Subways and Strangers

Loving Fame

Key P.O.V

Key, you're a big boy. It's just the subway! No need to freak ou- What the F*** IS THAT?! Freaking spiders?! Eww, eww, disgusting! Kim Jonghyun, you must love to torture me...

"Well, it's better than walking..." I said to myself.

I swiped my pass and walked onto my appointed subway. There were really only a few seat options; one seat by an old guy in desperate need of a shower (I could smell him from where I was standing...gross), one by a lady holding a crying baby (too noisy for these precious ears), and one by a 16- or 17-year old looking girl...she was kinda cute...I walked toward the girl.


Hee Soon P.O.V

I got on the subway and sat down. It would be about 20 minutes until my stop and...ohmygod...crying baby? Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but when they cry, it just makes me so frustrated for some reason...nothing a little SHINee couldn't I was putting in my headphones, a guy walked up to me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked. His voice was nice...that sounds kind of creepy...

"No," I told him. "You can sit."

"Thanks," he sat down. I flipped my iPod on shuffle for SHINee's songs...Replay? Good choice, technology.

"Noona is so pretty~" I sang quietly.


Key P.O.V

"Noona is so pretty~," she sang. She has a nice voice...cut the creep act, Kibum...

I didn't notice I was staring at her until she looked at me and asked, "Are you okay?"

"What? Uh, yeah...are you a fan of SHINee?"

"Definately!" she said. "I'm actually on my way to their fan signing." I nodded my understanding, then it got really quiet between us.

"I'm Hee Soon; Lee Hee Soon. And you are?" I owe her for breaking the silence...

"I'm Kim Ki-" I stopped short. I can't give her my real name! Sure, there's probably tons of Kim Kibums, but still! She might figure out who I am...I'm probably her bias...

"Kim Ki...who?" she asked.

"I'm Kim Ki...Hoon. You can call me Ki Hoon." Genius, Key. Genius. There's no way she'll buy it... She looked at me for a second.

"Nice to meet you, Ki Hoon!" Hee Soon said, smiling. She held out her hand and I shook it...she has soft hands...Aish! Snap out of it, Kibum!


Hee Soon P.O.V

"Nice to meet you Ki Hoon!" I said. We shook hands. He was wearing sweats...during summer? I guess it's not that hot out...even if he dressed for comfort, he looked really good...I wish I could look nice in sweats...

After 20 minutes of talking and laughing, the subway got to my stop. I got up, and so did Ki Hoon.

"So where are you headed to?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, the SHINee signing," he replied.

"Dressed like that?" I realized what I'd said and quickly apologized.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that..." I looked at the ground, embarrassed and he just...laughed?

"It's okay," he said. "I'm changing when I get you know how long the walk is to the theatre?"

"It's about a 10 minute walk," I told him.

" how old are you?"

"17," I said. "How about you?"

"I'm 20."

"Oh! You're the same age as Key oppa!" I said as we exited the subway station.

"In fact," I began to look more closely at him. "You look a lot like him, too...even with sunglasses and a hat. You could be his brother...are you?" I asked.


Key P.O.V

Whoa...she's good...but not good enough. Kekeke...

"...well?" She asked. I looked at her. She looked so hopeful.

"What if I were?" I asked. "Would you use me to get to Key? Is he your bias or something?" She stared at me like I just cursed at an old lady.

"NEVER! I would never ever use someone like that!" She glared at me and continued, "Besides, Taemin oppa's my bias..." Well at least she wouldn't use- wait. TAEMIN?! Mushroom maknae?! Seriously?!...well, he is kind of adorable...ohmygod. Not. Gay.

"Oh," I said. "Then why do you look like you're going to explode if I say yes?"

"Do you know how cool it would be if I knew someone related to SHINee?" I stared at her, expecting an answer. She got my silent message and replied, "It would be amazing. Like, this-just-made-my-life-moment amazing."

"Wouldn't you just bug the person about SHINee all day? Like, 'Can I meet them?' or 'Where are they?'"

"Of course not. I would let that person decide if and when they would introduce me and I wouldn't talk about SHINee until that person brought them up."

"Really?" She looked like she was telling the truth.

"Really," she said, giving me the cutest smile ever. Her cheeks are so chubby! Cute~...

"Ki Hoon, are you okay? You look like you just got kissed." She giggled. Was I smiling that much?


"You're blushing and smiling really big."

" did you call me just now?" I said, trying to change the subject.

