Chapter 5

Lost In Love


'As if nothing's wrong. As if nothing's going on...'

Seunghyun sat with the other four members, who had all fallen asleep upon the emergency room chairs. They didn't even get privacy there. There were fans squealing and taking pictures of them. But there were a few fans that were holding their lightsticks in their laps and a few wore buttons that read 'I am VIP'. Those were the kind of fans that Seunghyun liked best. The quiet, loyal, and respectful type. He smiled wishing he could say something and someone, somewhere would hear it. Three of the sitting girls shot up and one went to Jiyong and shook his shoulder lightly, "Jiyong oppa, they brought TOP oppa out of the OR. Wake up." Jiyong shot up and shook the others awake before running to the gurney where his boyfriend lay, blood smeared on the side of his face from the crash. He smiled and wiped the blood off with the cuff of his sleeve. He looked up at one of the nurses that was waiting impatiently to take him to the ICU room, "Will he be okay?" The man shrugged and pointed in the direction of the ICU, "I've got to get him into ICU, they gave you all permission to  be in his room, but only you four. No one else." Jiyong nodded and followed the man as he pushed Seunghyun down the hall.

Daesung sat on the foot of the bed as Jiyong was sleeping with his head on Youngbae's shoulder. Seungri sat a seat away from Youngbae, closest to the door with his head down. Daesung had his face covered by his hands, he was finally weeping. Seunghyun sat in Daesung's empty chair that was right next to the bed. He looked at his body and wondered why he wasn't back in there if he was declared stable. He thought too early. The heart monitor started beeping and Daesung jumped up, "Oh god. No. Please, don't go!" Two nurses rushed in with a doctor, "He's going into cardiac arrest, get the crash cart in here now!" One of the nurses pulled Daesung to the seat between Youngbae and Seungri while Jiyong was staring wide-eyed and crying at Seunghyun's heart monitor. The crash cart was rushed into the room and one of the doctor's yelled at one of the nurses, "Get them out of here, now!" Jiyong shot up and protested, "NO! WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE!" Immediately the nurse went to the crash cart and turned up the voltage. "Clear," the doctor said before placing the paddles on his chest. Seunghyun watched with horror as his body jolted upward to the electricity. "Clear," the doctor said again. The heart monitor was finally back to normal and the nurses clapped. Jiyong blew the air out of his chest that he didn't even realize he was holding there. Then the nurses and doctor left the room again. Seungri finally spoke, but very quietly, "As if nothing's wrong. As if nothing's going on."

Youngbae had insisted that he take Seungri back to the dorms and stay with him. Jiyong and Daesung had no objections. Jiyong now sat by Seunghyun's side whispering quietly, "I was told people can hear you in their subconscious while they're asleep or something. SO I thought I'd talk to you-" he paused as he struggled to hold back tears, he continued in a shaky voice, "I feel like it's my fault. It could be because I'm the leader, I don't know. I just don't want you to go. Please stay. Bigbang is nothing without you." He sat there in silence for a moment, then whispered even quieter so Daesung couldn't hear, "I am nothing without you. You always put me in place when I need it. You're always there. This is killing me Seunghyun, don't go." Seunghyun smiled. He had been sitting by Jiyong, his eyes firmly on his own body. The doctors found that Seunghyun's foot wasn't shattered, and his arm was broken in only one place, instead of four. He just had three large bumps from the hard hits he took in the crushed vehicle. For that, he was grateful. He'd have to have his arm in a cast for at least five months. They also said it'd be best if he went on short walks to get his hip back in good condition. Overall, the worst injuries he suffered were to his stomach, ribs, and head. They said he's need to sleep in the hospital for a week to give his ribs a few days to begin healing and for his arm cast to be made before he left. They alerted the other members, that when he came home, for them to watch for any strange behavior because it could possibly be brain damage, thought the CT scan showed no damage, they explained that it could be deeper in the brain. He'd be allowed to go home in a week. 

