
Loving Fame

Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say sorry for the last chapter's kinda ... Mianhae! *enter Super Junior dance here*

Hee Soon P.O.V

Aish, this boy! Just throw me into a fitting room and make me try on clothes...what makes him think he can do- OHMYSHISUS, THESE DRESSES ARE SO CUTEEE! xD (A/N: Lol wtf mood swings?)

Yeah, Taemin shoved me into a fitting room with a mountain of different dresses and skirts to try on. To be honest, a lot of them were really cute. And he just grabbed a bunch of them off of the rack! Key umma's fashion sense must have rubbed off on him or something.

I undressed, picked one of the dresses from the mound, and pulled it over my head. It was pretty simple; just a black dress that ended at about the middle of my thigh, with a grey waist band and two little flowers on the neck line.

I was straightening up a dress I had put on when Taemin called, "Have you tried anything on yet? Or are you just glaring hoping that they'll all disappear?" I heard him laugh.

"Yah," I opened the door and stuck my head out. "Talk like that, and I won't show you anything that I try on." He pouted in defeat. As I stepped out of the fitting room, his smirk turned into something else. Is that...admiration I see?

"Taemin-sshi?" I called. He just kept staring at me. "Yah, Lee Taemin. I know I'm pretty, but come on. I need an opinion here." He blinked a few times and smiled.

"You look beautiful," he said.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Let me buy it for you!"


"But you promiseddd~"

"Ugh...fine..." I sighed.

"Yaaay~!" He pushed me back into the fitting room. "Change back into your clothes and come find me." He stepped into the room and took all of the other clothes. "I'll be putting these back."

"Don't employees usually do that?" I asked.

"They get pissed off enough when people don't put a few things back, but when it's a mountain like this, they might go on a man hunt." I giggled. He walked out and I closed the door and changed back into my original clothes. I stepped out of the room to find Taemin patiently waiting for me.

"You're done already?" He nodded and stood up, taking the dress from me and walking toward the register.

"Annyeonghasaeyo," the employee greeted us. "Is this all for today?"

"Yes," Taemin replied. Mind you, he was still wearing his glasses, so he wasn't recognizable.

"That'll be 25,000 won (about $23 USD)" Taemin paid her, took the bag with my dress and we walked out of the store.

"That was only 25,000 won?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah," Taemin said in a didn't-I-just-pay-that-much? voice. "Now! On to the next stage!"

"What?" I questioned. "Next stage?"


"I have shoes, pabo! STOP BUYING ME THINGS!"

"Aww, Hee Soon-ahhh~ You take the fun out of shopping..." he pouted.

"Aigoo, you child~" I pinched his cheek. "Gimme the bag." I held out my hand expectantly.

"Wae? (Why?)" he asked.

"You already paid for it. I should do something."

"You are going to do something." I smiled and held out my hand again. "You're going to wear it." He smirked and ran down the walkway.

"Yah! Lee Taemin! Get back here!" I shouted and ran after him.


Donghae P.O.V

Aigoo, I'm so nervous! What if the ELFs don't accept me? What if they hate me so much that I have to quit? What if the hate me so much that I have to move to a different country?!

I sat in my chair at the venue that the press conference would be held at within several hours and mulled these things over in my head. I felt a hand clap down on my shoulder.

"Nervous?" Eeteuk hyung asked.

"Mm," I answered.

"Just relax, Donghae-ah. You'll be fine," he encouraged.

"But hyung..." I said as he took a seat next to me.

"Hmm?" I looked at the floor.

"What if...what if they don't like me?"

"Who? The ELFs?" I nodded. "Aish, Donghae! Who cares if they don't like you? As long as you're doing what you love, it shouldn't matter if they like you or not."

"Henry said the same thing," I chuckled.

"Because I told him the same thing when he was having these worries."

"Jinjja?" I asked, looking up at Eeteuk.

"Geuraeyo (That's right)," he said. "Donghae-ah, just believe that no matter what happens, your hyungs will be there for you. Arasso?"

"Arasso, hyung. Komawo~" I smiled.

"Guys, you gotta go get changed," manager hyung called us. "The photographers will be here soon."


Taemin P.O.V

I heard Hee Soon calling after me, so I slowed down until she was close behind me, then spun around and trapped her in a hug.

"Yah, Lee Taemin! Can't. BREATHE!" she protested, pushing against my chest.

"Hehe, sorry~ You're just so cute~" She giggled and pulled me toward the exit.

"Can we go back to my place and find my shoes? The conference starts in a few hours." We got on the bus and headed back to her house.


"How about these?"

"Too flashy."


"Too plain."

"Dammit, Taemin! Nothing works for you!" she shouted in mock annoyance.

"I APOLOGIZE." I replied sarcastically.

"And you think I'm picky..." she whispered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing...whatever, man. I'm wearing these," she said as she picked up a pair of heels out of the dozen that she had showed me.


"PERFECT!" I shouted.

