Chapter 25

My Beautiful Target





After the incident with Sunggyu’s dad, Sunggyu and Woohyun have been getting a lot closer and even started to consider each other as friends.  It was the weekend and Sunggyu was over at Woohyun’s house to practice for the singing club showcase.  After saying a quick hello to Mrs.Nam (who had grown quite fond of Sunggyu), the two headed up to Woohyun’s room.  

“Man my mom sure loves you,” Woohyun said as they walked into his room.  “I have a feeling that she’s starting to like you more than she likes me.”  

“Nah that’s impossible you are her son after all,” Sunggyu said walking into the room after him.

“She’s always like ‘Kim Sunggyu is such a handsome boy’ and ‘Woohyun you should be more like Sunggyu, he’s a gentleman,’” Woohyun said rolling his eyes jokingly.  

“Hmm well who could blame her though I mean look at me,” Sunggyu said jokingly striking a pose.  

“Not to mention your extreme humbleness,” Woohyun said bursting out into laughter and Sunggyu joined along laughing too.  

“Well we better start practicing now,” Sunggyu said wiping the tears from laughing too hard out of his eyes.  

“Yeah you’re right okay,” Woohyun said going to set up the music to practice.  

Woohyun walked over to his where his speakers were, set up his ipod in them, and pulled up chairs for him and Sunggyu to sit down by them.  They sat on the chairs by the speakers, Woohyun started up the music and then they started practicing.  As the song went on and they ran through it a couple of times, they both started to get really into it.  After a few times of going through it when the song was ending, deep in concentration mode, they were both looking at each other singing their parts.  

My babe, baby babe, baby baby
I can tell, this is love
I will make you smile often like a child
I will make you feel the most comfortable, like a friend
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
Tell me, what is love

As the song came to an end they both without realizing it unconsciously brought their faces closer to each other.  It was hard to tell how it happened or even who initiated it but the next thing they knew their lips were pressed against each other in a innocent lip to lip kiss.  Woohyun closed his eyes thoroughly enjoying the feeling of Sunggyu’s lips pressed against his, a feeling that he had been dreaming about for many weeks.  Sunggyu however, once he snapped out of it and fully realized what was going on, quickly pulled away and pushed Woohyun away breaking the kiss.  

“S-sunggyu-hyung...” Woohyun said softly his chest feeling tight with pain that Sunggyu had pushed him away from their kiss.  Sunggyu just looked back at him with wide eyes with a horror stricken look on his face.  

“S-sorry I-I-I have to go now!” Sunggyu said quickly and dashed out of the room wanting to get as far from Woohyun for now as he possibly could.  

“S-sunggyu-hyung wait!” Woohyun exclaimed and went to go after him but by the time he got to his bedroom door, Sunggyu was already out of the front door.  



Meanwhile Sunggyu was in his car speeding towards his house and did not stop until he had pulled up to his driveway.  When he got home he quickly ran inside and up to his room where he proceeded to then throw himself on his bed and scream his head off.  


After rolling around in his bed for a good hour, Sunggyu whipped out and texted both Sungyeol and Dongwoo.  

‘Can you talk now? I really need someone to talk to now...’

He sighed and put his phone on his nightstand then proceeded to continue burying his face in his pillow while he waited for a response.  After waiting a good 20 minutes for a response and not receiving anything Sunggyu decided to give up and go take a shower and get ready for bed.  As soon as he stepped out of his room to head for the bathroom however he heard a knock on his front door.  

‘Who could that possibly be at this hour?’ he thought to himself as he walked downstairs to his front door.  

As soon as he opened his door he was immediately rushed by Sungyeol and Dongwoo who were both carrying plastic bags in their hands.  

“HYUNG WHAT HAPPENED! ” Sungyeol exclaimed frantically.  

“YEAH WE RUSHED OVER AS SOON AS WE COULD!” Dongwoo continued just as loudly.  

“W-w-what are you two doing here?” Sunggyu half asked half exclaimed back his eyes becoming as wide as they possible could become from shock.  

“Well we both know that you only text us like that when it’s something really important,” Sungyeol explained trying to catch his breath from, Sunggyu guesses, running all the way there.  

“So as soon as we got the text we came over as quickly as we could,” Dongwoo finished also trying to catch his breath. “ spill.”  


“YOU WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!” Sungyeol and Dongwoo both exclaimed choking on their drinks.  

“...we kissed,” Sunggyu said softly while hanging his head in shame.  

“Oh my gosh hyung I thought you said you hated him!” Sungyeol said his eyes wide with shock and disbelief.  

“Well it doesn’t seem like it since they decided to play tonsil hockey,” Dongwoo said smirking.  

“WE DID NOT! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING EXCEPT PUSH HIM AWAY! IT WAS HIM THAT KISSED ME!  IT WAS ALL HIM!” Sunggyu loudly exclaimed his face burning bright red.  

“So do you like him hyung?” Sungyeol asked curiously.  

“Of course I don’t!” Sunggyu quickly answered and Sungyeol and Dongwoo both raised their eyebrows suspiciously at him.  “...*sigh* even if I did it’s not like we could be together since my dad hates his family with a burning passion.”  

“Nevermind that,” Dongwoo cut in.  “Forget about how your dad feels for a second and think: how do you feel about him hyung?”  

Sunggyu took a deep breath and let out a long tired sigh before answering.  “...I don’t feel anything towards him at all...”  

‘Woohyun please just forget about’s easier that way.........for both of us...’


And here’s chapter 25~

First of all i want to apologize i’m sorry that the past two chapters have been kind of angsty but it must happen in the story in order for the good to happen to please just be patient until then~

Second I would like to point out and apologize again because this chapter actually happened before the previous chapter over the “weekend” which is why Dongwoo is able to still try to help Sunggyu with his problems because he doesn’t have his own yet...i’m so sorry i should have posted this chapter before the last one...

I think that’s it for now so until next chapter bye bye ^-^/


@mitsuchan: yep dino needs to follow yeol’s advice~

@ukissmekevin16: you’re right! i <3 eunhae~

@shellfish: i love eunhae too~ and about’ll just have to wait and see~ (but i promise that this will have a happy ending ^-^)

@aznmusiklife: i know poor dongwoo! my own yadong feelings hurt just from having to write that! but don’t worry i promise this will end happily~

@Jung36: yeah you tell Hoya lol XD i’m glad you liked the little eunhae cameo ^-^

@deedee2011: i know yeah poor dongwoo! yep he has to listen to sungyeol’s advice~ thanks for being so understanding and supportive i really appreciate it *sniffle*

@GuppyFish: yeah poor dongwoo i felt sad writing it myself!  don’t worry you can rest assured that hoya is not homophobic because that would just be too tragic :(  and yep myungsoo is totally smitten so wait patiently for myungyeol to get together~

@Nadjell: yep i felt sad writing it about poor dongwoo :( there will be a happy ending though i promise~ and lol yeah myungsoo does not like it when his sungyeol time is interrupted XD

@JashinFreako: don’t worry this will have a happy ending i promise~

@ChocoAikocream: hi new reader!!  thanks so much for subscribing and supporting my story!!! i will do my best to deliver the best chapters i can in the future so please continue to support my story until the end~




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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"