers." "And my power's Lightning. So I need some more practice or I'd get the entire building electrified.." added Claire with a bubble face. Chen pat her on the back and said, "Don't worry, with my help, you'll master your powers in no time." Everyone laughed.

Reg, who was standing behind all of them, shouted out, "So can we continue our little tour now?!!" Everyone turned around to face him and burst out laughing. Then Data said, while trying to stop her own laugh, "Haha.. Okay.. Okay.. Um.. Oh!! Let's start here!!" She pointed to a box on the wall, which looked like a control box with lots of switches in it which in fact, it is.. "You guys should know by now thanks to the warp on what these buttons do.." She pressed a button and holes mechanically 'appeared' on the desk they saw earlier, *you guys know what I mean..* and 24 computers popped out, surrounding the outer part of the desk. The four of them watched in awe & then Reg pressed another button and a bunch of sofas rolled out of the walls. "Lemme try!!" exclaimed Addie with excitement. She turned a switch and gigantic speakers came out of the floor through another hole. Addie's mouth opened absolutely wide for like 10 seconds.. Then her face went back to normal & finally pressed the 'Disable All' button at the very bottom. "Oo-Kay.. Looks like she's got the hang of it already.. Everyone should know how the box works now.." Reg awkwardly said as Addie went back to her normal calm self (LOL)


Chapter 16~ 

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If you guys wanna know whether I've updated or not, you can now find out by checking my status in my profile.. I'll be writing "Updated ~ Chapter __" to let you know xD

Thxx again to all of you who've given support to this fic of mine~

Kamsahamnidaa~ *90-degree bow* .. >  <

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Update! Update! Update! Update! WOOH!
This story made a MIRAculous light. It's ADDIEniable that this is a COOL story. Please create SAMore! We will stay LLOYDal to you and keep reading your stories :D (can't think of puns for the name Lloyd :P)
yunachan #2

*eats bacon bits and bun crumbs*

I shall be awaiting an explanation of the secretivity! Lol, update again soon, neh?
yunachan #3

*noms on bacon bits* This chapter was intense~ With all the evilness and stuffles... I'm excited to see what a pain the new antagonist will be! Update soon again, please? With golden bun crumbs on top? :D
yunachan #4
Chuuuuu loved this chapter! Little Xiu Minnie being all cute~

Lol, update soon? Pretty please with bacon bits on top?