"Now they're perfect?! Aish, this guy..." she held the back of her neck like how people do in dramas when they get stressed. I chuckled, walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You know you don't mind my pestering~" I said, placing my chin on her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," she chuckled, stepping away from me. "I'm gonna change."

"Okay," I said, sitting back down on her bed.

"...well?" She looked at me expectantly.


"You're not gonna leave?"

"Oh, you wanted me to?"

"You think I want to get dressed in front of you?!" she shouted. "You ert!"

"I'm kidding!" I jumped up from the bed laughing and ran to the door as she threw pillows at me. "You know I'm cute!" I laughed through the door that she had thoroughly slammed in my face. She opened the door a few minutes later and I walked in.

"I'm gonna fix my can go watch TV if you want," she said, taking a seat in front of her vanity.

"Can I stay here? I'll get lonely if I'm in the living room by myself~"

"That's fine." I sat down on her bed as she started pulling back sections of her hair.

"So...whatcha gonna do?" I asked, kicking my feet back and forth.

"With my hair? Just make it look like SooYoung unnie's." She pulled up a picture on her iPod and showed me.

" I supposed to talk to you while you do your hair?" I asked.

"If you want to."

"Does Annie?"

"Are you kidding? She never shuts up," she chuckled.

"How about I just watch the master?" I said. "I've never seen a girl do her own hair before." She nodded and got to work.


"Done!" she exclaimed.

"W-wha?" My eyes fluttered open.

"You're really adorable when you sleep, you know that?" she giggled, standing up from her chair and grabbing her purse from the dresser.

"You're ready?"

"Yup!" she said. "You should go to the dorms and get ready, too, shouldn't you?"

"Oh, yeah! I almost forgot!" I jumped up from the bed and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the front door.

"Whoa! Slow down!" she exclaimed as I pulled her through the front door. "I'm lucky I grabbed my shoes!" She put on her heels and locked the front door. "Okay, let's go!"

"Hey, Minnie! Who's the hot chick?" I looked up to see Jonghyun leaning out of Onew's car window as they pulled up to the curb.

"Hi, Jonghyun oppa!" Hee Soon giggled.

"Hee Soon?!" he shouted, sounding surprised. "Damn, girl! You look GOOD!"

"Hyung!" I shouted.

"Sorry, Min..."

"Come on, get in the car!" Onew shouted from the driver's seat. We climbed into the back seat as Onew put the car in drive.


"SLOW DOWN, YOU CRAZY CHICKEN!!" Hee Soon shouted.

"Just like before!" Jonghyun exclaimed.

"Oh, nostalgia~" Onew chuckled.



Sorry that it took so long for me to update! Mianhae! *Insert Super Junior dance here*

I tried posting an apology yesterday, saying that I'd try to update today, but my computer was being a face and didn't post it...huhu >.<

Anyway, conference next chapter~! Woo~ Hehe

I'ma finish up my halfa mini watermelon and chill for now, but I hope you anticipate the next update!

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing~! ♥,



Dr. Feel Good by Rania (I feel like a ert if I watch the music video xD Does anyone else feel like that?)

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Sparklicious22 #1
To any one of my subscribers or friends, I want to say that I am truly so sorry. This past year has been so very busy, especially with school, and I have neglected to update anything, much less get on AFF much. I feel so incredibly bad that I have not updated my stories, especially since one was transferred to me. I really hope you guys can forgive me and I will try my hardest to update. However, school remains my priority so I can honestly say that I would expect little to no updates for the rest of the school year. I will try to do as much as I can over winter break and strive to keep updating through the school year. (Like I said there prolly won't be much over the school year) I hope I can become better, and I hope the summer brings more updates, but I can't promise anything. Again, please please please forgive me. I really appreciate all of you who have stayed with me and I hope to make it up to you guys.... I'm really sorry!
Sparklicious22 #2
sorry sorry sorry!!!!! im soooo sorry guys!!! finals and everything X.X errrrg!! but winter break is coming up and i am gonna go on a kpop rampage.... downloading as many songs as i ca, updating my stories... A LOT!!! kekeke! again MIANHAMNIDA!!!!!!
Sparklicious22 #3
Hi guys!! so the story just got transferred to me so i will try to update as soooon as i can! im sorry if im not the fastest updater! i hope u guys like my writing!!!
Sparklicious22 #4
I would love to continue the fic for you :) it seems really fun :) if not then its fine with me :)<br />
Nichichan #5
I WANT CAKEEE!! but i hafta keep my figure too...ToT<br />
...key's a creeper >.> and the girl in the beginning is psychoo~~ reallyyy off her rocker<br />
about the rating...i dont think you have too... do you?? i mean its not all out so maybe not idk :P<br />
lucky little T^T i want the block b album!! T0T
Sparklicious22 #6
why thank u! i willl buy the very first copy :)
Sparklicious22 #7
haha i luv your crossing out-ness....haha its a word, it came out of my mouth didnt it? ahah jk
don't worry!!!!!!! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!(was that too creepy???) I'll be waiting for your update and the cake~!!!!!