Chapter 2

Lost In Love



Seunghyun woke to his phone going off, it was Jiyong. He only knew because the chorus of 'Heartbreaker' played everytime he got a text or phone call from the man. He answered the phone after waiting a few moments, "Yeoboseyo?" The leader's voice was somewhat hoarse when he spoke, "Hyung? Can I come over?" "Wae?" It sounded a little more rude than he intended it to sound. Jiyong cleared his throat and said in the cutest voice he could muster, "Just please let me come over, hyung?" Seunghyun couldn't say no now. "Okay, fine," he said with an exaggerated sigh and closed his phone. He got up and walked into his bedroom, slipping on something clean, something classy. He stepped in front of the full-body mirror and ran his fingers through his bright hair. Finally he just dragged himself into the kitchen and slumped into a chair with a bottle of wine and his favorite wine glass. 
Seunghyun had been sipping on the glass when the faint knock came from the front door. He got up and straightened his posture. "Okay, stay calm Top. Be nice," he whispered to himself as he approached the door. He peeped through the little hole in the center of the door and let out a breath he'd been holding in before opening the door, "Hey, Jiyong." Jiyong stepped in and closed the door, leaning his back against it. He looked up at his hyung and smiled nervously. Seunghyun had to admit, that smile was one of the cutest things about his leader. "Why did you insist on coming over, Jiyong?" The man didn't reply, but just looked his hyung up and down, then rubbed the back of his neck. He took a deep breath and Seunghyun repeated himself, "Jiyong? Hello? Why are you here?" Jiyong looked at him, a little hurt by the blunt demand, "I wanted to see you. After what happened in the parking lot..." his voice trailed off and he looked up at the older man with innocent eyes and shrugged helplessly. "I know, I messed up. I don't know what got into me," Seunghyun suggested, an obvious cover-up. Now the hurt was evident in Jiyong's eyes, "So you weren't thinking about what you did when you did it?" Seunghyun just shrugged in reply. 
"So it didn't mean anything?" Jiyong asked as his head hung. Now Seunghyun regretted it all, "I shouldn't have done that to you Jiyong. I know that you don't have feelings for me that way, but I just..." he trailed off this time and looked at Jiyong who had his best poker face on, "Hyung, do you even think before you speak? You never bothered to ask whether or not I did. You just assumed. Bingu Top, you've earned that name," the leader said with a laugh. They looked eachother in the eyes and the pain in their eyes faded as a smile took it's place. "I actually wanted to do that myself. You know-- what happened in the parking lot?" Jiyong pointed out to the older man and Seunghyun just replied with his famous dimpled smile. He wrapped his arms around the former's shoulder's and hugged him tighly. Jiyong returned the hug, wrapping his arms around the older man.
He was on his second glass of wine now and Jiyong was on his third. They weren't drunk, but they loosened up a bit. They were bot in odd humor, but at least it wasn't awkward anymore. Then Jiyong set his glass down with a serious expression on his face, "Can we talk seriously for a minute?" Now things were awkward, and Seunghyun's smile slowly faded.Jiyong pursed his lips and made a clicking noise with his tongue. "Let me get this straight. You kissed me... because you've developed a new crush on me?" Seunghyun shook his head, no emotion displayed even in his eyes. Jiyong squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confusion, "So you don't have a crush on me?" Seunghyun shook his head once more, "Not a crush, and it's not new." The leader smiled a sweet, small smile and continued, "So you've liked me for a while now?" The rapper shook his head once more and silence filled the room as Jiyong tapped the table in thought.
"I can't tell you, Jiyong," Seunghyun said solemly. The leader wrinkled his nose in frustration, "Why the hell not Seunghyun? I'm tired of guessing." The older man sighed. "I am your hyung. You will adress me as so," he said with his poker face plastered over all emotions. "And I am the leader! DAMNIT. Not you. Let me understand," Jiyong blurted out. Seunghyun ran his fingers through his hair again and Jiyong looked away with a small groan of desperation. The rapper's voice deepened as he spoke quietly, and affectionately, "What's wrong, Ji?" The leader shot a glare at him, "You sit there and act so damn cool when I have to do everything but tape my mouth shut to keep from telling you how I feel!" Seunghyun was startled by his loud tone, but his voice remained steady, deep, and filled with affection, "How do you feel?"
Now Jiyong was avoiding the question, he didn't know what he should say, he didn't know how he really felt. He knew he liked the man, not sure if it was love. But his whole life was getting too complicated for his liking. Seunghyun put his head down and spoke even softer, his voice so deep it melted the core of Jiyong's soul, "Well... Jiyong. I love you." Jiyong looked at his hyung, startled by the statement, but he remained silent. The older man kept his head down, refusing to make eye contact with his leader. Throughout the years they had been in Bigbang together, Seunghyun looked up to their leader, but Jiyong also looked up to Seunghyun. They reflected a lot of eachother, and even in public, they were close, affentionate even. Jiyong's voice broke the silence, "Okay. So then what? What do we do about it?" Seunghyun furrowed his brow and looked up, "What do you mean? I don't even know how you feel about me." "We'll have to find out then, won't we?" Jiyong asked with a grin.
Seunghyun's apartment was a grand apartment. A classy place fit a classy person. It matched the deep-voiced rapper so well that everything Jiyong saw reflected the man. Seunghyun sat at the piano, waiting for Jiyong's attention. He smiled and look up at the former with an innocent look in his eyes, "I learned a song for you, Jiyong." The way he said is was just so adorable, even Jiyong melted at the sound of his voice. Seunghyun patted the empty space by him and Jiyong seated himself. The latter took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he began to play the moving piece known as 'The Moment' by Yiruma, one of Jiyong's favorite musicians. Jiyong wrapped his arms around Seunghyun's waist and rested his chin on the man's shoulder as he played. They both swayed to the music and Seunghyun whispered, his eyes still closed, and his hands still playing the song like it was an insinct, "Can we try this? Will you... be my boyfriend?" Jiyong whispered back, "Yes, just keep playing the song."

I couldn't help myself. I LOVE piano and I thought it would be cute if he played that song. 
Hope you all like the new chapter!
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Danees #1
Chapter 30: Hahahah.. thank you for this. I do enjoy it ;)
Chapter 5: these are some ty doctors
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 30: that was short XD I mean last chapter XD but it's okay like that :3
really good story, I enjoyed it very much ^^
Good story I love it thanks for writing this!!
really great story thank you
KaiRox167 #6
this story wuz so amazing that i just had to scream..."WOW! FANTASTIC BABY"LOL..keep up the good work
Kacichan #7
It was great story!!! I loved every word of it and I´m anticipating more from you!
Aw I love it! So cute! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end and that they were accepted by everyone. Such a sweet ending to a good emotional fanfic.
YAY THEY GOT MARRIED! *throws confetti* I couldn't help finding it ironic that they got married in this chapter and the ads on site were for wedding cakes and cake toppers. Oo ... 8D

I hope to see more GTOP from you! 8)