Thesis of Despair

Lovelost Elegy


©Team AiMai

AmeDrops X KuronekoBurijio

Lovelost Elegy

Disclaimer: We do not own Hey! Say! JUMP or Johnny & Associates. All events are entirely fictional.

Lovelost Elegy Chapter 45: Thesis of Despair

For a week the student council room has been quiet, and none of them were planning to stop the silence and the gloom. Not even Kei could do a thing about it. Noriko and Hikaru stopped doing their usual lovey-dovey, and Noriko buried herself with schoolwork. The pets looked weary and tired as they only stood still while watching the raindrops pour down heavily.

Fumiko didn’t care about anything anymore as she stared at the three graves. Her parent’s bodies were just flown yesterday, and Fumiko wanted to do nothing more than to faint. Ryutaro’s body, too, wasn’t found. The third casket was only used as a mere shrine. Unbeknownst to Fumiko and the other spectators in the funeral, Kei and his mother was there.

The boy was on his way to walk towards Fumiko, but his mother stopped him. 

“You should give her some time alone, for now.” His mother said with a weary tone.

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“Fumi, please... Tell me what’s wrong. Your parent’s and brother’s death isn’t the only reason that  you’re sad, isn’t it?!” Izanami grabbed Fumiko’s arm as Fumiko only walked stoically to her chaperone.

“I don’t know.” Fumiko answered bluntly.

Fumiko motioned Izanami to get inside the car for a brief conversation, and minutes later, they were inside the Morimoto household. Izanami removed her shoes and followed Fumiko to her room.

 “When would you go back to school?” She asked.

“Monday.” Fumiko answered without looking at Izanami.

“I know what’s bothering you... It’s Kei, isn’t it?” Izanami told her silently. Fumiko, in anger, glared at Izanami and grabbed Kei’s photograph from her dresser. The enraged girl threw Kei’s photograph hard against the wall and smashed it’s glass. Izanami was taken aback by Fumiko’s actions.

“Yes! He’s that unthoughtful bastard, that’s who! I wish I’ve never met him, and I wish I’d never fall for this crap!” Fumiko screamed in her room while also crying.

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Aoi stared at the empty seat beside her sadly. She wasn’t used to an empty seat since Ryutaro would never be absent. Then again, she remembered that he was dead. Mieko arrived with an unusual gloomy mood.

“The whole school is mourning...” Mieko sighed and took her seat. Hitomi, on the other hand, had her usual uncomfortable aura.

“I wonder how Fumiko-senpai would handle it.” Aoi said with a worried tone.

“I don’t think Fumi-senpai can handle it, Aoichan... Her parents are dead, and so is her brother. She’s got no one else...” Mieko muttered silently.

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Keito sighed silently inside his room while he kept mindlessly strumming his guitar. The boy wasn’t in the mood for school since there’s nothing more to do except to grieve.

“You moron. Why did you leave...” Keito muttered to the photograph beside his table. A photograph of him and Ryutaro.

Keito blinked when he noticed Ryutaro’s smile, and grabbed the German dictionaries he purchased. The boy was getting ready to go to school.

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Fumiko took a seat on her desk and silently read the humongous pile of papers in front of her. Noriko and Hikaru stared at her with their tired eyes.

“Fumi, do you want to go home first?” Noriko asked.

Fumiko ignored her question and began signing the papers harshly as if she was really stressed. But she was really stressed. Student at Kamikui, Manager at Furyu, CEO at the Morimoto Finance.

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Izanami sighed and threw herself on the couch of the Student lounge when she suddenly caught sight of Kei with his hands burying his face.

“What the hell, Kei?” Izanami stood up and confronted him. Kei removed his hands from his face and looked at Izanami.

“I really can’t read the atmosphere inside the student council room...” He admitted.

“I mean, why aren’t you with your friend... I mean girlfriend.” She coughed.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He answered bluntly.

Izanami raised her eyebrows and touched Kei’s forehead.

“It’s either you’re sick or you’re mentally deranged.” She placed her hands on her hips.

“I broke up with her.”



A smile was formed on Izanami’s face. She clapped her hands with joy.

“Finally. Are you still planning on breaking your engagement with Fumi?” She asked while drinking her can of tea.


Izanami spurted out her drink. She couldn’t believe what Kei had just said.



Izanami turned around and muttered to herself happily.

“Why don’t you go back to the student council room so that you could be with her?” She suggested.

“She told me that she hates me on the phone.” Kei sighed weakly.

“Karma.” Izanami teased.

Kei glared at her.

“Whatever, Nami.” He uttered.

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Mitsuko looked like she was desperate to talk to Keito. He just arrived an hour ago, and he looked so tired, like an all-nighter.  The girl knew about the car accident nearby, and she never expected that the victim was Keito’s best friend. She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“A-are...—right?” She shook and tried her English.

Keito faced her and chuckled. The boy held Mitsuko’s hand and smiled weakly.

“Good try. Keep it up.” He said. Mitsuko smiled back at his remark and Keito patted her on the head.

“Danke.” (Thanks) He whispered to her.

To be continued~


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Sorry for the late updates.... will be updating by the end of the week.


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Reia_Na #1
OMG,,it's so sad,,poor fumiko,she had lost her parent,, I hope Ryutaro still alive,,
ckossi #2
Wah~!!!! SOOOOOO SAD!!! I almost started crying. Inoo Kei was a jerk. His (ex)girlfriend was a nightmare. How did he even think he loved a girl like that when he saw her being horrid to his friends. That's disgusting. Poor Fumiko!!!
Reia_Na #3
Ganbatte Keito.. and author-san,, keep it up and update soon!!!!
Reia_Na #4
So funny that Burichan's sleeping at the inside of fridge's cooler,,hahaha XD
ckossi #5
Yay!!! Good Job Hikaru!!
Reia_Na #6
So sweeeeetttt!!!!!!!
ckossi #7
Aw! Good Luck Hikaru!
ckossi #8
Kei needs to dump her! How can he not see how evil she is or is he not willing to admit she is? Even though Kei is smart, he sure is being dumb.
janidra331 #9
i love reiko even if she is a spoiled brat she knows how to confront the
Reia_Na #10
Hahaha,, I can't imagine how's saeko's allergic face,, update soon please!!