Chapter 28

My Beautiful Target





Later on that week Sungyeol was waiting in the room that he and Myungsoo usually use for their tutoring session for Myungsoo to show up.  He was sitting down at one of the desks looking through his phone when suddenly the door flew open and an enraged Myungsoo came storming in.  

“!” Myungsoo swore loudly.  “ING BASTARD!”  

“Myungsoo...what happened?” Sungyeol asked extremely concerned about him

Myungsoo stommped to one of the desks near the front of the room close to where Sungyeol was, loudly pulled out the chair, and sat down crossing his arms and glaring at the desk before continuing.  

“Well yesterday I showed my math test to my dad and the ing bastard yelled at me about it!” Myungsoo exclaimed angrily.  “He got mad at me and accused me of trying to compete with my younger brother!  Then he laughed in my face and mocked me saying that if I ever hope to compete with my brother I should at least get an A!  He ing laughed at me!  I don’t know why I’m even still even try we should just stop this tutoring thing already!”  

Sungyeol frowned and his heart ached seeing Myungsoo so upset.  Then he suddenly got an idea and started to write something on the board.  

“Okay we can stop if that’s what you really want but just solve this last problem first,” Sungyeol said calmly as he gestured to the board.  

“No I don’t want to...Yeah I don’t even know why the I still try!  No one cares about me!” Myungsoo continued, his anger quickly rising more and more.  “No one loves me not even my own ing dad!”

“Just solve this problem,” Sungyeol said again keeping his voice calm and steady despite Myungsoo’s angry yelling.  

“!  I said no Yeol!” Myungsoo yelled slamming his hand down hard on the desk.  

“Yah just look at the chalkboard!” Sungyeol yelled back finally losing his temper.  

“ why is it so important to you that I-...You...” Myungsoo finally looked up at the chalkboard and when he saw what was on it his eyes widened in shock and he was at a loss for words.  

Written on the board in large capital letters was the phrase “I LOVE YOU.”  

“You have to solve this problem...because you’re the one who caused it,” Sungyeol said the last part softly and started to walk towards the desk where Myungsoo was sitting and stopped when he was in front of him.  “Don’t say that no one cares because I do.  And don’t say that no one loves you because...I do.”

“S-sungyeol...wh-what?” Myungsoo stuttered in complete shock still unable to comprehend all that Sungyeol had just said.  

“I love you Myungsoo,” Sungyeol said sincerely looking into his eyes hoping to get to his heart.  

In the blink of an eye Myungsoo was quickly to his feet and pulled Sungyeol into a kiss.  Sungyeol was startled at first but soon after closed his eyes and kissed him back softly.  After they separated, Myungsoo pressed their foreheads together and smiled gently at Sungyeol.  

“I love you too Sungyeol,” Myungsoo whispered and leaned in again to peck him on the lips.  

Sungyeol grinned like an idiot and pulled Myungsoo into a tight hug that Myungsoo returned laying his head on Sungyeol’s shoulder and smiling contently.

“Hmm you’re right let’s call off tutoring for today.  I could go for some coffee right now,” Sungyeol said pulling away and pouting at Myungsoo while batting his eyelashes.  

“Haha okay no need to make that cute face,” Myungsoo said laughing and poking his cheek.  “Let’s go get some coffee.  I’ll get you as much coffee as you could ever want.”  

(Little did Myungsoo know how much he would later regret ever uttering that XD)

“REALLY?” Sungyeol exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with glee.  “Okay let’s go then I know the best place to go~”  

And with that Sungyeol pulled a chuckling Myungsoo out the door of the classroom, out of the school, and down the street to his favorite cafe.  


“Here are your drinks,” the waitress said setting down their drinks on their table.  

“Yay!” Sungyeol said clapping his hands in glee.  “Thanks Myungie~”  

‘Myungie?...I could definitely get used to the sound of that,’ Myungsoo thought to himself smiling and chuckling.  “You’re welcome Yeollie~”  

While he was laughing and having a fun time with his new boyfriend though, Myungsoo found himself thinking again about something that had been bothering him for the past few days.  Then he suddenly got an idea.  

“Hey Yeollie-ah?” Myungsoo said trying to get his attention.  

“Yes Myungie~” Sungyeol responded back in a singsong voice.  

“You’re friends with Kim Sunggyu right?  The student council president,” Myungsoo asked.  

“Yeah I am.  Why?” Sungyeol asked back puzzled.  

“Well it’s about my friend Woohyun,” Myungsoo said nervously apologizing to Woohyun in his head for revealing his secret.  “He likes your friend Sunggyu and I know it because he would always talk about him and fanboy over him all the time.  I’m worried though because all of a sudden he became really sad and depressed and I have a feeling that it has to do something with Sunggyu since he doesn’t talk about him anymore.  I asked him what was wrong but he refused to tell me anything...Do you know about anything that could have happened between them to make him sad like that?”  

“Wait did he just suddenly start to act like that like in the past week or so?” Sungyeol asked and after Myungsoo nodded his eyes widened as he realized immediately what must be making Woohyun sad.  “I’m pretty sure I know what happened between them that made Woohyun so sad.  Sunggyu-hyung told me that this past weekend when they were practicing at Woohyun’s house that...Woohyun kissed him.  After that Sunggyu-hyung told me he ran away and started to avoid Woohyun.  If Woohyun really likes Sunggyu-hyung like you say he does then I can imagine how that would make him sad.”  

“Ah so that’s what happened,” Myungsoo said nodding in understanding.  “He got rejected...”

