Waking These Guys Up Is Such A Drag!

SHINee Comeback
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Night time fell as soon as it hit 8:00pm.

“Why are we going to their at night time?” Mika asked as she put on her sneakers.

“Because,” Taemin said as he put on his. “It’s the best time ever. Trust me” he said with his usual charming smile.

“Taemin, can I please open my eyes now?” Mika asked along the way.

“Just a few more steps” said Taemin as he led Mika.

“Ok,” he said. Mika opened her eyes to the most beautiful park she’s ever seen.

There were flowers. Everywhere. Pink, blue, purple of all colors. The best part was the beautiful lake that glistened under the moonlight & the lights that were hung up on the trees.

“Now I know why wanted to come here at night time” Mika said.

“Pretty cool huh?” Taemin asked.

“Very” Mika smiled. “This has probably been the most beautiful places I’ve ever been too”

“Yea… me too. It’s called Dream Forest” Taemin said looking up at the dark night sky filled with stars.

“I’ve never experienced this kind of stuff” said Mika.

“Really? Why?” Taemin asked as the two of them sat on the park bench under one of the brightly lit up trees.

“My mom is just so busy. She never has time to bring me to this kind of place or anything. Even though I live with my sister, it just feels the same”
said Mika.

“What about your dad?” Taemin asked as he looked at her with his deep dark eyes.

“Well, my parents divorced. I see my dad sometimes. But of course he’s busy with his life” said Mika.

“I guess I kinda grew up feeling… alone” Mika sigh.

“That’s why you were upset when your mom sent you to live with your sister. Because you thought that everything was gonna be the same” said

“I did” said Mika. “It felt like everything was just gonna repeat & be the same. But… not anymore” Mika smiled as she turned to look at Taemin.

Taemin smiled brightly, showing his perfect teeth. But find it awkward as he accidentally touched Mika’s hand & quickly pulled it back.

A few days passed, & it was the day of the concert. Mika let go all of her shyness that she had before & became confident as she sang on stage. After the concert, they even had dinner as congratulations to Mika for having her first tour.

“You were awesome Mika!” Key said later on.

“Thanks” Mika smiled.

“Boys,” Jennifer Woo called out.

“Tomorrow, don’t forget to wake up early. I’ve arranged an interview for your guys live with Lily Jensen” she said.

“Wow, Lily Jensen? She’s like the most popular TV host. Me & my sister watch her all the time” said Mika.

“Lucky for you, you’re gonna be on it too” smiled Jennifer.

“What?” Mika asked. “Lily Jensen wants all of you to be there. Including you Mika. Because you’re considered a part of SHINee now” she said as
she left.

“I am?” Mika asked herself.

“See Mika? Now you’re officially the first ever SHINee girl!” smiled Onew.

Mika smiled, happy to know that she was a part of something that she loves.

Morning came early the next day. Mika’s alarm clock was set at 8:30am. She washed her face, brushed her teeth & got dressed. Wearing something extra special for that day, for her first ever interview on television.

“Hmm… pink? Or red?” Mika thought of the color combination's for her outfit.

Mika ended up wearing black tank top & a red jacket on top. With black jeans & boots. Not forgetting her necklace of course.
As soon as Mika was ready, Mika just took of her hair tie & brushed her hair as it left a little wave in her hair.

Mika went down to the kitchen to set up breakfast, but to find that the house was silent. No one had woken up yet except for Mika.
She was curious & went over to check on the guys. Only to find that it was already 9:15am & none of them had woken up yet.

Mika went over to wake them up quickly because the interview was at 10:20am, & they were going to be late.
Firstly, Mika went to wake up Onew who was still asleep under the covers.
She knew that the guys were gonna be in trouble if they came late.

“Onew,” Mika whispered.

But Onew just kept on snoring.

“Dubu, wake up” Mika called again in a normal voice this time.

“Yo! Lee Jinki!,” Mika’s voice grew on getting louder.

“ONEW!!!!!!!!!” Mika screamed at the top of her lungs.

“W-What?!” Onew woke up with a start.

“Wake up sleeping beauty! You’re gonna be late for the interview!” Mika reminded him.

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OH GAHD. ANGIE. LOL. Good times ;u;
Rockin736 #2
She is so goin To freak out. Or is she? Why doesn't she know about them in the first place?
Flaming-girl09 #3
Angie is so going to freak out when she finds out who those 15 men are... XDDDD
Sooyong #4
nice story unnie. . .update soon. .
Waaaaah! Love it!!!
Seoblove #6
Unnie I really want you to update!
RebeccaAlice #7
Unnie!!! Why? Please update!!
Awww.... Unnie.. Why?????
choiminhosunsun #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YAH!!!! y do u do this to me!!!!????? <br />
saranghae though. i love ur stories too. <br />
continue? i mean. some time in the future? not just leave it!!???? waaa!~
Seoblove #10
Do continue with this story please! I really love this story so much! For the first time in my life, I like Taemin a lot! Hehehehe! And I love your writing!