Ryosuke’s Pinch and the Perks of Growing Up

Lovelost Elegy

©Team AiMai

AmeDrops X KuronekoBurijio

Lovelost Elegy

Disclaimer: We do not own Hey! Say! JUMP or Johnny & Associates. All events are entirely fictional.

Lovelost Elegy Chapter 29: Ryosuke’s Pinch and the Perks of Growing Up

Ryosuke was sitting alone in a corner of the Furyu cafe, thinking of a certain bespectacled girl with such gloomy aura wrapped around her. He was looking at her during lunchtime, and now, he’s been thinking about her ever since. The boy decided to kill time and walked straight into Fumiko and Ryutaro’s office and pressed the buzzer.

Fumiko answered the door and greeted him, motioning him to get inside the office.

“Yama-chan, do you need anything?” Fumiko asked him while she too, took a seat across him. Ryosuke shook his head and fiddled instead with the scented candles. Fumiko stared at her underclassman.

“Do you have a problem?” She asked with a worried tone.

“I just want to ask for the name of the girl with glasses beside you during lunch.” Ryosuke said without looking at Fumiko. This made her smirk a bit.

“Can I ask why?” Fumiko turned at him.

Ryosuke didn’t answer and continued playing with the scented candle. Fumiko sighed.

“Her name is Ishihara Hitomi.” She answered.

Ryosuke looked at her.

“Are you interested in her?” She asked with a smile.

This made Ryosuke blush. He shook his head and excused himself.

“... This would be interesting.” Fumiko said to herself and continued on doing her work.

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Yuri woke up and saw Aoi’s mother smiling at them. They noticed their position and he immediately stood up. This made him blush. It’s really embarrassing for him. He bowed to her while the mother giggled at his reaction.

“You don’t have to, I don’t mind.” She smiled. They both watched as Aoi lay on the couch, snoring lightly.

“Chinen-kun, why don’t you come over here and chat with me while that girl is still sleeping?” She motioned. Yuri nodded and walked towards Fuurin Rina.

“... Excuse me, but do you know me?” Yuri asked her. Rina smiled and nodded to herself.

“I saw you on TV.”

Yuri scratched his head uneasily and turned to Aoi. He and her mother soon chatted about things and Aoi, eventually becoming closer.

“I’ll visit you sometimes.” He said to her.

“I would be happy if you do.” She patted his hand.

“Take care of my daughter.” She requested silently.

Aoi woke up from her slumber to find her body covered with Yuri’s blazer. She yawned and turned to Rina and Yuri.

 “Why don’t you two go home already? It’s already morning. You should eat.” Rina advised them as she checked the time.

They looked at each other. They bade good-bye to Rina and Yuri requested that Aoi ride his chaperone on the way home, but first, breakfast of course.

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Yuri brought her to Furyu Cafe to eat breakfast. Like her first reaction to Kamikui Academy, Aoi was wowed to the ambiance and classy appearance of the said cafe.

“This belongs to Fumi-senpai. She manages this herself. Pretty neat, huh? Most of our friends go here to loiter and stuff...” Yuri told her. They went up to the lounge and saw Ryutaro upstairs staring outside the glass window.

“Ryu!” Yuri called him.

Ryutaro turned to them and noticed that they were still in their uniform.

“Hey guys, where’ve you been?” Ryutaro asked.

“Hospital.” They said in unison.

Ryutaro giggled and called for a waiter.

“See ya around guys, big sis needs me.” Ryutaro waved at them and smiled. The two waved back before getting their orders.

 “I like your mother. She’s very kind.” Yuri complemented Aoi.

“You talked to her?” Aoi asked.

“Yeah, when you are still snoring.” He .

“I snore?” Aoi frowned, blushing.

Yuri laughed at her, and they ate while talking. After eating their hearty breakfast, Yuri grabbed Aoi’s hands.

“Stay at my house for the day...” He pleaded. Aoi crossed her arms in annoyance.

“What? You kidding me?! Why?!” She demanded, blushing.

“I need a companion. Besides, it’s just the two of us...”  He pressed her. Aoi sighed and nodded. This made Yuri smile with triumph. But the girl insisted that they drop by her house to get her set of clothes. Yuri waited in the living room, checking the house’s comfortable aura that his mansion seldom had. Minutes later, Aoi came out carrying a tote bag containing her clothes. Yuri smiled at her and offered to carry her bag, much to Aoi’s surprise.

“I think I do like you, Chinen Yuri. I guess you are a gentleman after all...” Aoi giggled to herself.

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As soon as they arrived at Yuri’s mansion, they did nothing interesting. Yuri lied down on his bed and pretty soon, he went slumbering about. Aoi looked at the pictures by his dresser and saw a photo of his parents.

 “They’re always abroad.” He sighed, suddenly waking up from his sleep. Aoi looked at her shoes uncomfortably as she pitied Yuri a little. Yuri went back to his slumber and Aoi checked out more of his pictures.

She saw a picture of him with Yuto, Ryosuke, Ryutaro, and Keito in kiddie gym shorts. Sure enough, what turned out cute grew out to become handsome young lads. Aoi laughed a bit and felt drowsiness in her body lulling her to sleep on the couch next to Yuri’s bed.  She lied down on the sofa, drifting into a comfortable sleep. Aoi didn’t notice Yuri staring at her as she slept.

“Let me love you...” Yuri muttered, kissing her forehead and admiring her beauty in the moonlight.  

To be continued~


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Sorry for the late updates.... will be updating by the end of the week.


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Reia_Na #1
OMG,,it's so sad,,poor fumiko,she had lost her parent,, I hope Ryutaro still alive,,
ckossi #2
Wah~!!!! SOOOOOO SAD!!! I almost started crying. Inoo Kei was a jerk. His (ex)girlfriend was a nightmare. How did he even think he loved a girl like that when he saw her being horrid to his friends. That's disgusting. Poor Fumiko!!!
Reia_Na #3
Ganbatte Keito.. and author-san,, keep it up and update soon!!!!
Reia_Na #4
So funny that Burichan's sleeping at the inside of fridge's cooler,,hahaha XD
ckossi #5
Yay!!! Good Job Hikaru!!
Reia_Na #6
So sweeeeetttt!!!!!!!
ckossi #7
Aw! Good Luck Hikaru!
ckossi #8
Kei needs to dump her! How can he not see how evil she is or is he not willing to admit she is? Even though Kei is smart, he sure is being dumb.
janidra331 #9
i love reiko even if she is a spoiled brat she knows how to confront the
Reia_Na #10
Hahaha,, I can't imagine how's saeko's allergic face,, update soon please!!