Meeting the Maknae

Loving Fame

Taemin P.O.V

The confident-looking girl stepped in front of me.

"Annyeo-whoa!" She flew forward and I heard a thud as the table shook and she fell to the floor. I shot up from my chair and my eyes widened as I saw her on the floor, unconsious and...blood?

"She's bleeding!" I shouted. There were EMTs on stand-by, which confused me at first, but I understood now. Accidents happen.

The EMTs rushed to her, checked out her injury, and one of them picked her up bridal-style. Manager-nim came forward and, after having a word with the EMTs, told them to take her to the green room. I started to follow them, but Jonghyun hyung grabbed my wrist.

"But hyung-" I started, but he cut me off.

"There's still fans to meet. You can check on her after." I gave a glance at the girl as she was carried out of the side door and sat down as manager-nim came up with a microphone.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry for that scare. The EMTs have told me that she is fine, just a small concussion. She will be perfectly fine. Again, we're sorry if you became worried." We stood up from our seats and bowed to the crowd with our manager.

"Now, please continue with the signing," he smiled and stepped off to the side. That was when something on the edge of the table caught my attention. Is that...her blood? I quickly wiped my hand over it so no one would see it and wiped my hand on my black jeans. No one could've noticed it, right?

I continued to smile and sign CDs, but she was the only thing on my mind...

Why am I like this?


Hee Soon P.O.V

Ugh...what the heck? Why do I feel like I just got slapped with a brick?

My eyes were still closed and the pain slowly lessened.

Well, wherever I am, this bed is comfy...I don't wanna move...

I turned my head to the left and opened my eyes...the side of a couch...why did I think bed?

I turned my head to the right and saw several racks of clothes and cases of make-up; brightly lit vanities and swivel chairs. I sat up and felt a deep pang in my head. I gasped from the pain and grabbed my forehead...bandages? I slowly got up from the couch, walked over to one of the mirrors, and gazed at my reflection.

There was gauze stuck to my forehead with medical tape and I could see blood was starting to soak through the bandages. I looked so pale...gross. Just then the door opened.


Taemin P.O.V

Once the last fan got her signature and we bid our farewells to the staff, I practically ran to the green room. I slowed down as I got closer to the door, remembering that she was sleeping...well, unconcious...but still. I looked behind me to see if the hyungs were there...they weren't. Whatever.

I opened the door a crack and peaked inside the room. She was standing in front of one of the mirrors, looking at her reflection. She must not have liked what she saw because she had a disgusted look on her face. She didn't notice that the door was opened slightly, so I opened it more and stepped inside.

"Hi," I bowed to her. She jumped back from the mirror in surprise.

"I'm Taemin," I continued. "Are you okay? Does your head hurt at all?" She looked at me kind of blankly. She seemed so was kinda cute...


Hee Soon P.O.V

Taemin? THE Lee Taemin? Freaking Mushroom Maknae?! I just stood there like an idiot. I must look so stupid...

"He-hello?" He looked at me with his adorable brown eyes.

"Oh, umm, annyeonghasaeyo," I bowed. "Yeah, I'm fine. If I had a headache, I don't remember." He looked at me, horrified.

"Don't remember?! Ohmygod!" He rushed toward me and grabbed my shoulders. Ohmygod.

"Answer me. Who am I?" he asked.

"Lee Taemin," I answered.

"Good. Now, who are you?"

"Lee Hee Soon."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you know differently?" What a strange maknae...he's still a cutie...

", where are you?"

"It looks like a dressing room," I said.

"We call it a green room, but close enough. Thank God you know stuff," and he hugged me...KYAAAAAA! xD I stood there, frozen. He let go of me and stepped back.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking at the floor. Poor Taeminnie oppa...he's embarrassed...I find this strangely adorable...

"It's okay," I said, smiling.


Taemin P.O.V

Crap! Why did I just hug her?! Bad Taemin! least she's okay...

"Hello?" she said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I said, getting out of my daze.

"I asked if you were looked upset a second ago," She's concerned? About me?

I'm...I'm fi-" Just then, the chorus to Girl's Generation's 'Genie' cut me off.

"My phone!" I said, running to my bag and answering.

"Yeobasaeyo?" I asked.

"Aye, mushroom!" It was Key hyung. "We're at the convenience store-"

"What? Why aren't you here?" I asked.

"Dubu wanted his chicken," he said.

"And I GOT IT!" I heard Onew hyung say in the background. There's an injured girl in our green room and he's concerned about food?

"Couldn't that have waited? The girl got hurt," I said.

"Well, we figured she's still passed out, so-" Jonghyun hyung was talking now.

"She's awake," I cut his sentence short.

"Oh...Key, Minnie says she up," I heard him tell Key.

"Give me the phone," I heard manager-nim in the background.

"Taemin-ah?" manager began. "Stay with her and don't let her leave. We'll be there soon, so just wait. It's too dangerous for a girl to walk at this time of night, the subway's closed, and you probably won't find any cabs what with all the bars around here."

Is he implying that there are a bunch of drunks outside?

"Is she hungry?" he asked.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Hee Soon.

"No, I'm fine," she said.

"She said she's not hungry," I told manager-nim.

"I'll bring you guys food anyways." Then he hung up.

