Chapter 31

My Beautiful Target






Chapter 31 (Final)

The following weekend Sungyeol and Myungsoo were hanging out together at Sungyeol’s house watching tv together in the living room.  Myungsoo wasn’t really watching the show on tv but instead chose to stare at Sungyeol’s face.  Sungyeol on the other hand was super focused on the show and didn’t even realize that Myungsoo was staring at him.  

“Yeollie-ah I”m booooooored,” Myungsoo whined pouting at Sungyeol.  

“And what do you want me to do about that?” Sungyeol asked turning from the tv to raise an eyebrow at Myungsoo.  

“You can entertain me,” Myungsoo said smiling at him.  

“And how shall I do that?” Sungyeol replied still not getting where Myungsoo was going with this.  

“Like this,” Myungsoo said sensually before leaning forward pressing his lips against Sungyeol’s.  

Sungyeol was surprised at first but quickly got used to it and closed his eyes as he kissed Myungsoo back.  Myungsoo responded by pulling Sungyeol closer to him and the kiss started to get more and more heated.  Just as the kiss was getting more intimate, Sungyeol and Myungsoo suddenly heard someone shriek.  

“Yah! Oh my gosh hyung if you’re going to do something like that go to your room!” Sungjong shrieked horrified as he stood at the bottom of the stairway and Sungyeol and Myungsoo just looked at him blushing.  Sungjong then turned to the boy standing next to him who looked about his age and height and who had a cute boyish face.  “Come on let’s go up to my room.”  

Sungjong then went up the stairs dragging the boy with him who nervously gave a quick bow to Sungyeol and Myungsoo as he was dragged up the stairs.  Sungyeol and Myungsoo were still shocked and surprised at what had just happened until a sudden realization hit Sungyeol.  

“W-were they holding hands just now!?!?!?!” Sungyeol exclaimed in horror.  “With their fingers intertwined!! YAH LEE SUNGJONG YOU BETTER GET BACK DOWN HERE AND EXPL-”

“Hey calm down.  Calm down,” Myungsoo said cutting Sungyeol off and pulling him into a hug.  

“B-b-but oh my gosh my baby brother!!! Sungyeol said still in a hysterical crazy frenzy.  

“Has found love,” Myungsoo finished for him squeezing him tighter in the hug in an effort to calm him down.  “You should just try and be happy for him and hopefully he can end up as happy as we are~”

“Fine,” Sungyeol huffed pouting.  “But he better introduce him to me later because I will not let my baby brother be in a relationship with someone who I’ve never met!”

“Don’t worry I’m sure he will,” Myungsoo assured him then grabbed his chin with one of his hands.  “Now where were we?”  

“Yah you ! *THWAK*” Sungyeol exclaimed flicking Myungsoo on the forehead.  “I’m here worrying about my brother and that’s all that you’re really thinking about!”  

“Ow that hurt! Will you kiss it and make it better Yeollie?” Myungsoo said rubbing his forehead and pouting.  

“Aish fine!” Sungyeol said leaning towards Myungsoo’s forehead.  

Suddenly right before Sungyeol was about to kiss Myungsoo’s forehead Myungsoo leaned back so that their lips met in a quick peck instead.  

“See? I knew you couldn’t resist me,” Myungsoo said smirking at Sungyeol playfully.  




That same weekend Dongwoo was over at Hoya’s house helping him babysit Boram since her nanny was on vacation that weekend.  They had just put Boram to bed and went to go sit together in the living room to relax.  

“Now that we’re finally alone,” Hoya said seductively pulling Dongwoo closer.  

Dongwoo grinned and leaned forward also until their lips met.  The kiss started off slow and sweet but then started to get heated.  They both jumped and separated though when they suddenly heard a voice from the top of the stairs.  

“Yay Dongwoo-oppa you kept your promise!” Boram exclaimed happily clapping her hands from the top of the staircase where she was standing.  

Dongwoo blushed even more when he heard that and buried his face in his hands embarrassed.  

“Yah Boramie go back to bed,” Hoya said clearly disappointed and slightly irritated that his little sister had decided to show up suddenly and interrupt his and Dongwoo’s kiss.  

