Chapter 8

Lost In Love

"Damnit!" Seunghyun yelled at himself, having cut his finger deeply as he had been chopping various fruit and vegtables for dinner. Blood dripped down his hand slowly at a trickle. "Now I'm accident prone. Aren't maknae's supposed to be the clumsy ones?" he mumbled to himself, seeing as he was home alone. He reached for a paper towel and wrapped his finger, holding the makeshift bandage tight. He walked around the counter and sat at a barstool and put his forehead to it, looking down at his hands that rested in his lap. He sighed deeply. We've been dating for almost a month now, but Jiyong doesn't even seem to be getting serious about this relationship. Seunghyun lifted his head and an unnoticed headache came in almost instantly. He stood up and grabbed his glass of water and the pain pill his boyfriend had left out before he had left. He walked over to the couch and laid himself down, rubbing his eyes. He held the bandage as he closed his eyes. A nap never hurt anyone. He slowly drifted to sleep and dreams began to fill his mind, quickly turning to nightmares. He shuttered in his sleep and sweat plastered his hair to his face. He was shaken awake. "Hyung! Are you alright?" Jiyong asked tenderly, "You were squirming." Seunghyun sat up, looking at Jiyong with sleepy eyes. The past few days were really hard for him. Having nightmares everynight  kept him from getting a goodnight's sleep and dark purple circles were forming beneath his dark eyes.

Jiyong had insisted that Seunghyun let him play nurse again, making warm soups and giving him things to keep him occupied. "I'm alright, Jiyong. Seriously," he protested as the man brought him a bowl of soup. "Oh shut up, don't you like it when I pamper you? It's more than I get from you." "Wait a second. Is that what this is about?" Seunghyun asked, hurt filled his eyes as he sat up. "I make dinner for you everynight, Ji. What do you mean it's more than you get from me?" Jiyong sighed and set the soup on the table and sat on the couch next to his boyfriend, "Seunghyun, I just-" "Shut up." Seunghyun interrupted. "Excuse me?" Jiyong said, completely taken aback. "I want you to go home," Seunghyun said, his expression cold and distant. "Hyung," Jiyong began. Seunghyun rolled his eyes and lifted his hand, "Oh spare me the Jiyong. Just go. This isn't working." Jiyong stood up and looked at Seunghyun, his own expression turning cold, "You're right. I can't believe I let you me. You're unbelievable." He left the house, slamming the door behind him. Seunghyun closed his eyes tight and leaned his head back against the couch. It had to be done, he thought. Jiyong would never fall in love with him. Better to sever the feelings before he got too attached himself. 

- - -

Jiyong's POV

"ing ," Jiyong muttered as he pulled into the dorm parking lot. He sat in his car for a while after he turned it off. He slammed his fist against the steering wheel, making the horn sound shortly. Just when I was going to tell him... He shook his head. He sat there with his head leaned back against the headrest and he closed his eyes. After a few minutes a knock on the window startled Jiyong back to reality. He rolled the window down and it was Daesung, "Hyung, what are you doing sitting out here?" Jiyong laughed a little and and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was just about to come up," he lied, but apparently the blonde man didn't even catch it,. "Where's TOP hyung?" Daesung asked, pure innocence etched into his features. Jiyong smiled and rolled the window up and opening the door. "At home probably," the leader said with a shrug and he grabbed Daesung's arm and got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. "Is there any food? I'm starving," Jiyong said with an obviously forced laugh. Daesung let it go and nodded, pulling the leader up the stairs and into the dorm. Seungri was sitting cross-legged on the floor, some type of sauce made refuge on the corner of his mouth. Youngbae was sprawled out on the couch and was flipping through channels, hearing a few muffles protests from the closely-observing maknae.

Jiyong sat on his bed, his stomach full and a smile on his face. he laid back and turned his head as he spoke, "Hyu-" he remembered that they had just broken up. He was left to sleep alone and he hated that. He didn't need Seunghyun to be happy. He had Youngbae, Daesung, and Seungri. But that somehow didn't feel like enough anymore. He needed time to adjust to this feeling of emptiness. He got out of his bed and walked down the hall, entering Youngbae's room. The man was half asleep when Jiyong entered. "Bae?" the leader half-whispered. "Yes, hyung?" Youngbae said sleepily. Jiyong walked closer to the man's bed, "Can you share your bed with me?" Youngbae didn't protest, he just scoot over and patted the bed next to him. "Just try not to keep me awake," the younger man said as he began drifting off to sleep again. Jiyong slid into the blankets and closed his eyes with a smile. The bed was warm and he wasn't alone. It was all he needed to fall asleep.

- - -


I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's a filler for what I have planned next. But I think Jiyong's POV was much needed to see his side of the whole thing. If that makes sense, xD

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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)