"Yah, manager-nim. Mana-...Aish..."

"Is something wrong?" Hee Soon asked.

"No," I answered. "Manager's just being difficult...he's bringing you food, by the way."

"...but I said I wasn't hungry."

"To be honest, I don't think he cares if you're hungry or not." We both laughed.

"So..." she said. "Genie, huh?"

"Yeah..." I looked at the ground. I could feel my cheeks turning pink...she giggled.

"What?" I looked up at her. "It's a good song!"

"Oh, I's just..." She didn't finish.


"Nothing..." she insisted, looking away.

"Tell me," I said.

"It's look... really cute when you blush..." What? I looked at her; my cheeks were definitely pink now.

"Well," I said. "Then look at me, because I bet I look borderline adorable right about now." I said innocently.


Hee Soon P.O.V

I looked up. His cheeks were SO pink!

"Aww!" Did I just say that out loud?

"I even got an 'aww'? I must look pretty cute..."

"Well, you crossed the border into adorable, if that's saying something..." I said.

"Really?" he asked, blushing more. I can't take this anymore...too much aegyo...

"Yah, are you doing that on purpose now?" I pretended to be mad.

"What?" He looked shocked.

"Blushing! You're purposely doing it!"

"No! Is it even possible to blush intentionally? I'm sorry, noona. It's just that you're really pretty..." Why is he talking so fast? I was still acting angry.

"I don't know if it's poss-wait," I turned down my acting. "What did you say?"

" said I'm sorry..." He looked at the floor.

"After that," I continued.

"I...I said you're really pretty..." he mumbled.


"I said you're really pretty, okay?" He gaze on me seemed frustrated.

"Oppa..." I said, seeing a fruit basket. I picked up an apple and held it out to him.

"I'm sorry," I added. He took the apple and smiled.

"Sagwa?" I nodded. He looked at the apple, then me.

"Cute," he said.

(A/N: In Korean, apple and apology have the same pronounciation.)

"I wasn't really mad," I told him. "I was just pretending."

"Well, you're quite the actress."

"Thank I forgiven?" He didn't say anything.

"Oppa~" I gave him a cute pout.

"Oppa?" He asked.

"I'm only 17," I answered.

"Oh," He took a step toward me. We were less than a foot apart.

"You're forgiven," he said. I smiled, then sudenly felt a sharp pain in my forehead, like before, but worse. A second later, I opened my eyes and I was in Taemin's arms. His eyes were wide.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," I answered. I was still in Taemin's arms when the door opened to reveal a guy in black sweatpants and a blue v-neck wearing a hat that covered most of his face. From what I could see of his face, he looked horrified.

"What the HELL is going on?!" he yelled.



*gasp* What's gonna happen?? Kekeke, this is fun~! I hope you liked this chapter!

I have to admit something...I didn't know about the whole apple/apology pronounciation thing until I read this...

I give full credit to Shingdong oppa for giving me the idea. It was too cute not to use. And I give credit to IU for posting the picture and AllKPop for posting the article. I OWN NOTHING! lol

The apple thing was in Boys Over Flowers, too ♥

Anyways, I hope you had a good day!

Thanks for reading and subscribing! ♥,


P.S.- I'm listening to 'No Other' by Super Junior...and it just changed to 'Shout Out' by SHINee...FINALLY! A SHINee song ^^ Kekeke...

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Sparklicious22 #1
To any one of my subscribers or friends, I want to say that I am truly so sorry. This past year has been so very busy, especially with school, and I have neglected to update anything, much less get on AFF much. I feel so incredibly bad that I have not updated my stories, especially since one was transferred to me. I really hope you guys can forgive me and I will try my hardest to update. However, school remains my priority so I can honestly say that I would expect little to no updates for the rest of the school year. I will try to do as much as I can over winter break and strive to keep updating through the school year. (Like I said there prolly won't be much over the school year) I hope I can become better, and I hope the summer brings more updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, please please please forgive me. I really appreciate all of you who have stayed with me and I hope to make it up to you guys.... I'm really sorry!
Sparklicious22 #2
sorry sorry sorry!!!!! im soooo sorry guys!!! finals and everything X.X errrrg!! but winter break is coming up and i am gonna go on a kpop rampage.... downloading as many songs as i ca, updating my stories... A LOT!!! kekeke! again MIANHAMNIDA!!!!!!
Sparklicious22 #3
Hi guys!! so the story just got transferred to me so i will try to update as soooon as i can! im sorry if im not the fastest updater! i hope u guys like my writing!!!
Sparklicious22 #4
I would love to continue the fic for you :) it seems really fun :) if not then its fine with me :)<br />
Nichichan #5
I WANT CAKEEE!! but i hafta keep my figure too...ToT<br />
...key's a creeper >.> and the girl in the beginning is psychoo~~ reallyyy off her rocker<br />
about the rating...i dont think you have too... do you?? i mean its not all out so maybe not idk :P<br />
lucky little T^T i want the block b album!! T0T
Sparklicious22 #6
why thank u! i willl buy the very first copy :)
Sparklicious22 #7
haha i luv your crossing out-ness....haha its a word, it came out of my mouth didnt it? ahah jk
don't worry!!!!!!! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!(was that too creepy???) I'll be waiting for your update and the cake~!!!!!