Chapter 1

My Beautiful Target


Sungyeol groaned and put his pillow over his head in a futile attempt to block out the noise coming from his alarm clock.  It was his first day of college and after a long lazy summer break the last thing he wanted to do now was go back to studying.  He reached over groping his nightstand trying to turn the alarm off but failed because it was the new alarm clock he bought which was purposely hard to turn off so that would cause him to have to wake up in order to turn it off.

“Ah just shut up already!” Sungyeol shrieked in frustration throwing his pillow from his bed at his alarm clock.  

The alarm clock fell off the nightstand with a loud crash and the alarm immediately stopped soon after.  Sungyeol’s eyes shot wide open when he heard the sickeningly loud crash his alarm clock made when it contacted the floor and he immediately was out of bed crouching down next to it.  

“NOOOOO PLEASE DON’T BE DEAD! NOOOO YOU CAN’T BE DEAD I NEEEED YOOOOOOUUUU!” Sungyeol cried as he crouched down next to his, incase i didn’t mention this earlier, VERY EXPENSIVE alarm clock trying to check if it was broken.  

He sighed in relief when he discovered the only thing that had happened was that the clock had come unplugged and that the clock itself was still perfectly fine.  He turned his head when he heard his bedroom door suddenly opened and was greeted by his brother Sungjong standing there giving him a weird look.  

“Uh I just came to check to see if you were alright after I heard the crash and screams but seeing as everything looks okay I’ll just since I’m here tell you that I’m heading off for school now.  You better get ready for school soon too hyung or else you’ll be late for your first day of college~” Sungjong said as he turned and waved to his hyung as he left on his way.  

Sungyeol frowned as he plugged in his alarm clock but almost lost it when he saw what time the clock read.  

“OH NO I’M GOING TO BE LAAAAAAAATE!” he shrieked running out of his room to the bathroom to get ready for school.  

Sungyeol quickly got ready, and worrying more about being late than about his grumbling stomach, ran out the door.  It was a good thing that he only lived a fifteen minute walk (and as he discovered that day a eight minute run) away from his new college and he was able to make it to his first class with a good five minutes to spare.  He burst into his first class and made a beeline straight to his seat next to one of his best friends Dongwoo that he had saved for him and immediately faceplanted on the desk.  

“Great timing dude I thought you were going to be late to our first ever class on our first ever day of college here at Kyumin U,” Dongwoo said laughing at patting the exhausted Sungyeol on the back.  “You look horrible what happened this morning?”

Sungyeol lifted his head off of his desk, recalled the events of earlier that morning, and shook his head.  

“It’s a LONG story you have no idea,” he sighed putting his head back down to rest on his desk until class started.  

That didn’t last long however since less than a minute later the teacher burst through the door apologizing about being a few minutes late on the first day.  Sungyeol and Dongwoo’s first class dragged by since it was the first day and all the teacher did was explain the syllabus.  By the time the class ended the two and the rest of the class rushed out as quickly as they could, relieved that their first class was finally over.  The next class went by faster since the teacher took only half the class period to explain the syllabus and for the other half of the class allowed everyone to talk amongst themselves.  After that class ended the two went to the cafeteria where they met their other best friend Sunggyu.  Since Sunggyu was a sophomore they didn’t have any classes together so the three had a joyful reunion during lunch since it was the first time that day since all three of them were together.  

“So how are you two enjoying Kyumin U college life so far?” Sunggyu asked them once the three had bought their food and were seated at one of the tables in the cafeteria.  

“Hmm it’s okay so far the classes are just kinda boring since all the teachers are doing now is explaining the syllabi,” Sungyeol responded getting ready to dig into his food since he was starving due to the fact that he had to rush out that morning and skip breakfast.  

Dongwoo who had already started eating just nodded his head in agreement to Sungyeol’s statement and continued to stuff food into his face.  Suddenly the three of them jumped surprised when they heard a eruption of screaming from across the cafeteria near the entrance.  The three looked over to the entrance of the cafeteria and saw a huge mob of girls all screaming their heads off at whatever was in the middle of them.  They craned their necks further and saw a group of three boys exit out of the mob of girls and continue their way into the cafeteria.  

“Who the heck is that?” Sungyeol asked Sunggyu annoyed by all the screaming girls.  

Sunggyu being the president of the underclassmen student body of course knew the answer to Sungyeol’s question, since it was his job to know, and quickly filled him and Dongwoo in.  