“Okay okay,” Boram said as she started to go back to her room.  “Good night oppas~ You can go back to what you were doing now~”

“Aish that girl,” Hoya said rubbing his temples.  “What was she talking about when she said you promised her something?”  

“E-eh? W-well that was um...she tricked me into promising her that I would...confess to you,” Dongwoo said extremely embarrassed hanging his head in shame.  

Dongwoo was surprised however when he heard laughing and looked up quickly to see Hoya chuckling to himself.  

“Looks like things went right according to plan then,” Hoya said smirking contently.  

“Wh-wha-WHAT?” Dongwoo exclaimed totally dumbfounded until it suddenly hit him.  “Yah that was your idea!”  

“Eh? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Hoya said faking innocence.  

“Yah! Aish I’m going crazy!” Dongwoo exclaimed clutching his head with both of his hands.  “I hate you!”

Hoya just laughed and pulled Dongwoo into a hug planting a kiss on his cheek.  

“Love you too~”


That weekend Sunggyu had gone over to hang out at Woohyun’s house.  They had originally planned to watch a movie, which was what they were doing until Woohyun suddenly decided that Sunggyu’s lips were more interesting.  And that’s how they got to their current situation of making out on the couch right in the middle of Woohyun’s living room.  Just as things were getting heated, they heard a loud noise and quickly pulled apart.  


“Yah be quiet or else they’re going to hear us!” they both heard someone whisper loudly to someone else.  

“I know I know it was an accident!” they both heard someone else respond.  

It only took Woohyun mere seconds to recognize who those voices belonged to.  

“Yah eomma, hyung! What the heck are you two doing!” Woohyun exclaimed irritated.  

“Hi Woohyunie! Sorry about that it’s just that we both just got home and when we saw you two in the living room it was just too cute so we had to stay and watch,” Woohyun’s eomma said cheerfully as she walked out of the kitchen where she had been hiding.  

“Congrats bro,” Boohyun said walking over and smacking Woohyun on the back.  

“Ah you two are so embarrassing!” Woohyun said, his face bright red.  

“Now Woohyun you make sure to be good to Sunggyu and take good care of him okay?” Woohyun’s eomma lectured.  

“Yah eomma aren’t you suppose to be telling Sunggyu-hyung those things about me?” Woohyun whined.  

“Don’t be a baby Woohyunie and I already know that I have nothing to worry about because I’m sure that Sunggyu will take good care of you,” Woohyun’s eomma said smiling brightly.  

“Can you both just leave now please?” Woohyun asked/cried embarrassed.  

“Okay okay we’re going,” Boohyun said as he started to walk up to his room.  

“Fine I can see you two want to be alone to continue what you were doing so I’ll leave,” Woohyun’s eomma said walking back into the kitchen.  

Woohyun sighed in relief but jolted in surprise when something suddenly hit him in the head.  When he looked in his lap where it the thing that hit him had fell he saw that it was a !

“MAKE SURE TO USE PROTECTION WOOHYUNIIIIIIIIEE~” Boohyun yelled in a singsong voice before quickly slamming his door shut.  

“YAAAAH HYUUUUUUUNNNNNNGG!!!!” Woohyun shrieked throwing the across the room as his face quickly turned bright red again.  

Sunggyu just chuckled and pinched Woohyun’s bright red cheeks, “So cute.”  

“Aaaaarrrrggggghhh,” Woohyun groaned in embarrassment burying his face in his hands.

Sunggyu pulled Woohyun into a hug and rubbed his back comfortingly.  

“Woohyunie...I love you,” Sunggyu said softly into Woohyun’s ear.  

Woohyun’s eyes widened in shock before he smiled softly and hugged Sunggyu back.  

“I love you too...that’s the first time that you said it first,” Woohyun said feeling tears starting to form in his eyes.  “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that because before...I really thought that you hated me...”

“I’m so sorry,” Sunggyu said hugging Woohyun tighter.  “I can honestly say though that I never for even a second hated you.  It wasn’t even possible for me to hate you and I don’t think it will ever be.”  

