Chapter 6

My Beautiful Target



“I’m in the dance club and I’m pretty good friends with the president.  Why don’t you dance now for me and show me what you’ve got.  If you can impress me then I’ll put in a good word to the president for you and you’ll get in for sure.”

Hoya grinned at Dongwoo and looked at him expectantly.  Dongwoo was pretty sure that at that moment his heart almost burst.  He suddenly paused though when he remembered what Sunggyu had told him earlier about Hoya.  

‘Jang Dongwoo don’t you dare get involved with any of those three guys it will only lead to trouble and you will regret it...’

‘Sorry hyung I know you warned me before but I finally got an opportunity to get close to him and I can’t just throw it away so easily like that,’ Dongwoo thought guiltily pursing his lips together.  He looked up at Hoya and smiled.  

“Okay I’ll give it a try,” Dongwoo said happily trying to hide his nervousness about dancing in front of his crush.  

Hoya nodded and went to the stereo and started up a new song.  

“Okay any time you’re ready,” Hoya said taking a seat on one of the seats near the mirror in the front of the room.  

Dongwoo took a deep breath to calm his rapidly beating heart then started to dance.  As soon as he started his nerves disappeared and he just felt the music and fluidly danced.  When the music stopped Dongwoo caught his breath and looked at Hoya who was looking back at him with wide eyes.  

“H-how was that?” Dongwoo asked nervously.  

“Wow,” Hoya said slowly coming out of his trance.  “That was amazing! Where did you learn to dance like that?”  

“Um I just kind of taught myself from watching videos of other people dancing really,” Dongwoo admitted embarrassed.  

“You’re dancing was incredibly,” Hoya said smiling warmly at Dongwoo.  “I’ll be sure to put in a good word to the dance captain about you tomorrow for sure, but I think if you dance that way for him then I don’t think you’ll even need me to put in a good word for you.”  

“T-thanks,” Dongwoo said blushing.  “But I don’t think I’m as good as you give me credit for.”  

“No you seriously are really good,” Hoya said sincerely smiling at him.

Hoya glanced at the clock on the wall.  

“Ah it’s getting late already I have to go,” Hoya said quickly going to pack up his stuff.  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“Yeah I’ll come by tomorrow for sure,” Dongwoo assured him.  

“Oh by the way I forgot to ask before but what’s you’re name?” Hoya asked standing in front of Dongwoo with his bag slung over his shoulder.  “I’m Lee Howon but just call me Hoya.”  

“I’m Jang Dongwoo,” Dongwoo said smiling.  

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow then Dongwoo,” Hoya said waving as he walked away.  

“Okay see you tomorrow,” Dongwoo said waving back.  

‘Oh my gosh he’s so nice!’ Dongwoo fanboy-ed as he walked down the hallway towards the school exit.  ‘I can’t wait until tomorrow!’


Meanwhile Sunggyu was busy with his own club activities of his first love: singing.  Besides being known for academics, Sunggyu was also known for his beautiful voice which got him a special place of importance in the singing club.  Practice had just started when the president and vice president of the club walked in with another boy following them.  Sunggyu’s eyes widened when he saw who the other boy was. Nam Woohyun.

“Okay listen up everyone,” the singing club president said getting everyone’s attention.  “Today we have a new member joining us and to start off today we’ll begin with hearing him sing something and having him introduce himself.”  

The president gestured towards Woohyun who took a step forward and bowed.  

“Hi everyone I’m Nam Woohyun,” Woohyun said smiling and bowing.  “The song I’ll be singing is called “Men Annoy Women” by Jo Yongpil.”  

Sunggyu leaned on his arm and looked at the clock wanting the club meeting to end already but his eyes immediately went to Woohyun when he started singing.  

Wow how did he learn to sing like that! His voice is so beautiful,’ Sunggyu thought to himself his jaw unconsciously dropping some.  He quickly remembered just who Woohyun was though and shook his head and rested his chin on his desk.  ‘No I can’t think compliments about him he’s a rival! I guess now this is another aspect he’s a rival to me at....Oh well my voice is much better anyway.’  

Woohyun finished singing and then the whole room exploded with applause.  

“Well I guess it’s unanimous then.  Nam Woohyun welcome to the singing club,” the club vice president said cheerfully.  

“Thank you very much,” Woohyun said bowing to everyone.  

Sunggyu blinked, ‘Just like that?

“Now that we have that taken care of we will now get to the main order of business for the meeting today,” the club president announced.  “Today we will be announcing the groups and order of who will be performing in the upcoming showcase next month.”  

“There will be small groups, duets, and solos,” the vice president continued.  “Groups will be responsible for organizing time to practice outside of normal club meetings as well as for picking a song to go along with the showcase theme “Love.”  

The president and vice president started to call out names and Sunggyu started getting more and more nervous noticing that neither his nor Woohyun’s name had been called yet.  

“The next duet,” the president announced, “will be from Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun.”  

Woohyun turned around to look at Sunggyu and smiled at him.  Sunggyu forced a smile back but inside he felt his stomach drop.





And here's chapter 6~ 

Sorry for the kinda late update i was super busy with school lately but...

OMG Woogyu's first meeting! ^-^ 

I would also like to announce that starting from this chapter I will be leaving responses to comments since I want to communicate with my subscribers more~ 

As usual please comment and subscribe~ see you next time bye bye ^-^/


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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"