Chapter 15

Lost In Love

Changing the font size because one of my friend's would appreciate it! Also changing the writing style just a tad. ENJOY~

Seunghyun woke up, his eyes fluttering open. He was laying on the couch and Jiyong on the floor next to the couch. Their fingers were entwined as Seunghyun's arm was laying over the couch with Jiyong's firmly clasped to it. He smiled and gently unraveled their fingers. He brushed his hand gently across Jiyong's cheek and whispered, "I love you, Jiyong." The man grunted in reply, which made the older man's smile grow wider. They were completely past the stupid games, the name calling, the ridiculous things in a sprouting relationship. Or at least that's what Seunghyun was trying to believe with his whole heart. Jiyong was still a bit skeptical, though he said that he loved Seunghyun and meant it, the older man still had his doubts. Am I a fool? he asked himself in his head.

"Stop thinking, Tabi. It's dangerous," Jiyong mumbled as one of his eyes opened sleepily to peer at the older man on the couch. Seunghyun smiled, "I love when you call me that." "Tabi?" Jiyong questioned with a grin. "Yeah, I love it even more when you say it when you're tired. Or in bed," Seunghyun said adverting his gaze with an impish little smile. "You're not thinking about having with me again are you?" Jiyong said with a worried expression. "Oh god no, Ji. We just talked about this. I just said I like when you say it between your mewls and moans. It's y," he said, leaning down and sliding to the floor next to Jiyong. "Why are we even out here?" he asked after a moment. "We fell asleep in eachother's arms-" Jiyong said, "-oh how sappy." 

Being with Jiyong was the only thing that made Seunghyun feel like he was totally and utterly irrational, yet complete in every way. He loved the man with all his heart and there was nothing more to say or do about it. Well there was, but Seunghyun was worried that Jiyong wouldn't take it very well. He always thought like this, Jiyong wouldn't like this and Jiyong wouldn't like that. He never really thought positive until those moments where Jiyong really said something sentimental. Seunghyun did realize though that he was partially to blame. He didn't throw affectionate little gestures out often enough. He wanted his lover to know and feel that Seunghyun loved him with every feeling he could muster. 

Seunghyun had had enough and he was going to make the leap. No, no he wasn't. He could. But no. He couldn't make up his mind. So he'd postpone the thought more and more. Just give him time Seunghyun, he thought constantly. It's not his fault he fell for the leader. This was one of the few things he felt like he could really blame on the younger man. Though all of the reasons were unintentional on Jiyong's part as well, he still believed it wasn't his fault. He always pictures Jiyong's smile and his perfect body and then he'd shake the thought away and tell himself, That's enough Seunghyun. It was as if he'd been trying to train himself. Though nothing really worked and he ended up thinking of him later, feeling no shame in taking pride of his catch.

"Seunghyun, you're daydreaming again," Jiyong broke his train of thought. "Ji, I was just thinking," Seunghyun said in defense. The younger man rolled his eyes and chuckled, "I thought I told you to stop that. It's too dangerous. Specially with your train of thought. I wouldn't want to know where that train leads to." "Oh shut up." "I'm just teasing you, babe," Jiyong said with an innocent smile. "Babe? That's new," the older man observed aloud. "You like it? I thought you might," the leader said with a smug little smile spread wide across his face. They sat together at the table, eating cold fruits and champagne for breakfast. Seunghyun had actually gotten Jiyong to like the new ritual. Then he got to thinking again. But this time he was trying to figure out what the man was thinking about, how, and why. 

Would Jiyong's mind be filled with complex thoughts like the idea of quadratic formulas and the like. Would it be like literally riding through a train, passing by his thoughts as they occurred to him? Or would it all just be fluff? "Tabi!" Jiyong yelled, breaking into Seunghyun's thoughts again. "Damnit, Ji. I'm thinking," the older man said, getting annoyed. "About what though?" Jiyong said with a sheepish smile. Seunghyun rolled his eyes and looked right into his lover's, "I'm trying to think about how you think. And why. And about what." "Well I could tell you a little bit of what I think about," the leader offered with a shrug f his shoulders. 

"Okay, shoot," Seunghyun said with a hint of a challenge hidden in his voice. "Well I think about you. All the time. I wonder how much you think about me. How much you really love me. How your mind works. I think about books, music, love. I think about you the most in the long-run though. You completely baffle me. You're like a diary with the little locks and I've lost the key. And even though the lock isn't usually that hard to break, you're is indestructible," Jiyong said, making sure he made no eye contact. "Seunghyun, could you try to tell me in words how much you love me? Because I want to know if your love for me is as big as my love for you." "Oh so now you think you love me more than I love you? You think our thoughts have switched?" Seunghyun asked, trying his best not to sound sarcastic or upset. Sentences like that usually come off rude when they come from him. Jiyong shrugged in reply, still not making eye contact. "Well Ji. I think about you all the time. No matter where I am or what I'm doing. Be sure that last comment doesn't make you think dirty. Because I know you are. Keep your mind in the context of our conversation-" Seunghyun didn't even pause through all of his words, "-I love you with my whole heart, my whole being. My mind is only on you and now all I can think is 'Will Jiyong approve of me, of us?' or 'Will Jiyong like this or that' blah blah blah. Everything about you is what's in my mind, if that makes sense."

Jiyong's jaw had dropped and he was finally staring directly into Seunghyun's eyes. "Tabi, I ing love you, you know that?" he finally said after a few moments of dreadful silence. "I'd be very cross with you if you didn't love me Jiyong," Seunghyun said with a smile. He leaned over and cupped the leader's face in his hands and kissed him gently on the lips. He wanted every day to be like this. He could probably spend the rest of his life telling Jiyong all the things he loved about him. But he'd rather just remain a mystery so he had things to soften Jiyong up when he got too cross.  

This is a bit of a filler chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. I wanted to break into their minds a little more before I continued on with the plot. Positive feedback is always appreciated~


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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)