Woohyun pulled back from their hug and looked and Sunggyu smiling softly with tears b in his eyes.  He slowly leaned towards Sunggyu and placed a soft, gentle kiss on his lips.  Not even a couple seconds after Woohyun kissed Sunggyu though they both heard a click and immediately separated.  



And here’s chapter 31 and i’m so sad to say the end ㅠㅠ

First of all I’d like to apologize that this last chapter is so late!  Can you believe that the exact day that i was planning to update is the day that AFF decided to do site maintenance!?!?!  So i decided to not post it until that was done...then i couldn’t post it because i had to study for my final exam so now i’m finally posting it now i’m so sorry! ㅠㅠ I’m actually really sad that this story is over too! i’m really going to miss writing this and reading all of your kind sweet comments :(  I seriously feel really sad about this ending i think it’s probably because it’s my first chaptered infinite so i’m extra attached to it...

Second I’d like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to all my precious and lovely subscribers who have supported my story until the end!  I really love and appreciate you all so much I can’t even describe how much!!!!

Third I’d like to explain about Sungjong’s boyfriend.  Regarding Sungjong’s boyfriend at the end of the myungyeol part I recieved some good suggestions about who it should be but in the end I couldn’t decide and just put up a description that could describe two of the guys that were suggested.  Can you guess who the two were?~ But the way it is I pretty much left it that you can imagine whoever you want as Sungjong’s boyfriend at the end~

Fourth hooray for the quick reappearances of Boram and Boohyun!  Since everyone seemed to like those two characters so much I decided to have them appear one more time before the end so I hope you all enjoyed their parts again ^-^b

Fifth I was just wondering did anyone understand the joke that I made about Sunggyu’s family’s business?  (optometry clinic = eye doctor = eyes = what sunggyu seems to lack) sorry for my totally fail joke right there... -_-

And sixth I’d like to announce that I will be starting a new story sometime hopefully in the near future!!! I already have some inspiration ideas that i’m playing with that i got once again from the wonderful lovely au memes made by [email protected]  but i’m still not exactly sure where those ideas will lead yet but i’ll be sure to post up the first chapter as soon as it’s done ^-~
Do you all want me to post a link here so you all can find it?

Lastly I’d just like to once again thank everyone of my subscribers who have been so supportive of my story until the end I love you all! \^-^/

So now for the last time in this story I will bid you all farewell ^-^/


@deedee2011: yep woogyu is finally together~ i hope you enjoy the end as well~

@notz917: hehe yeah finally woogyu ^-^ lol yeah sungjong is too pretty but now who he ends up in the end is up to you~

@ChocoAikocream: lol i love you too sweety \^-^/ yep woogyu are extremely adorable and their love can last forever ^-^b

@AnoBasho: lol yep sunggyu finally decided to listen to his own heart and woogyu finally happened! ah i know i love that exo song too it’s one of my favorites ^-^ i hope you enjoyed the woogyu ending~

@uuleunhaecloudy: yay yep finally woogyu! and of course greasy woohyun is greasy forever and ever just for his sunggyu~

@dojorockergirl: hehe yep woogyu is finally together ^-^ yep this is the last chapter i’m sad too :( but i hope that you enjoyed this last chapter~

@lake971: aw sungjong can’t be alone but instead he has a vague identity boyfriend~ yep sadly this is the last chapter but i hope that you enjoyed it ^-^b

@XinyiXinXin: aw i’m really sorry i’m kind of content with how this story is now so i don’t think it will be able to turn into an mpreg :( but i hope you enjoyed the ending anyway ^-^

@OneTruePairing: lol yep WOOGYU!! ^-^b

@delusion_rider: yep this is the last chapter sadly but i hope you enjoyed it a lot~ ^-^b

@mitsuchan: yay yep woogyu is finally together! and yeah sunggyu finally got some sense and just listened to his own heart in the end~ ^-^

@faayicecream: hehe i’m glad you liked the shakespeare quote so much \^-^/ and yep woogyu is too cute for words~




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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"