Seunghyun soon learned that he wouldn't wake up unless he, in spirit, was reunited with his physical being. He didn't know how to do that, so he waited a week and decided. He laid himself into his body and his vision went black. Was it working? he thought. Then a searing pain entered his head and his eyes flew open as he yelled in pain, "Ngh. It ing hurts. Make it stop!" Jiyong was startled and ran to his bedside, "Seunghyun! You're awake! Oh my god!" Seunghyun looked around, "Where the others?" "I made them go home and sleep, they're getting dark circles under their eyes," Jiyong said impatiently. Seunghyun felt the pang in his head, "! Get the doctor, please!" Jiyong ran out the door and returned a few moments later with a doctor hot on his trail. The man smiled brightly, "You're awake, how are you feeling?" Seunghyun glared at him, "Other than the fact that my head feels like it's filled with broken glass, I'm feeling like . Make my head stop hurting, please." Jiyong heard a desperate plead in the man's voice and tears stung his eyes. He'd never heard Seunghyun sound so sad, so desperate before. It ate at him and Jiyong couldn't take it, "Please, could you stop his pain?!" The doctor looked at the leader in shock, "Oh yes yes. Just a minute." He walked over to the IV drip adjusting the amount of painkillers he would get, "It may take a few moments, then the pain will subside. Also, you're going home today, so we'll be prescribing you some painkillers that you'll take by mouth." With that, the doctor left. Jiyong rushed back to Seunghyun and kissed him gently on the forehead, "I thought I'd lost you Seunghyun. I don't know what I would have done without you." A smile tugged at the older man's lips and he reached his good arm up and his lover's cheek. "You would have survived," he said in his deep whisper. 

The others came to the hospital once they received news that Seunghyun was awake. Seungri had rushed in and hugged him a little too roughly. "Ngh. Ri, that hurts pabo!" Seunghyun winced at the pain in his ribs. He was standing and had just taken a shower and into fresh clothes that Daesung had brought from his room at the dorm. He let a deep breath escaped his lips and he smiled, "Let's go home please? I am starving." Just as he said that a doctor walked in holding papers and a new x-ray. He looked at Seunghyun with an apologetic expression, "Sorry Seunghyun. We need to get you out of those clothes and back into the hospital gown." Seunghyu shook his head, "What the are you talking about? I am fine." Then a sharp pain entered his chest and he was gasping for air, clutching at his chest. Just when he began to fall, Jiyong caught him and looked at the doctor, "What just happened?!" The doctor opened the door and yelled, "We need to get Choi Seunghyun to the O.R. now!" He looked at Jiyong and pulled Seunghyun's shirt off and laid him out on the bed, "one of his broken ribs just pierced his lung and his lung has collapsed." Seunghyun was laying on the bed, his eyes full of fear, but he didn't leave his body this time. He was just gasping for air. They rushed him into the O.R. and commenced with pulling the rib out of the pierced lung, allowing his lungs to fill with air again. 

Jiyong was shaking his head as Seunghyun woke up again. This time Seunghyun laughed, "Sorry Ji, I got up too fast I guess." Jiyong patted him lightly on the shoulder. "No the nurse had read the x-ray wrong, your rib wasn't setting right." "Oh," Seunghyun said, feeling stupid. When the doctor entered a few moments later Seunghyun looked up at him, "Can I still go home today?" The doctor shook his head, "No... actually yes, but you'll not be allowed to leave your bed, you'd rip your stitches. You need to stay in bed for three days." Seunghyun smiled and looked at Jiyong. "I can go home and Jiyong can take care of me. It's what leaders do," he said with an evil grin. Jiyong raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Is that so?" Seunghyun nodded with an innocent look on his face, "Isn't it?" The younger man didn't reply, but just laughed. 

I was going to try and make this into two chapters, but I decided not to. I hope you like it^^

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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)