“Well not in so many words,” Sungyeol said and Myungsoo looked at him confused.  “What I’m saying is that Sunggyu-hyung didn’t technically reject Woohyun he just ran away and avoided him.  I’m saying this because I believe that in reality Sunggyu-hyung actually likes Woohyun back but is just too scared to accept his own feelings.”  

“Why is that?” Myungsoo asked still not completely understanding the situation.  

“I think that it’s because their families both own famous optometry clinics and because of that Sunggyu-hyung’s dad sees Woohyun’s family as an enemy,” Sungyeol explained.  “Sunggyu-hyung’s dad is really serious about business and always pushes Sunggyu-hyung to be the best in academics and to be involved in the student council because he’s supposed to take over the clinic one day.  I think that Sunggyu-hyung is scared to see how his father would react to him even being friends with Woohyun.  So the thought of having to tell his dad that he likes Woohyun as more than a friend probably terrifies him...To me though he should just forget about what his dad thinks and follow his own heart.  What he’s doing now is hurting both him and Woohyun...”

“So that’s how it is,” Myungsoo sighing.  “Well I agree with you that he should just do what he wants and I hope he does fast.  I’m worried about Woohyun, he’s one of my best friends.”  

“Ah speaking of friends you’re friends with Lee Howon right?” Sungyeol asked, an idea forming in his head.  

“Hoya?  Yeah I am.  Why?” Myungsoo asked.  

“I hope you don’t mind me asking but what is his ual orientation?” Sungyeol asked kind of embarrassed once he actually asked it and quickly added, “It’s because I have a friend who likes him who wants to know if he would have a chance with him.”  

“Your friend’s a boy?” Myungsoo asked and Sungyeol nodded then Myungsoo thought for a second before responding.  “I can actually honestly say that I don’t know.  I mean as far as I know, Hoya’s never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before and I’ve never even heard him express interest in anyone before now that I think about it.  Sorry I couldn’t really be of much help here.”  

“It’s okay but I hope that all of our friends can work out their love problems so that they can be happy like we are,” Sungyeol said smiling and taking a sip of his drink.  

Myungsoo chuckled some when he saw that there was some foam from Sungyeol’s drink still on his upper lip.  

“You have some foam on your lip,” Myungsoo said pointing to his upper lip.  

“Where?” Sungyeol said starting to reach up towards his face to wipe it off with his hand but was stopped when Myungsoo pulled his hand away.  

“That’s I’ll get it,” Myungsoo said softly and leaned towards Sungyeol giving him a soft kiss on the lips.  

Sungyeol’s eyes widened in surprise caught completely off guard and he blushed like crazy.  After Myungsoo pulled away he sat back in his chair and smiled contently.  

“Wow who knew that tough guy Myungsoo would be so cheesy as to copy a scene from a drama in real life?” Sungyeol said pretending to be shocked and appalled but failing and laughing some.  

“Only for you Yeollie baby~” Myungsoo replied back winking at him.  

“Aish you’re so cheesy!” Sungyeol exclaimed.  

“But you like it~” Myungsoo said back grinning.  

Sungyeol reached his hand across the table and intertwined their fingers together and smiled gently at Myunsoo.  

“I love it~”  


Yay chapter 28 is finally up!  And yay myungyeol is finally together!!!!!!! XD

And I want to say congratulations to the people who correctly guessed that the singing club president and vp are yesung and ryeowook from super junior! Yewook!  I love them so much~

I also wanted to ask and tell you that I’m taking suggestions for who you think should be paired up with sungjong since he’s going to appear pretty soon~ Please leave your suggestions I really would like to know who you all would like it to be~

Well I think that that’s about all I have to say for now I’m falling asleep so I must sleep now~

So until next chapter bye bye ^-^/


@shellfish: don’t worry woogyu will pick up more soon i promise so just be patient~

@GuppyFish: yeah things are kind of bumpy right now but they will be getting better soon~

@uuleunhae: yeah but don’t worry sunggyu will come to his senses soon enough ^-^

@delusion_rider: lol yeah woogyu were really tense but don’t worry things will be getting better between them really soon~

@ChocoAikocream: don’t worry both of the other couples will have happy endings I promise~

@deedee2011: i’m glad that you liked the woogyu and yadong in the last chapter~ their parts are coming up so anticipate them okay?~

@AnoBasho: lol yeah if hoya knew that would be much easier for dongwoo and yep woogyu are definitely super awkward together now 0.0

@LiliLee: yep congrats you’re right the singing club president and vp are yewook! yeah they came in sort of early in the story when woohyun auditioned for the singing club~  hehe don’t worry the other couples will be getting together really soon~

@OneTruePairing: lol don’t worry the yadong couple will get together soon~ and in the meantime myungyeol finally got together yay!  I hope you liked it~

@dojorockergirl: don’t worry the yadong couple will be getting together really soon~ and congrats you were right it was myungyeol who got together first ^-^b

@raikoloveseunhae: yep you’re right it is yewook and yep i love the super junior couples ^-^b

@mitsuchan: hehe sorry but it was myungyeol who got together first not yadong but i hope you liked this chapter anyway~ lol yeah i know woogyu is so slow but don’t worry they’ll be getting together soon~

@notz917: Yay welcome new reader and thanks i’m glad that you like my story so much it makes me really happy ^-^ myungyeol just had their happy getting together and next are yadong and woogyu so anticipate it okay?  You’re right the singing club president and vp are yewook!  Thanks so much for loving and supporting my story and please continue to support it until the very end~ ^-^




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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"