"Ki Hoon. That is your name. What else am I supposed to call you? V-neck?" She giggled. Damn it! Stop giggling! -________-

"Yah," I said. I didn't yell, but I said it sternly enough to make my seniority clear. "You're younger than me. You're even younger than Taemin. Why are you being so informal?"

"Oh...I'm sorry," She looked at the ground and pouted. Omo, she's embarrassed!...why is this so amusing?

"Yah," I said again, but in a softer voice. "It's okay. Why don't you just try again?"

"Okay...v-neck oppa!" She laughed. I guess she likes to laugh..

"V-neck oppa?!"


We walked a little farther and, just as Hee Soon said, it was only a 10 minute walk to arrive infront of the theater. She started to walk toward the already long line of waiting SHINee fans.


Hee Soon P.O.V

I started to walk to the end of the line to wait for the guards to let all of us into the building.

"Hey, Ki Hoon oppa-" I didn't finish my sentence. Ki Hoon wasn't next to me anymore. I turned around and there he was, standing a few feet in front of the doors of the theater. He looked at me.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, but...umm..." He hesitated for a second, looking at the doors, then back at me. "Nature calls..." I stared at him blankly. What? Nature?

"Bathroom, Hee Soon-ah! I have to...go..." He looked down, embarrassed.

"Oh! Go, then!" I said. "Maybe we'll run into each other later?"

"Maybe," he replied walking toward the doors.

"You probably won't be able to use the bathroom in there," I warned. "Security looks pretty tight..."

He just smiled and said, "I'll find a way in." Good luck, dude...

As he opened the door, I shouted, "Bye, v-neck oppa!" He looked at me and waved over his shoulder.


Key P.O.V

I opened the theater door.

"Bye, v-neck oppa!" I looked at her. She was waving like a nut...cute...I waved back, walking through the doors.

Now I just have to find the guys...



How was it? Hmmm? I hope you liked it! Since I might be too busy to post tomorrow (with it being Christmas and all...), this chapter was a little longer than the first least it seemed like it...anyway, Merry (early) Christmas! ^^

Anyways, you'll get to see Key and Jonghyun's relationship a little more than you did in chapter two, so look forward to it!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Thank you for reading and subscribing! ♥,



P.S.- I know this was a few days ago, but who else is happy Hangeng won the lawsuit over SM? I kind of have mixed feelings about it...will he be able to rejoin Super Junior? Or will they not let him?

Sorry it's not SHINee-related, but it's been on my mind ever since the news came out...

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Sparklicious22 #1
To any one of my subscribers or friends, I want to say that I am truly so sorry. This past year has been so very busy, especially with school, and I have neglected to update anything, much less get on AFF much. I feel so incredibly bad that I have not updated my stories, especially since one was transferred to me. I really hope you guys can forgive me and I will try my hardest to update. However, school remains my priority so I can honestly say that I would expect little to no updates for the rest of the school year. I will try to do as much as I can over winter break and strive to keep updating through the school year. (Like I said there prolly won't be much over the school year) I hope I can become better, and I hope the summer brings more updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, please please please forgive me. I really appreciate all of you who have stayed with me and I hope to make it up to you guys.... I'm really sorry!
Sparklicious22 #2
sorry sorry sorry!!!!! im soooo sorry guys!!! finals and everything X.X errrrg!! but winter break is coming up and i am gonna go on a kpop rampage.... downloading as many songs as i ca, updating my stories... A LOT!!! kekeke! again MIANHAMNIDA!!!!!!
Sparklicious22 #3
Hi guys!! so the story just got transferred to me so i will try to update as soooon as i can! im sorry if im not the fastest updater! i hope u guys like my writing!!!
Sparklicious22 #4
I would love to continue the fic for you :) it seems really fun :) if not then its fine with me :)<br />
Nichichan #5
I WANT CAKEEE!! but i hafta keep my figure too...ToT<br />
...key's a creeper >.> and the girl in the beginning is psychoo~~ reallyyy off her rocker<br />
about the rating...i dont think you have too... do you?? i mean its not all out so maybe not idk :P<br />
lucky little T^T i want the block b album!! T0T
Sparklicious22 #6
why thank u! i willl buy the very first copy :)
Sparklicious22 #7
haha i luv your crossing out-ness....haha its a word, it came out of my mouth didnt it? ahah jk
don't worry!!!!!!! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!(was that too creepy???) I'll be waiting for your update and the cake~!!!!!