Chapter 23

My Beautiful Target




It was a friday and because there was a math test scheduled for the following week Myungsoo and Sungyeol had decided to go and study at Myungsoo’s house.  As they were walking up to Myungsoo’s front door they were so busy chatting that they didn’t notice that there was a car parked in the driveway that wasn’t there normally.  

“Did you see how much Professor F was sweating today!” Sungyeol exclaimed bursting out laughing remembering the sight during class.  

“I know yeah I mean he’s usually really disgustingly wet but today was extra bad for some reason!” Myungsoo added back bursting out into laughter as well.  

“It’s so gross you would think he would at least try to wear something that would make it less obvious but he goes and wears those light shirts that make it so easy to notice!” Sungyeol went on laughing.  

“Yeah and did you see the way he bends down to plug stuff in it’s just almost comi-” Myungsoo had opened and stepped through the front door when he suddenly froze upon hearing noises coming from another room in the house.  “I-i-is someone else here?”  

“Myungsoo are you okay? What’s wrong?” Sungyeol asked worried since he had never seen tough, cocky Myungsoo so freaked out before.  

“M-maybe we better go somewhere else to st-,” Myungsoo stuttered but was cut off when there was another loud noise in the other room and then he turned completely pale when a slightly taller middle aged man walked into the room they were in.  “...D-dad wh-what are you doing home at th-this t-time.”  

“Well look who decided to come home.  It’s my pathetic excuse for a son Myungsoo,” Myungsoo’s dad spat back bitterly.  

“What are you doing here at this time!” Myungsoo spoke back with a little more force and confidence in his voice this time.  

“I’m just here because I wanted to have a little talk with my son is that so wrong?” Myungsoo’s dad replied back mockingly.  

“Well I don’t want to talk with you so just leave,” Myungsoo said harshly to his dad.  

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that you useless brat!” Myungsoo’s dad exclaimed angrily.  

“Sungyeol go hide in my room it’s up the stairs take a right and it’s the third door on the left,” Myungsoo said softly to Sungyeol.  

Sungyeol listened to Myungsoo and quickly ran up the stairs and to his bedroom before quickly going inside.  His heart was pounding and he couldn’t help but be very worried about Myungsoo but he knew it was best if he just listened to him for now and stayed uninvolved.  Sungyeol jumped when he heard a loud crash followed by a lot of loud yelling and more loud crashes.  The noise continued before Sungyeol suddenly heard the front door slam loudly and the sound of a car screeching and speeding off.  He then heard what sounded like someone coming up the stairs and approaching the room and quickly backed away from the door and stood next to the bed.  The door opened slowly revealing Myungsoo who was breathing hard and sweating a little.  Myungsoo slowly walked into the room and sat on his bed sighing heavily and hanging his head.  

“M-myungsoo-,” Sungyeol began but was cut off by Myungsoo.  

“Do you remember the first tutoring session we had?” Myungsoo softly asked him looking up at him and Sungyeol nodded a little uncertain of how that was relevant but as soon as Myungsoo saw him nod he looked down again and continued.  “On that day something similar to what just happened happened and that’s why I was late.”  

Sungyeol looked at him with wide eyes shocked and racked his brain trying to figure out what to say next.  

“Wh-what just happened down there?” Sungyeol asked worriedly.  

“...My dad somehow managed to get a hold of some of my past test scores and was really mad because they’re not as good as he wants them to be.  He expects me to be as smart as my younger brother who is legally a genius and he always compares me to him and takes it out on me that I’m not as good as him,” Myungsoo explained tiredly and let out a harsh breath before burying his face in his hands.  “I’m sorry I can’t help it that I’m so stupid okay!”  

“Myungsoo...,” Sungyeol said softly, feeling a pang of pain in his chest seeing Myungsoo so broken up like that.  He moved over to the bed and sat down next to Myungsoo and wrapped his arms around him pulling him into a hug.  “’re not stupid.  Don’t listen to what your dad says because it’s not true.”

“It is true! I’m stupid and I can’t do anything right!  I’m useless!” Myungsoo said back bitterly.  

“No! Listen to me Myungsoo it’s not,” Sungyeol said back forcefully.  “It’s not true.  I mean look at how far you’ve come since I started tutoring you.”  

“It’s still nothing compared to my brother though,” Myungsoo said quietly.  

“Don’t listen to what your dad says! What he says doesn’t matter!” Sungyeol forcefully told him again.  

Myungsoo stayed silent after that and there was a moment of quietness that passed between them.  Then Sungyeol let out a sigh before speaking again.  

“Forget what you dad said.  I think you’re smart Myungsoo,” Sungyeol said firmly and Myungsoo’s eyes widened upon hearing this.  “And I believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to.”  

“...Thanks Yeol,” Myungsoo said softly smiling to himself and feeling a warm blush spreading across his face.  .  

“Now come on let’s get to studying so you can do great on that test next week!” Sungyeol said cheerfully.  

“Okay let’s do this,” Myungsoo said feeling a new sense of encouragement.  

‘Thank you Sungyeol.  Thank you for believing in me.’  


And here’s chapter 23~

After the previous chapter someone raised the question about when the dance contest is going to be and i have to announce that both the dance contest and the singing contest are going to be pushed back from the originally planned time a little but don’t worry it is coming up soon i promise

I’m currently having a little trouble with writer’s block with the side oneshot that i’m writing but i’ll try to get that up as soon as possible i promise~

I think this story will be wrapping up at about 30 chapters unless i get some other miraculous spurt of inspiration before then...

Anyway until next time bye bye ^-^/


@deedee2011: I’m glad that you enjoyed the woogyu and yeah dongwoo is going to confess so anticipate it ^-^b

@GuppyFish: yep the sparks are starting to fly more and more between the woogyu couple!

@AnoBasho: i’m so happy that you liked the woogyu part lol i wouldn’t really consider it a date but hehe woohyun might~ please stick around for the yadong couple part too ^-^

@liddoasian: uwaaah hello new reader thank you so much for your love and support of my story i feel so honored that you would stay up until 5 reading my story i will do my best in the future to not disappoint you~

@ryne_drops: lol woohyun’s grades aren’t super bad in this story he’s like a B or C student... in this story myungsoo’s the one with the bad grades...but that’s just because he’s lazy

@JashinFreako: the dance contest is coming up soon i had to move it back a little though... lol yep woohyun’s fail aegyo is daebak!

@aznmusiklife: lol i’m glad that you enjoyed woohyun’s comment so much and please stick around for dongwoo’s confession~

@jongkeyx3: i’m glad that you liked the woogyu part so much ^-^ school being all field trip? that’s so awesome 0.0

@TabiLee: thanks so much for supporting my story new reader i’ll do my best in the future to deliver the best updates that i can~

@Jung36: hehe i’m happy that you enjoyed woogyu so much and yeah sunggyu’s dad is a little crazy and yep woohyun does like sunggyu~

@shellfish: hi new reader ^-^/ thanks so much for liking and supporting my story and i’m glad that you like all the character progression so far~ i’ll do my best to give good updates in the future so please continue to support my story ^-^

@mitsuchan: yep when sunggyu’s down woohyun is down so he must cheer him up ^-^b


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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"