Chapter 21

Lost In Love

It had been a while since Seunghyun had the experience of being out of his own body. In fact, he was glad he hadn't experienced it again. It was the scariest thing to know that he could witness everything that happens in the hospital while his unconscious body lie in a bed, tucked away in a room. This time was different.

He's never been so scared in his life.

When Seunghyun attempted to lie back into his own body this time, nothing happened. He wanted to cry. He wanted to beat the wall with all the fear he had. He wanted to just throw himself to the floor and ask himself why he wasn't waking up. Then he saw Jiyong. Jiyong was sleeping with his hands entwined with Seunghyun's. He had bags under his eyes and his head was resting on the edge of Seunghyun's hospital bed. "Jiyong," he said, even though he knew the leader couldn't hear him. "I love you so much Kwon Jiyong." He reached out to the leader, but his hand when through his back like water through a screen. 


I'm not even real anymore, he thought.

I miss him.

Seunghyun could feel the feeling clamping down on his heart, he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He could feel his body fighting back. He could feel himself being pulled between to worlds. 

The living. And the dead. 

Seunghyun watched his body as his back arched, startling Jiyong awake. Then he fell back to the bed. He watched intensely for a few moments. And then tears escaped the closed eyes. He reached up to his surreal self, touching the cheeks only he could feel. They were damp. He clenched his eyes shut and started to scream. 

Seunghyun was absolutely terrified.

"Jiyong! What if I never see you again?!" Seunghyun yelled through tears. He didn't need to ask because Jiyong began to cry into the sheets. He wanted to hold the poor leader. He wanted to tousle his hair and kiss his cheek and tell him 'everything will be okay'. But he couldn't and that alone was enough to tear Seunghyun down. 

Then the feeling came again. Seunghyun could feel the pull of his life. A tug of war. His will against fate. His life against death. It was agonizing to see his own body arching and pain filling his face, but he still didn't wake up. 

Jiyong saw the tears slip from his lover's eyes and kissed them away, "Shhh. I'm here."

By now, Daesung was awake and watching with worry. He could tell there was something unspoken between the leader and the deep-voiced rapper who's life was slowly slipping away. He got up and went to Jiyong, he got on his knees and took his hyung in his arms whispering, "It's okay. Shhhh." "No. No. I can't let him die," he could hear Jiyong's voice, muffled by Daesung shoulder. The leader's body was heaving with sobs. The sobs gradually subsided and Jiyong turned away from Daesung and looked Seunghyun straight in the face. Not his body. His surreal being. And he began to sing. "Somebody take me away," he sung softly, straight to Seunghyun. "Somebody take me away," he sang again, a sad smile emerging and tears welling in his eyes once more. "Somebody take me away," he sang, louder, "cause I can't take this pain." 

Jiyong broke down, falling to his knees, leaving the chair empty. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he hit the ground with clenched fists. "DAMNIT. You can't leave me Seunghyun!" he yelled, his wet cheeks glistening, "You never said goodbye! You can't go like this!" He curled himself up in a ball in the middle of the floor, sobbing. 

Seungri was watching now. Pain filled his eyes as he saw the strongest of them fall. "Hyung," he murmured, beginning to kneel. "I want to die," Jiyong said between sobs. "Don't say that hyung," Seungri said, sorrow filling his voice. "Never say that. Seunghyun wouldn't want you to die."

Seungri's right, Ji. This time Jiyong heard it. Seunghyun's eyes were open and his surreal self was momentarily gone. The older man looked at Jiyong with a weak smile, "Don't ever wish to die," Seunghyun said, his voice so quiet Jiyong almost missed it. "Tabi," the leader whispered as he jumped up and rushed to the bedside. 

"You know what I've learned? In dramas when people say the patient is fighting for their life and how I always thought that it was the doctor who was fighting for the patients life. I was wrong. When you're dying, you can feel the tug of war inside yourself, pulling you between life and death. It's like a thin rope, fraying, dropping you closer to the black hole that seems to have no end. I don't want you to feel that, Ji. Never. It's so scary. And just seeing you cry is enough to break my heart in two. I'm trying my best to stay here, but it's hard. I want to be released. So I can be home when I go."

Seunghyun never said that much at once. He didn't want to die. He just felt like it was inevitable.

"Shut up!" Jiyong yelled. "I won't let you die!!"

Seunghyun smiled and took a deep breath, "Jiyong? I love you." He looked over at Daesung, "And I love you Dae, my little brother." He smiled and looked at Seungri, "And I love you too, the worriesome maknae." Then he closed his eyes and whispered, "Somebody take me away." Tears spilled out, down his cheeks and now he was crying but he could feel the tightness in his chest waver and then it disappeared and he felt free, he felt... content.

The song filled his mind and the lyrics scrolled on the backs of his eyelids. 

Take Me Away by U-Kiss was one of their favorite songs.

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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)