Let. Her. Know.

Loving Fame

Hee Soon P.O.V

I walked into the cafe and saw Key sitting in the booth that I sat at with Taemin the first time we came here together.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked him as I sat down on the opposite bench from his.

"Yeah..." It was silent for a minute before he began talking again.

"So, uh, how's your summer so far?" he asked.

"It's pretty good, I guess."

"Okay, look," he said. "I'm not gonna beat around the bush like every other guy I know. I like you." I looked at Key for a moment to let everything sink in. He had spoken so suddenly that I barely understood. He looked at me expectantly.

"So...do you feel the same about me?" Key said nervously. To be honest, no, I didn't feel the same way. I also wanted to run back to my house, lock the doors, and tell Donghae and the guys to tell Key I moved to Alaska, but we all knew that wasn't gonna happen.

"Oh, Key-sshi...how should I say this?" Why on Earth would you even think for a second that I like you? You obviously make everything really uncomfortable. It's always so awkward. "I'm sorry, Key-sshi; I don't feel the same way. To be honest, I already like someone." Good. Truth. Not hurtful. Win.

"Oh," Key sighed. "I see...so do I get to know who this lucky man is?" Yeah right, buddy...

"Maybe some day...I'm not really sure of what I am to him yet, though..." I admitted.

"Ah...well, I hope you find out soon enough. And I hope that boy knows how lucky he is to be liked by someone as special as you," Key smiled.

"Thank you, Key-sshi. Um, if you don't mind, I should be getting home. Donghae oppa has his friends over again, and odds are, I'll have to cook," I said as I stood up to leave.

"Oh, no problem, Hee Soon-ah," Key said. "Have fun~!" 

"Sure thing, " I laughed. "Annyeong, Key-sshi!" I bowed slightly and pulled out my phone as I made my way down the street. He picked up on the third ring.



Key P.O.V

I sat in the small cafe by the window as I watched her figure disappear down the street.

At least she was nice about it...but my heart doesn't feel that nice...


Taemin P.O.V

We were taking a break from dance rehearsal when Key said he was going to a cafe; our choreo hyung gave us an hour break for lunch. Half of our break was up when my phone started ringing; a smile made it's way to my lips as I read the caller ID.

"Yeobasaeyo?" I answered the phone.

"Did you know about this?" Hee Soon asked incredulously on the other line.

"...about what?" I asked, slightly confused.

"About Key."

"What about him?"

"He didn't tell you where he was going?" she asked, taken aback.

"He said he was going to a cafe somewhere."

"Did he tell you what he was doing at the cafe?"

"No," I said. "We just assumed he was going for some coffee or something...why?"

"Key just...confessed to me." What. The. Fish.

"Um, pardon?" He couldn't have...he wouldn't have.

"Key-sshi confessed to me. He told me he likes me," Hee Soon said.

"Oh...uh, what did you say?" I asked, kind of not wanting to know.

"I told him I didn't feel the same way," she said, "and that I like someone else."

"Who is it?" I asked. "Do I know him?"

"Yes, you're actually pretty well acquainted with him," she chuckled.

"Hmm...wait. It's not Jonghyun hyung, is it?"

"What's not Jonghyun hyung?" Jonghyun yelled across the room.

"A stupid dinosaur," I yelled back. "So is it?" I asked Hee Soon.

"No, Taemin-sshi," Hee Soon said. "It's not Jonghyun-sshi and it's not any of your other hyungs."

"Oh, okay...good...then who is it?" I asked curiously. Hee Soon sighed.

"You know how you told me that the guy should tell me how he feels about me?" she asked.


"You should take your own advice, sir."


"What am I to you, Taemin-sshi?" she asked.

"U-uh-," I stuttered.

"Don't tell me now," Hee Soon interrupted. "Think about it first. Tell me later."

"When's later?" I asked.

"Whenever you feel like it, I guess. Just not now," she said. "I'm almost home now, and I have to cook for my oppa and his friends, so I'll talk to you later, Taemin-sshi! Annyeong!" The line went dead.

"Hee Soon-sshi! Hee-...Soon-sshi..." I frowned slightly as I closed my phone and stared at the giant mirrors on the walls.

"Ya know, your face may stay like that if you frown too much," Minho said as he sat down next to me. "So what's bothering my adorable dongsaeng?" I looked up at Minho.

"Key just confessed to Hee Soon," I replied flatly.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" He gave me a shocked expression. "How did you find out so quickly?"

"She called me."

"Hey," Minho lowered his voice. "At least she cares enough about you to call you right after it happened, right?"

"Yeah, you're right." I looked at the floor. "She also asked me what she was to me..."

"Really?" I looked up at him to see his eyes wide and a grin on his face.


"You realize what this means, right?"

"What, hyung?"

"Oo, boy, you are DENSE! She obviously likes you! She just wants you to say something first!"

"R...really?" I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Really, hyung??"

"Oh yeah," he said. "Be like Seungri hyung; 'Let. Her. Know." (A/N: 'Magic' reference ;D In case you haven't heard it yet, --->  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjpfNYcgAEM&feature=related )

I nodded in agreement, my decision clear. Minho ruffled my hair.

"That's my dongsaeng! Fighting~!" I smiled at him and got up. I was half way to the door when Key walked in and our choreo hyung announced, "Back to work!"




I have no idea what to put down here...

So I guess I'll recommend a fic! OH YEAH. KyuMin? There's only 3 chapters up as of yet (4-24-11), but come on. It's KyuMin. :)


It's so good so far! :D WOOO!

Anyways, thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing~! ♥,



Magic by Seungri

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Sparklicious22 #1
To any one of my subscribers or friends, I want to say that I am truly so sorry. This past year has been so very busy, especially with school, and I have neglected to update anything, much less get on AFF much. I feel so incredibly bad that I have not updated my stories, especially since one was transferred to me. I really hope you guys can forgive me and I will try my hardest to update. However, school remains my priority so I can honestly say that I would expect little to no updates for the rest of the school year. I will try to do as much as I can over winter break and strive to keep updating through the school year. (Like I said there prolly won't be much over the school year) I hope I can become better, and I hope the summer brings more updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, please please please forgive me. I really appreciate all of you who have stayed with me and I hope to make it up to you guys.... I'm really sorry!
Sparklicious22 #2
sorry sorry sorry!!!!! im soooo sorry guys!!! finals and everything X.X errrrg!! but winter break is coming up and i am gonna go on a kpop rampage.... downloading as many songs as i ca, updating my stories... A LOT!!! kekeke! again MIANHAMNIDA!!!!!!
Sparklicious22 #3
Hi guys!! so the story just got transferred to me so i will try to update as soooon as i can! im sorry if im not the fastest updater! i hope u guys like my writing!!!
Sparklicious22 #4
I would love to continue the fic for you :) it seems really fun :) if not then its fine with me :)<br />
Nichichan #5
I WANT CAKEEE!! but i hafta keep my figure too...ToT<br />
...key's a creeper >.> and the girl in the beginning is psychoo~~ reallyyy off her rocker<br />
about the rating...i dont think you have too... do you?? i mean its not all out so maybe not idk :P<br />
lucky little T^T i want the block b album!! T0T
Sparklicious22 #6
why thank u! i willl buy the very first copy :)
Sparklicious22 #7
haha i luv your crossing out-ness....haha its a word, it came out of my mouth didnt it? ahah jk
don't worry!!!!!!! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!(was that too creepy???) I'll be waiting for your update and the cake~!!!!!