Nostalgia And The Connection Of Love And Hate

Lovelost Elegy

©Team AiMai

AmeDrops X KuronekoBurijio

Lovelost Elegy

Disclaimer: We do not own Hey! Say! JUMP or Johnny & Associates. All events are entirely fictional.

Lovelost Elegy Chapter 6: Nostalgia And The Connection Of Love And Hate

Fuurin Aoi saw the two boys who are in front of her. She recognized the boy holding a dog’s leash as Ryutaro.

“Ah, Ryutaro-kun” she said with a smile.

The boy smiled at her.

“Ryutaro-kun, pets are not allowed inside the store.” Aoi said while looking at Mochi, Morimoto Fumiko’s dog.

“Is th-“ Ryutaro’s words were cut off when another girl burst from behind Aoi’s back.

“Don’t worry about it, Morimoto-sama. She didn’t know that you’re a regular.”

“Ah, thank you. It’s been a while, Fuurin-san. I heard that you passed the exam. Congratulations.” Ryutaro said calmly, smiling.

 “Tha-thank you.” Aoi replied stuttering.

Aoi noticed Ryutaro’s companion, Yuri. Yuri, however, only glared back. Ryutaro immediately felt the intimidating aura surrounding the two.

“Ah, Fuurin-san. This is my friend, Chinen Yuri. He was supposed to take the exam with us the other day but he didn’t make it.” Ryutaro introduced both of them.

Aoi’s eyes widened in dismay. She recognized Yuri immediately as the one whom she bumped with this morning.

“..... He reminds me of the stare of Izanami-senpai. Are they related? No, I’m pretty sure they’re not. Izanami-senpai is kind. This boy’s attitude is pure garbage!” Aoi muttered to herself on the inside while still staring at Yuri.

The two just stared at each other. Ryutaro was puzzled on how the two were acting.

“You were the idiot who bumped on me this morning. I almost got late because of you.” Yuri said calmly with his intense gaze still focused on Aoi.

“What? You didn’t even help me up! Is this how men act nowadays?!” She demanded with an irritated tone.

Annoyance was painted on Yuri’s face. Ryutaro saw this, down to the point that the situation will definitely turn out sour.

“Chii, why don’t you accompany me in buying some things?” he said while scurrying Yuri to the sweets section to distract him.

Yuri only grunted and continued to glare at Aoi. Ryutaro made a mad dash to the goods so that they can run away or his companion might go berserk. He is worried for Aoi, since she really did make Yuri blow his top. When he gets annoyed, that’s the end for the person involved. Before leaving the convenience store, he bowed apologetically to Aoi.

“Don’t mind him. This, well... Normally happens...” he assured Aoi.

The girl just nodded, too stunned to speak. The two boys left the store. She just stared at their backs. As soon as they were out of her sight, her co-worker nudged her.

“Aoi-chan, you’re lucky! I didn’t know that you knew those guys.” She said excitedly.

“Eh, are they really that famous?” Aoi asked in a confused tone.

“I can’t believe that you don’t know them well.” The girl said with disappointment.

“Who are they? I just knew Morimoto-kun because I took the exam with him.” Aoi asked.

“Well, they’re really famous, rich kids. They graduated from the Middle School Branch of the Kamikui Academy. Morimoto Ryutaro, well you knew him already I suppose. He’s the youngest child of the owners of the Morimoto Financial Insurance Company. It’s a powerful company besides the Inoo Financial Group. I heard that they would merge soon. I’m not that sure. The other one is Chinen Yuri. He’s a talent of JE. He’s a celebrity, for your information. I can’t believe that you don’t know him. He’s the heir of the Chinen Corporation. Morimoto-sama is not a celebrity but he could pass for one judging from his looks. He’s really handsome! And not to mention cool too! It also applies for Chinen Yuri, of course. ” Her co-worker explained.

“I see.” was all that Aoi could manage to say. She can’t believe that she encountered people who are really powerful. No wonder they could manipulate their schedules at the school and worst of all, she somehow made an enemy out of an heir of a big corporation.

“Guess I got myself into trouble again...” Aoi muttered to herself.

She went back to work with Chinen Yuri still on her mind. His intense gaze, his handsome features, his dream-like voice and his air of confidence never left her mind.

“The other one is Chinen Yuri. He’s a talent of JE. He’s a celebrity, for your information. I can’t believe that you don’t know him. He’s the heir of the Chinen Corporation.” Her co-worker’s words kept ringing in her mind. She should not have shouted on him. She’s really worried.

“... He would be studying at Kamikui, right?” she thought to herself.

She just sighed. It looks like her stay at Kamikui Academy would be not that easy with him. There is a possibility that he would make her days in school bad.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ryutaro was able to distract Yuri at the convenience store a while ago. He just sighed while walking home with Mochi on the lead. Yuri said that he will head back home earlier. He wanted to rest.

“... What would’ve happened if he’s not there?” he thought to himself.

As soon as he reached home, he saw his sister waiting by the gate.

“Hey, Ryu. Back so soon?” Fumiko greeted with a smile.

“I’m home, Fumi-nee” he replied.

Fumiko smiled again at him and went back to reading her book. Ryutaro noticed her sister’s eyes. They’re red. Ryutaro was suddenly filled with feelings of worry.

“Fumi-nee, did you cry?” He asked worriedly.

Fumiko stared at her with a puzzled look. She beamed again her gentle smile at Ryutaro.

“Not at all. Why do you say so?” she answered calmly without looking at him.

“Nothing... I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” He replied casually.

“Okay.” She answered.

Ryutaro knew very well that her sister is lying. He wondered why she was crying.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chinen Yuri was lying on his bed, staring at his room’s ceiling. He thought of all the things that happened earlier. He could still remember Aoi’s features. Her hair, her smile, her voice, her frown, he could remember everything.

“So, she would be studying at Kamikui?” he said to himself.

“As soon as I see her idiotic face in school, she’ll experience hell.” He said in a smirk.

He felt his phone vibrating. He got it and saw that their manager is calling.

“... Why would that woman call at this hour?” he wondered and pressed the button.

“Yuri, Johnny-san said that the three of you would judge those who will be auditioning.” The woman on the other line said.

He remembered that it was Thursday tomorrow, the day of his exam.

“I can’t. I have an exam.” He said with a blank tone.

“I see. I’ll just tell him. See you.” Then the line died.

He sighed and went back to his comfortable position a while ago.

“... I hope that no one would pass.” He smirked and sighed.

To be continued~



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Sorry for the late updates.... will be updating by the end of the week.


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Reia_Na #1
OMG,,it's so sad,,poor fumiko,she had lost her parent,, I hope Ryutaro still alive,,
ckossi #2
Wah~!!!! SOOOOOO SAD!!! I almost started crying. Inoo Kei was a jerk. His (ex)girlfriend was a nightmare. How did he even think he loved a girl like that when he saw her being horrid to his friends. That's disgusting. Poor Fumiko!!!
Reia_Na #3
Ganbatte Keito.. and author-san,, keep it up and update soon!!!!
Reia_Na #4
So funny that Burichan's sleeping at the inside of fridge's cooler,,hahaha XD
ckossi #5
Yay!!! Good Job Hikaru!!
Reia_Na #6
So sweeeeetttt!!!!!!!
ckossi #7
Aw! Good Luck Hikaru!
ckossi #8
Kei needs to dump her! How can he not see how evil she is or is he not willing to admit she is? Even though Kei is smart, he sure is being dumb.
janidra331 #9
i love reiko even if she is a spoiled brat she knows how to confront the
Reia_Na #10
Hahaha,, I can't imagine how's saeko's allergic face,, update soon please!!