Chapter 18

Lost In Love

Hooray! I just realized that this is my longest fic so far(on! I feel accomplished, and it's not even over yet! That's okay, anytime is a good time for a celebration. -Min-ji

A surprise? the thought rang throughout Jiyong's mind the rest of the day. He sat there wondering what kind of surprise would it be. If it would be good or bad or it it was just something boring. He didn't want to get his hopes up in the slightest bit, because disappointment is worse than a punch to the gut. Or at least that's what he believed. Seunghyun on the other hand wanted him to get his hopes up, because no matter how high they got, his lover wouldn't be expecting something this big. Then again, no one usually suspects a proposal after being told there's a surprise awaiting them in the next coming day. He wanted to do things right, he wanted it to be absolutely romantic. He had the perfect plan.


They lay in the large bed, Jiyong sleeping lightly with his head resting on his hyung's chest. Seunghyun still held one of the sleeping man's hands, their fingers laced with one another. I'm going to have this all to myself, he thought. Having the handsome young man be his forever was the only thing Seunghyun wanted in this world right now. Nothing else. Just Kwon Jiyong. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, envisioning the perfect night that would take place the following day. He had taken forever to find the perfect place, day, and time. He finally dozed off, letting sleep overtake him. 


When Seunghyun woke up, he was alone. He scowled at the place where his lover had been sleeping. "," he mumbled, getting himself out of bed. He rummaged through his suitcase and put on something nice, making sure it wasn't too fancy. "Jiyong!" he yelled. "Come in here, Tabi!" Jiyong yelled back from in the kitchen. Seunghyun groggily dragged himself into the kitchen and looked at the array of fruits and a bottle of new champagne. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Jiyong's wait, caressing his neck and smothering him in sweet, little kisses. "Let's eat now. We have to leave early for the surprise," he told the leader. "Okay, okay. Calm down."


Their breakfast was rushed, so there was no room for talking. After they finished eating, Seunghyun rushed Jiyong into the bedroom, ushering him to get dressed. "Don't make it too fancy, but not casual either," he instructed, standing in the door frame. The leader did as he was told and was eventually dressed to Seunghyun's liking. "Okay," Seunghyun said, grabbing the keys to the rental car, "time to go." He went into the living room where he had put the large bag containing their food for the night. 


The car ride was insanely long and it was clear that if they spent any amount of time at their destination that they wouldn't make it back to the hotel until sometime the next morning. Jiyong's arm lolled out the window as he wiggles his fingers through the wind. "Why wouldn't you let me drive Seunghyun?" he asked, looking over at the determined man. Seunghyun chuckled and shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road, "Because I'm taking you to a special place." Jiyong sighed and returned his attention to the wind that was pushing against his hand. 


When they arrived, it looked like some really large, traditional house. A vacation house. Jiyong smiled and looked over at Seunghyun, "A traditional Japanese house! This is too cool Tabi!" He leaned over and kissed his hyung on the cheek before getting out of the car. Seunghyun chuckled and got out. He pulled out the bag from the backseat and used his other hand to drag Jiyong inside the house. "We're only here for one night, okay? So don't get too attached," he said although he knew that the younger man was not listening. 


After setting the bag inside the refrigerator and telling Jiyong not to touch it, Seunghyun went to the closet and took out the traditional Japanese clothes that he had requested to be in there when they arrived. He tossed one to Jiyong and said, "Here, put this on." "Okay!" Jiyong said, jumping up and down like a child. Seunghyun exhaled deeply, a sigh of contentment. He was so happy right now. He believed nothing could go wrong. After they both got dressed Seunghyun wrapped his arms around Jiyong in a tight embrace and wouldn't let go. "Tabi, you're acting weird! Let me go you big brat!" Jiyong said in a mock stern voice. "I'm just happy, Ji, aren't you?" he asked the leader with a smile. "Of course I am," Jiyong said in agreement. 


As nightfall came, Seunghyun took the bag from the fridge and then took Jiyong's hand, leading him out to the lake behind the house. There was a pathway lit up by lights that brought them to a perfect patch of grass. They sat down, spreading the picnic blanket and setting out the food. "This is romantic Tabi. Who'd you get to help you with this?" Jiyong asked suspiciously. "No one, to be honest. I thought of it myself. Just wait," he replied with a sly smile. There was an underground lighting system where the places that looked like random tiles in the ground lit up, spilling hues of purples and blues around them. Jiyong gasped and looked at the lights in awe. There was the first thing, Seunghyun thought.


What happened next was expected, well to Seunghyun it was; little lights above the lake came on. Actually, they weren't lights at all. They floated slowly through the air above the lake, little fireflies. Perfect timing, Seunghyun thought, secretly praising himself. Then he stood up and offered his helping hand to Jiyong. The leader, of course, took it happily. They walked hand in hand to the little dock and the fireflies flew around them almost silently. Now just picture it. The perfect night. Seunghyun got down on one knee and pulled out the little velvet box, which he had transferred into the Japanese clothes he had changed into. He opened it and raised it up to Jiyong. He smiled weakly and breathed in deep. "Kwon Jiyong, will you marry me?"


Tears welled up in Jiyong's eyes and he didn't say a word. Didn't move. Nothing. Stunned silence enveloped them and Seunghyun grew worried, "Ji?" The leader blinked the tears from his eyes, letting them roll down his cheeks. "Of course I'll marry you Seunghyun. By God! I would never say no," Jiyong said happily, getting on his knees and hugging Seunghyun needily. They stayed like that for God knows how long. When Jiyong finally let go, he held out his hand and Seunghyun gently slipped the ring onto his finger. 


"This is what I wanted the most," Jiyong said, his voice breaking some. 

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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)