“Those are three new freshmen who even though they just started her just like everyone else are already very well known and popular with the girls.  All three are known for being extremely rich, good looking, and for having that whole bad boy thing going on that for some reason girls seem to love,” Sunggyu explained rolling his eyes.  “The one on the left is Lee Howon but he likes to go by the name Hoya.  He’s known for his stoic personality and unlike the other two is actually very smart.  The one in the middle is Kim Myungsoo.  He’s the leader of the bunch and is known to be cold, arrogant, and cocky.  Also I can’t say he entered the school with the best academic record ever.  The last one is Nam Woohyun.  He’s known as a major flirt and playboy that loves to play with girls hearts.  He has...well average academics but I guess that’s giving him a lot of credit that he doesn’t deserve but I guess he’s slightly smarter than he looks considering the fact that he looks like a complete idiot.”

“Ah Nam Woohyun isn’t he the son of the family who owns the famous optometry clinic that rivals the one that your family owns hyung?!” Sungyeol exclaimed having swallowed and finished his food in the time that Sunggyu had been talking.  

“Yeah exactly that’s why I have to make sure to keep a special eye on that Nam Woohyun during his time here at Kyumin U,” Sunggyu said firmly nodding his head.  “But anyway that bunch is nothing but trouble so if you know what’s good for you you’d best stay as far away from them as you can.”  

Sungyeol looked closely examining the three boys.  It just so happened though that when he turned his eyes to look at Myungsoo that their eyes met.  Myungsoo smirked and winked at him and Sungyeol rolled his eyes scoffing and turning his attention back to Sunggyu.  

“You’re not going to have to worry a thing about me hyung.  Judging from what you told me I don’t think I’ll want to be near any of them at all for the rest of my time here at Kyumin U,” Sungyeol reassured him.  

Dongwoo however hadn’t heard a single thing Sunggyu had said and was too busy the whole time he had been talking staring with his mouth slightly open at Hoya.  

“Yah Jang Dongwoo are you listening to me!” Sunggyu exclaimed snapping Dongwoo out of his trance.  

“Hyung! Hyung! Who’s that! Who’s that! The on the left! Who is that?!?!?!” Dongwoo said shaking Sunggyu who immediately facepalmed.

“Obviously you weren’t just listening to what I said but anyway that’s Lee Howon but he prefers it if people call him Hoya,” Sunggyu explained again trying to have patience with his dongsaeng.  

“Wow hyung he’s the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen!” Dongwoo gushed getting that dreamy look in his eyes again.  

“Yah what did I just say before! Jang Dongwoo don’t you dare get involved with any of those three guys it will only lead to trouble and you will regret it,” Sunggyu scolded angrily.  

“Yeah yeah okay hyung don’t worry you worry too much it’s not good for your health Mr.Grandpa Gyu,” Dongwoo said lazily not taking his eyes off of Hoya as the group of three boys exited the cafeteria.  

Sunggyu was about to snap but took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose and calmed back down.  

“Anyway we should get going the freshman welcome ceremony is after lunch and you two promised me earlier that you would help set up,” Sunggyu said standing up and going to throw his rubbish away.  

“Aw I was hoping he forgot about that,” Sungyeol said under his breath as he stood up.  “Okay hyung we’re coming.  Come on lover boy let’s go.”

Sungyeol pulled the still daydreaming Dongwoo out of his chair and had to literally drag him out of the cafeteria to keep up with Sunggyu.  





Hello readers ^-^/ 

how was that first chapter? this is the first infinite fic i ever wrote so i'm a little nervous about it but i'll try my very best not to disappoint you all~

please let me know what you think~

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*UPDATE* I posted up the side oneshot that i promised a LONG time ago finally~ Go look for it it's called: "EH? MYUNGGYU? 0.0"


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khasabat #1
Chapter 31: Ahahaha i like when yeol confs to myung hahahaha
Woohyun brother and Hoya little sister, good job! Hahaha
Chapter 33: So freaking adorable!!! This whole story is just fluff!!!
myungyeolminkook #3
Chapter 33: Omg I seriously just "love" woohyuns brother >∆< ~laughing do hard~
Ohh nd I flipping love this story!!! My feels ^•^
Chapter 31: Omg this story was so cuute!!!! Kyaa~ yadong was the sweetest <3333 hehe and myungie the bad boy cheeseball kekekekeke. And woogyu was a bit angsty but i like that hehehe
Chapter 31: Oh my god! This is so sweet. Sungyeo's confession is kind of cute one! I love this fic <3 <3
lineth #6
Chapter 31: OMG I really love this story it was so interesting,I love it*_~
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 33: MYUNYEOL IS SO FULLY <3 <3
Oh and woohyun you greaseball :3 :3
Chapter 31: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE~~~ SO FLUFFY i really really really liked this story♥ it was sad that it ended tho :( and i also liked that u put suju members in this story , eunhae as president and vp of the dance club and kyuhyun as the math club's president xD ♥
Chapter 24: is the president and vp eunhae it's like itt as soon as he said "fishy"